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Posts posted by desu.2514

  1. played it for a fair amount of time now in wvw, roaming is meh  vastly under powered in comparison to other new and old specs. and in bigger fights its completely useless. as 99% of people said in beta everything is projectile, damage numbers on dagger are low, cast time on shatters ruins rotations and bursts. also damage numbers on utility skill rain of swords, that is the exact same as the necro well but does 1/2 the damage so go figure.


    traits still not working/integrated into virt, dagger should work like necro axe aka not projectile, fix numbers on dagger, utility, elite, (elite is a joke lets use a 60s cd to do 600dmg and have enemy take 1 step to the side to avoid the rest), adjust the skill 1 on all weapons to account for not having clones attacking. oh and give us the dagger off hand and no cheat us with lazy half a weapon set for a third time.

    honestly i enjoy the idea but cant help feeling cheated for money on a bunch of elites that are janky. poor form anet, poor form. if i could get a refund i would. i mean 1s bleed on crit is joke worthy and the new f4 may aswell not exist as it fails at both defensive and offensive capabilities.


    quick fyi to the only reason it was playable in beta just to remind you, was that sharpening sorrow was bugged and gave 100% expertise. so far from what iv played and people i know have played plus read over the forums etc its worse than the other mesmer specs in spvp ,wvw, and pve so yea why even release it. you may as well have just added a icon of a potato in place of virt elite spot and named each trait ha ha ha in its current state

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  2. played mes for over 9 years, tbh i love playing virt i think its fun and quite smooth. this being said it has a fair dincum amount of flaws and is lacking quite a lot in comparison to most the other new elites in wvw. wont speak on pve/spvp as i dont often venture into those areas. for instance all sword skills need to be blades and focus 5 should be a blade. the 1second bleed. i mean come on 1 second! it should be the same as sharper images. and speaking of sharper images this trait needs compensation for no longer having clones by as a minimum making shatters that use blades or blade skills proc sharper images. the list goes on xD many bugs and overlooks that need ironing out for it to be brought upto speed

    the new f4 is hot garbage also, top way to break stealth. would be better off not increasing duration but striking x times per second where x is the number of blades you used to cast, no longer a channeled skill.

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  3. On 1/3/2022 at 4:01 AM, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    I don't recall any class at the moment that has low sustain that excels in PvP and in WvW (roaming). 

    i would agree for the most part because its easy to take a high sustain build and be able to make many mistakes compared to a low sustain and get 1 mistake, just dont tank with your face and land the skills and interrupts. something being hard doesn't make it suck, just more rewarding to do well with.

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  4. i cant say anything for pve, but virt was pretty decent in pvp and wvw if you play to the strengths the traits gave you going high precision condi or high precision glass hybrid. OP no, in need of bug fixes and QoL improvements on skills, definitely. will need to see the full release to make a proper judgement. but i can say i enjoyed it, it has its issues, utility skills need a huge buff, aka one is basically a carbon copy of the necro damage well but deals half the damage with the same stats? whats that about anet?  mainly it needs either cast times on shatters being removed or severely reduced maybe 1/4 second, 1/4 is a huge hit already compared to instant cast, or the after cast animations being sped up. and the ulti is total trash and needs a rework, basically a useless skill in pvp/wvw deals less damage than a single lava font from a ele and had a 60 second cd to boot.  sword leap is also very unreliable and usually just goes nowhere, clips terrain or even does funky stuff with no real explanation.


    should be nice to play with all the kinks worked out though, very bursty, low sustain,  just change the ult skill to something else and we have ourselves a great spec. and tbh i didn't like virt at first it took me a good few days of playing to find its place and strengths. wouldn't complain at a faster projectile speed on dagger though


    #change the ult! it feels more like a run of the mill utility skill than an ult

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  5. the beta should stop indeed. they already have enough game breaking issues to fix, if they cant even place players correctly, its just a bunch of people walking around aimlessly or standing in keep as they have been misplaced, servers are either dead or overpopulated, and a mountain of annoying bugs. there is no value to any extra length in  this beta. end it, fix what they have found, try again in a week or 2 for a few hours and repeat the process.


    alliance don't currently and wont in the long run solve anything anyhow, other than killing of the remaining player base ofc so they don't haft to worry about WvW at all anymore

