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Posts posted by voidek.5738

  1. Game itself were much more, i dunno, "not user friendly' - i member you learned your weapon skills almost instantly, but 6-10 slots way slower, there was no content directions (go there to find this), no gliders/no mounts/no mastery alone made the game almost unimaginable at this point. Which would be cool change of pace. Biggest problemo - how to handle it after end of lws1 - simple restart of server from the very beginning, thus it creates paradox where you need additional server for those who want to stay in that world forever and for newbies, so it's already two additional instances - one is constantly restarting and one that never changes. Sorry, im a bit too brainstormy here. :p On the other hand, it should cost some gems realistically to Anet even consider such mess.

  2. @Blocki.4931 said:Pretty sure it said with next release, but I could be wrong. Anyway, might be anything from in 2 weeks to in 2 months.There is longest streak so far i think between Saga releases (counting Visions of the Past). I hope we get some word next week. And im not even waiting or wanting actual new episode, just missing part from other episode(s) though.. I mean, if they release it separate but delay next episode im okay with this.

  3. We half year into Drizzlewood Coast and im still not played episodes related because waiting for that Voice Acting. There was mention somewhere we might get some bits of it in autumn, so i was kind of secretly expecting some in Halloween patch. But oh whelp, there is none. Im not complaining or anything, im just saying that i had a feeling without any evidence.

  4. Not sure where to put this, but i kind of wanna see Guild Wars 1 section somewhere in these forums. It would be weird i know, since it 's guildwars2.com and Guild Wars 2 forums yeah yeah i know, but not having official board for still activate game is even weirder. I registered on guildwarslegacy but it seems that site is more of elite/old-school players thingy. On top of that since next expansion gonna be based on Cantha region, which is currently exclusive to first series, the interest should be higher than ever. Any thoughts? =)

  5. Mine is Grothmar Valley (episode number #1, titled Bound by Blood). Maybe it's nostalgia already, since in September 2019 world was like usual... Also, i really liked whole atmosphere of celebration, yet it was quite sinister from very beginning with all the accidents. The events of episode was happening behind our backs, we as Commander didn't really were in epicenter of them. Secondary, "The Metal Concert Meta" was something really unusual and cool, not your regular MMO meta event. I liked Ooze event as well. And in general there wasn't much events, but this fact added to calmer mood, storm on the horizon feel. Map was bigger also, unlike others we had it all in one package. Exploring it with rented Skyscale was easy, but i really loved last POI (had to view guides online and made party for it, but this was memorable). I think jp of Khan-Ur is only HUGE side thing i did from all episodes of Saga too.Now, by no means i say rest of Saga is bad or something, especially i liked Visions of the Past, which takes place 2 in my list. But upcoming 2 episodes after the Bound by Blood was more usual stuff and with all the creepiness when you have to explore empty keep - wasn't very light. However i was kidding, that Bjora Marches is mine WotLK since i haven't played it originally. I had a blast in Whisper in the Dark honestly, but in old-school kill stuff/do quests manner.And i havent played none Drizlewood Cascades yet, but spoiled myself for almost everything (waiting for VA).

  6. Confession time. I started playing early 2013 (on another acc) and it was SO much different. It was something else. Because of this i somehow didn't liked the game. Then fast forward 6 years, i decide to jump in with f2p acc. And Icebrood Saga announcement happens. Base game + HoT for free with PoF. Dream Deal. So i made it. On top of that i purchase GW1 trilogy + EotN because of GWAMM. Now next XPack is announced, who see this happen? Now i'm the biggest fan of the franchise too, i wish i discover the game earlier (since i knew the name way before i start playing). Good times ahead.

  7. Let's be real here. Even if it will be most regular expansion pack ever, we will appreciate it: 1) new continent (Cantha!) 2) new storyline 3) surprisein HoT it was Raids i suppose*in PoF it was mountsIf ANet made new spec for every class (that means new weapon for every class basically) i personally will be okay even without a surprise. B)

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