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H a z Z y.1762

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Posts posted by H a z Z y.1762

  1. @babazhook.6805 said:

    @Curennos.9307 said:You don't expect to win against power builds if you don't have any CC breaks/evades/Things-You-Need-To-Beat-Power-Builds left. Dunno why it should be any different when fighting condi.

    Coz with power builds u can fight back, with condi thief guess what ? nooooo (2- dodge-2-dodge....and repeat maybe a steal if u want to think ur perfect)2-3 first sec, ur health bar is almost gone :'(

    And we're talking about condi thief not
    the condi builds. ;)

    A fresh power build engaging you has the same CD resource advantage. You can 'fight back' against them just as much. Which is...not much, but still.

    But if you'd like to keep things to thief - cool. If a fresh thief engages you and you have nothing left, you die anyway, and likely faster than a condi setup will take to murder you. because powerburst.

    really u miss the point there.

    ok, we gonna speak just about the thief as u want.

    A thief power build (sword), hit u with the 2 +3 and go back to his previous place. so u have just this 1 or 2 hits if he use the 3. (ur health bar don't move after)

    A thief condi build HIT u with 2 as the power build (not the same power we agree) dodge, another dodge (maybe a 3) and 2 again..... so he hit you and left you with a ton of cond.......ohh boy i don't even want to explain after this.....make ur idea. :/

    If u can't see the différence, i can't help.

    So what are you doing when that thief is using #2 and dodging to use impaling. You are able to dodge and block and move as well. You are not a training golem.

    Right? Its very funny how many players let me use sword 2, back n forth, through a wall, until they are dead.

    Cover the sword 2 return spots, kite onto and off no port spots. Whatever you do, dont be a training golem ?

  2. @rowdy.5107 said:ive been a d/d condi thief for over 2 years now. I used to get made fun of for playing condi thief. and this was before the condi traits and traps were nerfed. 4 months ago, condi thief was twice as deadly as it is now. Its funny that back when condi thief was the most deadly and cheesiest. People didn't mind. Now it gets nerfed and you cant apply near as much poison as you could pre-nerf, people are going crazy crying about how op condi thief is... Where were all these tears 4 mo ago when you could easily stack 25 poison on a person instantly?

    When did condi dd get nerfed recently? IIRC The recent balance patch didn't touch condi dd.

  3. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Core guardian, Firebrand, conversion Holo, elixir Holo, DH, scrapper, water Weaver, bear stance soulbeast.These classes are borderline immune to most Condi builds. The only ones they can die to are either hybrid or have an insane amount of Condi spread.

    That being said, both Condi thief and mirage have incredibly stupid ways of applying said conditions. Mirage can kite around dodging to proc ih for insanely wide Condi stacks. And we all know the issues with Condi thief atm.

    How is elixer holo immune to condi? The only cleansing in this build is Healing turret, prismatic converter and rune of leadership.

  4. @birdboy.6509 said:

    @Nor.2057 said:Was wondering what would be your personal opinion on good Conquest map profession pairings that synergizes well that you have noticed , so far my buddy and i we've had good matches on: bursty DH w Tanky Healing Tempest also Support|Power Renegade w Bunker|Bursty Scourge (of course dependable on specific builds) but just to mention a few personal simple examples wanted to know your opinion...in general on Profession Pairings...

    Right now im think to select a class and build that could tag well w my buddy's Condi Mirage any recommendations on that specifically as well as in general :)?

    pd: i know everything can work with everything but im sure there might be better synergies out there with certain specific profession n builds pairs! share those!

    In general when I look for a duo partner I prefer something that can handle the classes / specs that I don't deal too well with.For example, as a condi mirage you may struggle with thieves so a holo would be a good partner since it can deal with them for you.

    Don't condi thieves counter both mirage and holo though?

  5. Using the metabattle rifle elixer holo build, i took someones suggestion to add more Burst Damage:

    Swap out elixer s for rifle turret and take static discharge. Also, take protection injection.

    I like it a lot. I'm wondering if there are any more viable ways to add even more burst damage to the build by changing the rune or amulet? Or is leadership/demolishers as good as it (viably) gets?

  6. Never seen someone hack before, but tonight i did. This guy didn't even try to hide it. On kylo, he would teleport from mid to our home node over n over. Decapping/capping. Then he would vanish on the node, like stealth, but u couldn't hit/reveal him but he would still keep the node contested.

    Anyone seen this before?

    Also, this is the first time i actually went to report someone and noticed there is no "cheating" option so i selected "scamming" (closest option lol).

    The character played like a bot too. When you could actually hit him, hed barely do anything back. Like his hacks had cooldowns.

  7. Forget about this thread lol. I give up. I don't see what all the hype about holo is. Its easy to see their attacks and easy to counter IMO.

    Now that ive played it plenty, i know its cooldowns and telegraphs. Ill end it there.

  8. Doing everything thats listed on meta battle. Its got some combos listed which i use, but what to do after that ?

    Also struggling against targets with access to lots of stability

  9. Pretty decent knowledge. Been playing actively for like a year and a half. Usually place in plat. Got a ruthless legend title, but i was cheesing with one shot mirage when it was good, so take that with a grain of salt.

    I can play rev, thief, mesmer. Learning holo now.

    I feel like im lacking the ability to keep up pressure without using elixer U for quickness.

    Is prime light beam or elixer x better?

    Are there any good "how to play holosmith in sPvP guides".

  10. @Ryan.9387 said:

    @Ryan.9387 said:You have a few approaches. You can go with a superior 1v1er who plays a build that can 1v2. Then you pair it with a good tanky teamfighter that can stall to buy time for the side noder.

    In that setup it is absolutely unacceptable for your 1v1er to die in a 1v1. Dying in a 1v2 is also bad depending on low long it takes

    The other approach is to put two big damage high mobility classes together and kill quickly. Here you want to have your allies take the side points and caps as you and your partner kill extremely quickly and snowball the map.

    This comp you want players who can do 30-40% of team damage solo reliably. Any less and you won't be generating the momentum you need.

    First comp think stuff like:Staff thief + Blood scourge

    Second think stuff like:Rev + Holo (rifle turret)

    What trais/ultilities does one swap to become (rifle turret holo) instead of the listed metabattles (elixer rifle holo)?

    Drop elixer s for rifle turret. Take protection injection.

    Then you have some optional variations.Mortar kit and resistance rune (optional seeker rune)Prime light beam and leadership

    Vent exhaust vs the 3x heat bar trait.

    Your goal is push as much damage as possible out without becoming too glassy to survive.

    What about taking static discharge?

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