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  6. there is a point to make with overly flashy choreographed skill's being to easy to dodge, one concern i have is the hugely obvious skill animation plus cast time on blade-songs but i will agree that it will require more play to really figure out if its a issue. the main one is how the entire kit is projectile, and relatively slow moving, that will be an issue especially with the complete lack of unblockable. once again its somewhat subject to meta, but it does mean 1200 range is just a number and in actuality the usable range is more in the 600-900 ballpark and skill 2/3 are much closer, melee - 600 and provide no utility aka no block, ranging tools aka movement or cc. once again not game ending but its adding to the issues.

    traits as has been said, first tier aegis on bladesong and 7% damage under 600 isnt too bad. but 1 second of bleed on crit is pathetic serving no purpose or practical use for condi, its simply too short of a duration and locked into crit capping, its such a low damage that ferocity provides more damage.

    minor 2, vuln on crit with blades, steps on dom tree's toes a little but that's ok for a minor but realistically could of just been part of dagger's skills anyhow.

    tier 2 - duelist reversal, not bad for wvw/pvp but useless in pve, the other 2 phant launch a blade and grant fury when they complete their attack. sounds good until you realize it does 100 damage and requires them to complete their attack, not be dodged, not reflected or blocked, fury is in abundance, and lol 100 dmg? and then fury gives expertise for a spec with no use of expertise as it simply lacks the kit for it, no clones to apply condi, no tank ability to out sustain, no mobility offered to kite, no cc or slowing effects offered to kite, etc etc. poorly thought out.

    minor 3 - best trait in virt

    tier 3 - all need reworking, provide very little for virt or any mesmer. compare them to any GM trait on any line and they are laughable, they are essentially clone gen, but since we no longer have clones that can be killed our need to excess clone gen is made redundant, these should be master tier at most. if not outright replaced.


    the list can go on, its never been an issue with what they want virt to be, the issue is with the design being implemented without due thought to the mechanics of mesmer. its taken a oh this is cool approach and skipped the but does it work and is it effective steps. which leaves the option of balancing by numbers that will end up as leave a skill useless or have it so OP in raw damage that it requires nerfing to once be useless again





  7. 4 hours ago, Krysard.1364 said:

    All while removing visual clutter

    have you seen the new shatters and skill animations? I'm under the belief they balanced virt on the understanding the enemy is permanently blind irl 😅🤣 far more clutter than clones that stand around and do non shiny 111 or barely viable shatters. clones are only visual clutter for those who are directionally challenged and unable to tell the difference between AI w move and a player that runs in all directions.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    ... and I guess your grand solution is just to say anything that fits your narrative and complain until you get what you like? OK ... seems that one way is MUCH more effective than the other. You be you I guess. 

    and saying anet is asking for feedback is my narrative? or anets? remind me what just went live, oh yea the beta for more spec tests

  9. 4 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    We don't need to be, it will work itself out naturally because if it's crap and no one plays it, the numbers fall below what Anet finds acceptable, they will do something about that. If it doesn't play how they want , they will do something about that. 

    You did the right thing actually ... if the class doesn't work how you like, choose something else. If enough people do that, there will be changes. 

    so your grand solution is to just ignore an issue and let it manifest defeating the actual objective of beta, FYI that is to bring these issues to light and solve them before release. instead of raise the issue so they can solve it before release?


    as for WVW yes there is a chrono spec for it. and it exists solely for gravity well, and temporal curtain, sometimes veil. everything else from any spec of mesmer is categorically useless when compared to other classes in wvw and to even get value you are hard required to have other players carry the strips to actually enable you to use those skill's.


    the real sad part is it never used to be so bad, you could do decent damage previously, you had traits that allowed build diversity and was impactful when played well aka mistrust was exceptional when in the right hands, CI was exceptional in the right hands, lots of previous builds that have all been removed or nerfed to oblivion. so much so your usually hard pressed to even actually procure the conditions required to activate your own traits.


