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Posts posted by TheIceman.1039

  1. I think the solution is to make future tiers based on kdr (kill death rate). Currently they are based on 90% ppt base which is easy to manipulate and so we have a situation where certain stronger groups avoid each other in order to hunt the weaker ones. And it is extremely unfair to those who start the game. I hope that the new system places only those players / guilds with the highest kdr rank in tier 1 & 2. With no way to escape downwards. (They have to earn their kdr by fighting an opponent who is their own level, this is how it is in most games.) Abandon ppt based tiers. This would create an opportunity for the lower tiers to be less active, beginners, casuals and ppt lovers. It would be a fairer system for beginners, more motivating to start pine wvw. And also for those who have reached a higher skill level, they also get more challenges.

  2. On 5/27/2024 at 8:57 PM, bq pd.2148 said:

    we are not allowed to discuss actual exploits on the forum.

    so for what can be done:

    • sniffing will not show currently stealthed targets or ones out of your range
    • killing t3 lord is also not a problem and one does not need to take damage from a slowly hitting melee opponent - ever fought a reaper? kind of like that.
    • if at any point inner was also open, a thief might have snug inside and either hid or kept up a portal. keep in mind this is especially difficult in alpine bay because if you go for a swim you lose the portal unless you stay 100% at the surface, but given how transitions to water work that is not too reliable . you can also jump with a mount over the water to the docks at the south side.  otherwise you are limited to the inner island of bay, which is not much if you have one or multiple people trying to get you out.

    ofc there could also be exploits to get inside, but they are not to be discussed publicly.

    We not allow discuss, devs not allow set some more hidden walls also i guess..

  3. 7 hours ago, ShadowInTheVoid.9183 said:

    There could be instanced maps where enemy NPCs automaticly balance team sizes.

    There would be predicable attacks/defence of structures . Some like camps could still be soloable however for bigger structures would requre squad coordination.

    No roaming players relying on stealth, shadowsteping, hit and run tactics or generally unfun tactics that rely on killing you before you notice them. Far less deaths unexpected deaths leading you to need to travel the full length of the map to get back to where you was. No having to deal with other players using bot assists or hacks or having spies on your side tell the other teams where you are and lead you into ambushes.

    It would be far easyer to balance and generally more fun and give players an alternative way to get WvW rewards like Gifts of Battle without having to punish them having to deal with other players and all the toxic stuff that goes with that.


    U have drizzle map

  4. On 5/21/2024 at 3:29 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:
    On 5/21/2024 at 3:29 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    It's basically dooms day for all the Randoms who never committed to their server. 

    If you don't want to part of a community in a Gamemode that's all about community, you simply have to live with the consequences. 




    I don't agree with that. In most cases, the representatives of the big guilds try to scare those who are soloers, that if they don't join somewhere (or with them), it will be the end of the world for them. No it is not! It all depends on how active you are in wvw. Anet plan was to place everyone in better tiers (new matches) depending on how active someone is wvw. I hope this plan will stick. (And  should definitely make future tiers purely KDR-based as well.) https://prnt.sc/gVp7yZeW8aRi   Idea about WR future.   

    It's quite strange to see someone talking about a server community. Server communities have been dead for years. In every game there are people who prefer to play alone. However, this does not mean that they cannot be excellent scouts or roamers.

    This is actually doomsday for anyone who thinks they can push everyone into mega guilds. Before it was somewhat possible because - full servers and in some servers only 2-3 very big guilds. (Who could only run for 2 hours every day and the server was dead during the rest of the day.).   The players had no choice.  Now they will have many, many choices and can always change the choice.

    • Like 1
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  5. 19 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    I am wondering if this has been brought up before... why are the jumping puzzle and random caps in EoTM included in the weekly? It is not a top priority to change this but it is still baffling. PvErs would more likely choose PvE as a weekly and WvW players are not going to be doing jumping puzzles unless they are desperate for 50 Astral Acclaim over the other 6 weekly vault objectives you need to complete a weekly.

    To be more detailed I am referencing the following:

    • Capture 5 World vs. World objectives in the Edge of the Mists
    • Complete the Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle in the Obsidian Sanctum Map
    • Complete the Emerald Sanctum or Sapphire Sanctum Jumping Puzzle


    Eotm ones is easy, just take over 5 supply generators. Can be done solo. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Fairly sure no one has played with alliances since they never existed beyond the concept (or at best, prototype code but going by the fact we've only seen GUI mockups... I say no).  I would still argue that for practical purposes, they are identical to guilds. Especially since Anet never went into the management of them beyond creation. 

    We have only seen a graphic idea of what a real Alliance between Guilds should be like. But there are difficulties in how to do it. Their idea was to make the so-called Alliance between Guilds run by one person, or the initiator. I think this approach is wrong. They should try to create something where one Guild sends another an invitation to join a Alliance. And if the other Guild accepts the invitation, they go to the next match together. The number of members can be determined in advance by both parties. It doesn't need to be micromanaged by Anet.

  7. 20 hours ago, Cameo.4073 said:

    Because there are multi guilds per player, now up to 6 (and some players have friends across multiple WvW guilds)

    The guild leader needs to be able to see how many members are actually going to be assigned to that WvW server during that week.   Will the World assignments be based on the guild total population or the guild population that selects to be with that guild in WvW? Guild leaders might have to make hard and unpopular choices to staff their rosters.

    If a player does WvW with multiple guilds can there be a primary and a secondary (assuming those guilds are not against each other)? If guild 1 is in world A and guild 2 is in world C could they have both marked so that they can WvW with guild 1 on weekdays and guild 2 on weekends?

