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Posts posted by Crunchbone.7341

  1. Ever since I learned how to remove the outlines around characters back at first launch, I have kept post prossessing at NONE. The outline made me feel like my character was a cardboard cutout & ruined my immersion in both my character & the story/world. I do not care what else I lose that is connected to the post processing "NONE" choice, lol. Those outlines were a game breaker for me!

    I love this game very much and enjoy my time in Tyria immensely WITHOUT the green outlines :)

    • Thanks 1
  2. I levelled ranger, necro, guardian, mesmer, & engineer to 80. The Guardian & Engineer are very strong, I have trouble with Mesmer play, but Reaper and Core Ranger are where my heart is.


    When I log onto Ranger or Reaper, I forget that I am playing a game, which, for me is the best way to play :)

  3.   Thanks again. Being 65 & with severe vision disability, I have always avoided anything that requires alot of skill in any group because I would not be at all helpful. I just solo things & engage in OW Metas where I can participate & enjoy the group setting. Are the dungeons available in a solo story mode? That would be awesome. Anything that says dungeon or fractal is no place for me if the group needs every player at high skill.

      I find a great deal to enjoy in GW2 with casual OW groups & solo play 🙂

  4.   Thanks for the chronological order of things! I have no novels or short stories, just playing through the game & the stories. In the personal story early chapter somewhere, there is mention of dislike between Rytlock, Logan, Eir, etc. I do not know the story behind that & thought maybe playing LWS1 when it comes out would clear it up .

      It seems that the personal story ends at 1325 (year), & LWS2 starts in 1327 (year), so LWS1 fills in between 1325 & 1327 from what I can see. I had not been sure if I should play through the personal story or LWS1 first, but you have kindly answered that for me!

      Thank you so much Konig Des Todes! Personal story, then LWS1 :)

  5.   Just a quick question. I started playing during beta, but quit for a while before LWS1 was even 1/2 way done, so I did not play out the story. I have finished everything else since (not exactly in order as I skipped ahead to get POF mounts.... no mounts was why I did not keep playing at the start).

      I have made a new character, gotten them to level 80 & did all the HP trains & got my exotic gear & builds down, but I only did the level 10 personal story. I remember later in the personal story dealing with the unhappy split of our races & their guild, & never quite understood what happened there.

      I want to do everything in order this time around on my fresh character. Is LWS1, then personal story, then LWS2, HOT, LWS3, POF, LWS4, IBS, EOD going to be the best order chronologically? Thanks for any input. I enjoy the story very much & want to see it in order :)

      Also Happy Easter everyone!

  6.   Thank you all for the input. I did not realize there were TACO routes laid out for the HP trains, just thought the commanders memorized them all :)

      Looking at Friday's post just above, that has been about what I usually tip, so I don't feel like I give too little.

      The responses here have been greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!.


    • Like 2
  7.   I have lived in the USA all my life. I waitressed for many years, & tips are generally considered to be part of the wage. I also owned a computer building & service business & NEVER expected tips.

      To me, "tips appreciated" means tips are welcome burt not demanded. I believe that to be the norm in the USA as a geneal rule as well, unless tips are considered part of the wage such as is usually the case in food service.

      Due to the attitude of our squad leader last night, I began to question the tipping protocol uniqe to GW2. It seems that we just had a squad leader who did not make it clear that tips were expected/demanded for the run, & yes, that felt rude at the end.

      In view of the responses, I feel also that the LFG description should have been worded to reflect the necessity to tip. I appreciated the responses. I do not like to feel like a jerk for not tipping, or not tipping enough. I will still continue to offer though as most of the squads I join help me complete things that I could not manage on my own :) Thanks!


    • Like 5
  8.   I am wondering what is considered polite & proper for tips for help with JP ports, HP, MP, & Champ/Legndary Trains,

    and assistabnce with story parts like "Hearts & Minds". I always do tip, unless I am told please not to (some people

    refuse tips, enjoying just to be helpful-thank you for that help; I am still willing to give you a tip for the kindness!)