    honestly speaking, yes your argument is damaging to a beta because you offer absolutely no reasoning, theory, or proof to any point other than "its fine" "it will work out". its fine or it will work out is not feedback, feedback is X seem strong but Y seems weak because of Z etc etc. now when you compare the two which reply can devs make use of to improve the games quality? "erm? its ok" or "the actual feedback"


    because it seems to me your white knighting a position contradictory to when anet wants and needs. they released a beta to get feedback and identify the good and bad on their current iterations of classes, NOT to have derpina get hissy troll posting people in the feedback topics doing exactly what they want, aka giving feedback with varying levels of logic and reason




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  10. if u read it properly im not talking about what the spec wants or should be, im talking about making sure its viable when released in things other than the silverwastes. if u actually go look at the mechanincs/traits currently on it and say its actually be thought about and not just given 2 minutes of attention then said erm yea next then well your clearly missing the point. the only devs who put any sort of effort or thought into virt are the artist's because it is super pretty

  11. the real issue is, listen to the rando's who find the local moa a challenge and they dissatisfy a large portion of the playerbase. instead of listen to players that actually understand things and fix it and then everybody happy. besides the ones who say oh yes its amazing its fine will be the ones to switch off it after a week when they realize there just dying all the time and its easier to let minions kill everything or go back to non virt and have clones take the agro of pve openworld mobs.


    lets be blunt and honest. do you take advice from a person who says they find the topic you talking about is confising? or one who understands it and can give valid reasons why..

    in the same light, you don't take advice about mesmer from people who don't understand mesmer and somehow find "clone" confusing. because simply put their opinion's past either enjoying or not enjoying it are completely invalid and useless. its good they enjoy it, and they should continue to be able to do so. but it by no means its ok or even acceptable to use that as a excuse to shaft an elite for all content outside of farming silverwastes...... leaving it with a majority of useless traits, underwhelming utilities, botched f4 and a new dagger that's kitten.


    virt needs work, and a fair amount of it due to rookie mistakes that wouldn't happen if the dev's actually understand the game they make.

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  12. alacrity was the chrono class mechanic. then it got made into a boon and given to everyone. change to f1 is objectively worse with the exception of support builds boon stripping, no distortion aka removal of the best defensive mes skill, all's well that ends well? requires well's that are useless when compared to necro, also mantras loosing cast time component basically shafted mantras with no compensation to give that power back in any way shape or form, calamity can be acceptable in a zerg but then again who plays damage mes in a zerg and actually contributes these days as 90% of your kit is made redundant in zerg fights for damage. well's compared to necro, necro is 1/4 cast time mes is 3/4. precog well was good originally and was awesome plus impactful, not it may as well not exist. as far as giving boons good luck with that. traits are mediocre but not completely dead. boon share should come back via signet, but to avoid the degenerate  perma all the boons should apply a debuff causing further signet shares to not be able to target that player for the duration.


    mirage one dodge is a joke, and was acceptable for a temp fix. just give it 2 dodges and have it no longer able to dodge while stunned, also return the dodge to super speed or have a unique buff making the mes unable have movement speed reduced below 100% unless immobilized. i mean look at the new rev, 1 dodge but given a truck load of endurance regen to componsate. miage? nah nothing, nada


    phantasms shouldn't have the initial cast effect, instead should be immune to all damage and cc and the cast should be unable to be dodged. how can someone dodge or be immune to you summoning a entity? you should dodge/block/immune etc the phantasm attack. as it stands you get 2 chances to dodge a single skill that can also be countered by damage and cc, having them work as a normal attack/skill would be beneficial for balance in all game modes and partly solve some issues in mesmers design.


    an option to make clones useful in wvw, something like swap phantasmal quickness haste with malicious sorcery putting scepter train in master in line with other weapon traits, remove phantasmal hast and replace it with new GM. clones now spawn around the mesmer mimicking their movement (the the clones are always following you aka one to your left right and behind) and no longer attack on their own but provide a buff for each active clone, shattered clones gain distortion.


    what many who don't main Mesmer fail to realize is how much of the mesmer kit simply does not function in a large portion of situations. imagine necro/war/thief if you lost life force/adrenaline/initiative for getting hit while not in shroud.