    Thank you for your consideration.

    https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu If they delete the old servers completely, this page should identify who is in which match. At the moment it is the best tool to understand who is on which server. (I have seen that in some guilds the rank name is "unknown server" which illustrates the ignorance of the leader.

  8. Relinking the current servers seems like an attempt to merge servers from different time zones to improve each other. It seems to have succeeded for the most part. But some NA servers should be alone.

    • Like 1
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  9. On 3/2/2024 at 9:16 AM, ChainMain.2437 said:


    Basically, it involves introducing three new "skirmish territories" that are restricted to 2 teams only (red/blue, blue/green, red/green) these would contribute less to the overall scores but still be strategically significant and also provide scope for fight commanders to arrange zerg fights without capping or lagging the main battlegrounds.

    Feel free to pick this apart as I'm pretty sure there are things I've not thought of.

    I'm guessing that the load-balancer cant cope with bursts of traffic with 50v50v50 squads, so this would kind of insert an implicit load balancer into the mix and relieve some of the bottlenecks.

    I've been thinking about it for a while, wondering why they just don't add more maps/servers to ease the load but if you think about it on a Meta level, it doesn't make sense. 
    Currently we each have a home to defend and a big shiny to capture in the in the middle. 
    That is the strategic meta so having 2 homes wouldn't make sense and would probably cause more imbalance. 
    The introduction of the skirmish territories would create an overflow mechanism population wise and spread the load from a network topology perspective but its important that these skirmish territories are less important than the other objectives and are restricted to two teams rather than three so as not to upset that strategic meta.

    It's time to consider bringing back the original servers and ending the relinking system. The World vs. World (WvW) population has increased significantly, resulting in constant queues for EBG. Players are hesitant to leave EBG due to concerns about long queue times to re-enter, which is also contributing to an increase in wall running. Bringing back the original servers or ending the relinking system could help alleviate these issues and improve the overall WvW experience.

  10. On 3/20/2024 at 2:13 AM, oatsnjuices.1698 said:

    Well, im attached to mag and there is a 100 que for ebg. I'd love to see alliances, but i cant sit in a 2 hour que for content when the boarder lands have no real content. Guess that is it for me until a relink, or a change. Im trying real hard to be a casual, but its becoming too much work.

    Just finished red border defence run, had alot content.  



  11. 20 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Scouting is a very important job, and also an easy job.

    If you want your team to respond faster then you need 3 pieces of information.

    1. HOW MANY - Use an average if it's too much to count, if it's orange swords it's 25+, in which case you can say a zerg, if it gets to 40+ it's a blob. This is the most important piece of information for your team to respond appropriately, whether we need to send some roamers to a camp, or a zerg to a tower. This cannot and should not be the last piece of information you bother to provide, you want a fast response then put the numbers first or get ignored.

    2. WHO DAT- Which side? color, or server name, or guild. Some guilds or server will get faster priority, some won't due to their reputations. Commanders need to know how much time they have to respond, especially if they're tied up in combat already.

    3. LOCATION - And no, posting a LINK to the objective just because it has white swords doesn't cut it, if you're not there then ask for "Eyes on objective" so someone nearby can scout it. Many players will just ignore link calls with no additional information provided.

    WHAT IS GOING ON - Do they have siege up? are they just killing siege on outer? are they just farting around farming roamers? Is there golems? do we have tactics?

    WHAT YOU SHOULD LEARN - Use Outer and Inner as terms for keeps and smc, use Cardinal directions if multiple walls or gates are present such as in the keeps and smc. Use cardinal directions for calling out borderland objectives, no one remembers the names of three different borderland maps that have the same locations, and it's annoying to click on a link to check the location. It's pretty easy to say NC, NEC, NET, SWT, SWC, etc. Or if you're from Mag and went to Clouding College to learn calling WK instead of Bay, EK instead of Hills, NN instead of North Camp. Garrison has a couple special names, WG for watergate, murdergate for the lower west gate, and east gate cause it's the gate in the east..... duh! Or hills has Cata wall which means it's entire outer west wall, or for bay this usually means the south outer wall.

    Saying something like "blue at smc" says absolutely nothing, it could be a roamer at east wall, or 3 people at sw wall, or 30 people at north outer gate, it's a giant objective, all the outer walls can be broken, it's has two north inner gates, so be specific on your calls. Saying "30+ blue garri wg 3 golems" or "20 green nw inner smc 2 rams" or "red zerg at net killing siege", is short and gives all the info everyone needs.


    Thank you stalker for pointing out you're confused as usual. -->

    You also forgot to mention Commanders who could grant participation rights to scouts. Or donate bags for good scouting.. (In case the squad is full).

  12. 12 hours ago, Krabathor Deus.5432 said:

    This was  an isolated situation, sometimes you would see 1 or 2 characters running against the walls, but it seems that the practice is becoming more common as there is no action, no change or punishment.

    Today I was able to find 27 players running against the wall in EBG.

    I think Arenanet should do something about this because it is not possible to see maps with queues of up to 50 players and 30 who are inside, running against the walls for hours.

    Report making but nothing happens. 👎

    The enemy is using alt accounts to reduce the number of players on your side? No wonder sometimes EBG is only max 25 players and there is map que... This is a job for WvW devs.. Find a solution. This problem is growing now...

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    This would assume players suddenly and magically become active in certain time zones.

    Otherwise you’re just stacking more people on prime and still have no activity in certain time zones you know.

    WR should have solved this problem, but rather the problem is that the EU is one tier too many.

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