      Last night I joined an HP train, where the description listed tips as welcomed, yet throughout the run, the squad

    was reminded not to leave squad without tipping. I am happy to tip because someone has dedicated time to help

    others, in some cases considerable amounts of time & that means alot to me. As a player who is older & has disabilities,

    sometimes many do not realize HOW MUCH the kindnesses are appreciated!

      I was a little confused when our HP train was over & the Commander continued to go on & on in chat how many people had

    not tipped, or not tipped enough. I have never seen that before. And yes I DID tip.

      Going forward, what is recognized as a polite & proper tip for the different squads & help I listed in my first sentence?

      And thanks again to all of the very kind & helpful players in this game 🙂

    • Like 1
  9.   I also think the decision is unique to each player.

      For myself, I have changed my female Charr to males, because I am more immersed by their voices & snarky comments than probably any other race/gender. I also find Rytlock & Canach to be two of my favorite remaining characters for the same reasons.

      I am touched by Almorra Soulkeeper & Tybalt Leftpaw. I love how the female Charr are so strong, but somehow when I am listening to all the chatter of my characters, male Charr, male Sylvari, and male humans make my adventures more pleasant. I do love the female Aszura chatter as well, although my female Norn & female Human are seldom played due to the overly boastful nature of my Norn & the continual female human rant of "outrunning centaurs" lol.

      That is the beauty of diversity. We can choose what fits us best! :)



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  10.   Although I understand from your first post that you are discussing all mounts instead of flying ones only, there was recently


      I do understand what you are saying & how you are saying it, but from the perspective of me who has spent the time & resources to unlock every mount, I have to say that I feel GW2 made the best, most functional mounts of any game I have ever played. I LOVE each & every one of my mounts & now that we have them, it would feel very devastating to lose the ability to use even one.

      EOD did make the use of the mounts more situational, even creating certain tasks which can only be completed with a certain mount (raptor & springer come to mind) & as someone said above, the architecture of New Kaineng & Seitung allows ways to travel efficiently without mounts. I am fine with that.

      The raptor & springer & skimmer are relatively easy to unlock as is the glider. There have been so many new maps, HPs, Mastery Insights, and content added, that I feel it does make sense to enjoy the mounts & trains that are always available & some are very careful to run slowly to help you get waypoints & a bio break at each map :). Some groups even offer mount aquisition help.

      Everyone is different. The game has evolved & grown. I can only speak for myself, but mounts have made my time in GW2 incredibly more immersive & rewarding. At this point, if our mounts & limited flight abilities were blocked or timegated, I would walk away from Tyria with alot of good memories but without a backward glance as I did with WoW when they started their flight wars.

      Just my 2 cents, and most definitely not disrespecting your opinion 🙂

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  11.   I thank you all for the builds & suggestions! I am going to wait until I see what is done to the only 2 professions I enjoy in tomorrow's "balancing" patch before I spend at the TP to outfit my ranger for Condi Soulbeast.

      With so many links, I am attempting to decide between SB/SB & SB with WH/Axe. I am assiming stats should be Viper on all?

      The metabattle builds always give the name of the gear (Viper, etc), but alot of the links are in build editor & I am not sure how to figure what stats the weapons, runes & sigils should be. I may just not know how to read those pages as easily as the metabattle ones.. Not so young anymore, lol.

      You have all been so kind to share advice, & I am very anxious to try it out unless there are big Soulbeast nerfs incoming..

    • Like 1
  12.   Old slower player here, lol. I have been wanting to try a Soulbeast build on my Ranger, but there are no Ranger LI builds at all on Metabattle's LI section. I am just wondering how complex Soulbeast is to play, what are its best pets etc. Looking for a build that is not "key complex" as I do have disabilities. (Anyone have a build to share?) I mostly do PVE OW, solo & story content, enjoy OW Metas very, very much(except DE which with severe vision loss is just out of my ability range).