    also virtuoso is a mess albeit a very pretty mess, with all that projectile its  making focus trait mandatory to attack in wvw so you can reflect your own reflected attacks xD and lets compare some damage, with the same stats, well of suffering 1/4 cast, 3850 damage, 4 vuln pulses and unblockable. rain of swords - 3/4 cast,  2350 damage, 3 vuln pulses. only difference is suffering is 30s cd and swords is 25s and 1200 range over 900. and sword of decimation? well that hits for less damage than a wet tissue.


    fyi, chrono does not get superspeed it can give shattered clone superspeed, chaos can give manipulations superspeed though

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  13. Hell as far as balance goes between core and elites you should of just made a core trait line and force players to choose one of the now 3 class lines plus 2 from the ones we already have outside of elite. You can then add or subtract % bonus or nerf to each of the 3 specs in damage/condi to make balance easier across all modes.

  14. Downed is downed when u have skills. Defeated is dead and can’t be rezzed in combat already, only after combat ends so it would be the same as it is now only making team play a lot more annoying eg you and few Guildies go on a roam few die in a fight but Now your split and ppl get bored of re running as it’s a punishment for winning as a team?

    It would make gvg very tedious, group roaming tedious and make the game into a constant cardio simulator.

    I understand what u mean with Resurrecting completely down players but it’s a very small chance of that actually happening due to the mechanics already implemented, simply putting rezzing player who was out of combat into combat drastically slows the process while they are a sitting duck. And being forced to re run all the way from spawn every single time you die but win as a team or die to an accident (we’ve all forgot to dismount before jumping at least once xD) will become very old very quick and be far too disruptive the game mode outside of solo roamers who wvw isn’t really designed for.

  15. My solution for stealth would be to have after being stealth or invis for 3 seconds you gain a debuff causing any skill to reveal you at the start of its cast and also players within 200? (Somewhere just outside of melee) to be able to see you. Would give that 1/4 second to react while not stopping stealth blasting for groups ect or removing the viability of using stealth to escape from melee as you have 3 second grace period to escape melee range

  16. Just re read them and yea, still gonna kill the game. Build diversity gone, play style options gone, wvw already bias to the bigger group. Lower spike mean harder to kill bigger group so now useless to do anything but blob. The longer ttk and Cooldown mean this will now turn into a extended lagfest of 1111 condi meta.

    In truth you have made an effort but completely missed the mark on what should of been done. I’m actually ashamed that this is the “big patch” you have hyped up. It’s weak. We asked you to rope in some over preforming elites. Fix some mechanics to make them smooth to play, and add appropriate tells to certain skill.

    What you did was further separate the community between pve and pvp/wvw by changing cooldowns, introduce the meta that everyone hated and caused a substantial portion of players to leave, introduce changes without actually considering the impact, example support chrono wvw, sceptre to 1 clone and quickness on shatter down to 1 second. This mean u nerf the quickness sharing from 2x2 + concentration to 1 + concentration.

    I’m pretty sure there won’t be much community left soon if you release in this state. Far far to many oversights.

    Stop bringing a chainsaw to the operating table when u need a scalpel

    The game is supposed to be fast, rewarding, punishing. 300 second cooldowns? No boon duration on the necessary boons, no damage cc skills. All of you changes ignore the principles of the what the game is based on.

    So now all we will get is a spam fest of cc as no stab duration. ( I know your supposed to be a new balance team so look at the history, you changed stab from perma to stacks. Everyone hated it as stab was useless and lasted second due to no cd on removal when blocking cc) you added icd to stop it being stripped insta. You change to stab duration puts us into this same situation. People will hate it

    Condi meta, people hated it

    build diversity, you always say you adore and encourage build diversity. This change outright deletes that.

    Class diversity. This will be going too, classes that already underperformed compared to those that over performed all got hit with nerds too, so no actual balancing was done. U just make classes that have poor raid performance co considerably worse. And out of those any of them with weak raid condi have now been made useless.

    Some people seem happy in hopes of future fixes, let’s be honest alliances was soon! And that was how many years ago. And future fixes of this quality? With little Insight and no consideration for how classes work, by making longer cool-downs promoting skill 1 spam. Giving pve patch notes looking interesting and ruining the wvw/pvp ones and more importantly introduction pvp changes into wvw. The 2 modes are different don’t mix the patch notes for them EVER, wvw is not based around duelling and roaming fights. It’s larger group fight. Pvp changes do not fit well

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