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Posts posted by 8235E844-3CC1-4724-8B86-45

  1. Well said. This event is utter garbage. I rather not see stuff like this in the future.

    Just try to ignore it I guess. There are a lot more liquid infusions around than people realise which do pass hands quite commonly. I have acquired 3 queen bees this year and 11 permafrost Dyes however, like most players who do this my goal is not trying to make money long term. It just makes sense to buy these items given the drop rate and proportion of players that have them who are largely inactive. Its pretty much a wealth thing, if you know what to do with your money you never won't be able to afford something you want.

  2. Underwater boss fight in a raid has been screaming to be developed for years.... unfortunately as stated above new players often skip underwater gearing. No ones going to spend money on that (no underwater encounters worth it) and the ascended collections (breather, etc) are quite literally time sinks. Some people that don't use arc and log on together for 3 hours a week (anets 'target customer') may do underwater guild missions occasionally.

  3. I don't see how taking minstrel as a first set on a tank chrono is in any way a bad idea though. Not everyone has been running this class for 3.5 years in raids or gets the chance to train 6 days a week. I've even tanked all wings in full minstrel when not needed. Why? Because it's just that much more fun to 1shot every boss and carry a PUG team.

    Thanks for the clarification. Do you rate healing power? or do you think that minstrel is never BiS? Could I satisfy the Dhuum requirements for example by subbing berserker pieces for power/tough/feroc and keeping diviners for 50-60% BD?

  4. I run 1096 as too many runs had 1 or too people on 1050ish, the other setups are for soulbeasts/FBs. Am also pretty sure i clarified my understanding of toughness by stating how it's not needed if the chrono is hitting 2 and 4 moderately ok. But whatever, will do on the retreating away from lfg front. cheers for the tips on minstrels -1 piece support chrono.

  5. no one has to ask, people can play however they want, and everyone else have a clear choice on whether or not to play together.

    I don't get your point, is it that you think its fine for everyone to just ruin half of all runs and force comms to kick by running ludicrous gear? How about if the dps just stack soldiers gear until they're 5 t under the tank? As in, are you saying that is a healthy LFG meta? I just don't understand your point of view.

  6. I'm not sure if trolling. The sample size is massively distorted from LFG (as these people don't log much or they wouldn't be in LFG anymore) and I'm not sure if you think support chronos are running full minstrels and tanks are running full minstrels with toughness infusions? Because this is the only way my brain cloud make sense of that essay you typed. :(

  7. I do play chrono, I support with 1096 t and like to tank with 1445-1555ish. I switch to hk as I don't like explaining how I would like the fight to go in PUGs (as someone said above). All I'm saying is that in GW1 it would be strange if I was duoing UW and the SS brought insidious parasite and not SS for dmg because it increases his lifespan I'd just leave. I don't like just leaving pugs and watching them then wipe/be in lfg looking for different comps for hours so it would help if we could all adapt to a meta? I'm not sure we want chronos that want to play full minstrel.....?

  8. "different staff capacities." currently this. The hope is that with the new high level roles advertised and freeing up some coders from creative staffs pursuits (recent firings) this sort of routine and mundane content can make it to the game. If Anet wants more tips they can email me for consult fee free tips ;)

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