      This is my favorite game, and I have been enjoying it for years. I am a little worried about the unpreviewed changes coming on Tuesday. I have always played core ranger, but find that I feel much less able to avoid downed/death lately & would love to try a build that lives longer, lol. I also happily play one other profession, but again, I am worried for Tuesday's balancing patch. Just doing map completion for now until I know what profession I can continue to enjoy. I wish we knew the changes ahead of time 🙂


    • Like 3
  13.   I have Arborstone masteries maxxed for the 25% inn rested bonus. I am a little confused on the way the rested bonus accrues. I had 29 minutes of rested bonus left when I logged out (in the part of the inn on the blue carpet where I have always gotten fully rested when logging off there for the night). When I logged back in around 2 hours later, I had 4 minutes left of rested time which counted down to zero at which point my counter said I needed to rest for 4 hours to get the rested bonus. I had expected the bonus to go up to 2 hours & 29 minutes.

      Maybe you have to use all of the rested bonus to start a new 4 hour logout to rebuild it, or maybe I do not understand how this works. I did read the wiki on it, but I cannot make sense of the exact mechanics. Any enlightenment will be very much appreciated :)

  14. I loved WoW through BC, Wrath, Cata, & MoP, not because there were no problems & frustrations to be ironed out, but because it was my game of casual play, collections, exploration, collecting low drop rate flying mounts for ALL those expansions. I love to fly. Good games are like reading a book, they take me away for a time. They relax my mind. They challenge, but not frustrate me.


    Suddenly in WOD, they tried to remove flying altogether. SO MANY people just quit over that. I will no longer play WoW, nor have I for a long time. I hated being kept off my flying mounts for 1 year out of every 2 years. Sometimes even longer than that. WoW players lost their flight now for over 4 years of the last 8. They begrudgingly let players "earn" it back for a small part of each Xpack, then they immediately make new regions with new content in which you were not allowed to fly. No thank you.


    GW2 has probably the best mount design in any game I have played. Each mount fills a need, & I earned them all, just as I may have spent years waiting for a particular favorite mount (Invincible, Ashes of Alar, etc etc) to drop in WoW. I am 65 & have very severe vision problems. WoW used to be for all players with, solo, casual, & hard (elite) content. It is now for Mythic+ lovers & those who don't mind being grounded & losing their flying mount functions. Nothing left for players like me.


    I started GW2 in its beta, played awhile, missed mounts, & went back to WoW for a time. I play only GW2 now & for a long time because it has been a place where although there is harder content, I could enjoy the solo or casual group play & no matter what, they never took away my mounts, or my delicious flight. I LOVE GW2 mounts. If we were banned from flight as in WoW, I would leave & be done with GW2. I can only speak for myself.


    The DE meta is  a bit too hard for me with my disabilities, but I still tried. I bought my turtle egg & finished the requirements to raise it. If the DE meta stays as it is I will probably never win it, but at least Anet gave me an alternative method to get the egg. I feel that the community here in GW2 despite the DE meta kind of splitting it into "tiers" is basically a good, helpful, & friendly place, & I enjoy it here. I know I am not good enough for raids & fractals (or the DE Meta), so I try to never do those things that would hinder the progress of others. I know I can only get so good without EVER reaching the "top tier", but it is ok. I love the things I CAN do & I love to fly. Please do not take flight from us.

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    • Thanks 1
  15.   I must be an odd duck.... I am enjoying the exploration & the story very much. The last part of the HOT story was a roadblock until kind fellow players (one of whom offers help in this thread) helped me out. Now I have a broken Caladbolg to restore.

      One thing that adds to my enjoyment is having found the race who's personal "comments" I enjoy greatly. Happens to be male Charr. I started with Norn & Human ladies, but felt odd always complimenting myself or outrunning centaurs lol.

      I also enjoy Canach & Rytlock's dry humor & grumpiness 🙂 I love the game!

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