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Posts posted by Nanners.9428

  1. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"nanomidgy.9180" said:
    1. Option to enable
      standard model in pve
      like it already exists in wvw.

    If you set character detail settings to their lowest then players around you will use standard models and not their own skins. This works only for armor, not weapons and back items.

    No. It's not the default pink model u are thinking of, if u set model quality to lowest, u cant identify what class and what skill animations they are performing. I'm talking about the stardard character model optin in wvw/pvp, i would like that option for pve too.

  2. Too many buttons is the reason why gw2 is not a true action oriented rpg but a traditional mmo. My solution is to use ICM:https://wesslen.org/ICM/This allows u to keybind left click, right click, wheel up and wheel down as skills instead, thus free up more movement associated keys into skill keys.

    My keybindsMovement: WASDWeapon skills: left click, right click, QERUtility skills: 123Heal skill: wheel downElite skill: wheel upSelect target: wheel middle clickProfession skills: mouse side buttons

    As you can see, with this setup, my left hand is stationed on WASD and only need to extend fingers to press weapon and profession skills without affecting movement. My right hand controls where to aim and camera view. Thumb for profession skills and other keys like mounts, push to talk, special action key etc.

    Hope it helps!

  3. Commander tag needs to be bigger and more visible. (Stands out from the sea of name plates)

    Party member names plates with different colour.

    Option to turn off none squad member name plates.

    Get rid of the dot on simplified name plates for allies. (in WvW)

    Option to turn off squad health bar.

    Option to reposition party UI grid.

    Add a keybind for toggling squad/party view. Or able to show both at the same time.

    Add party prioritized markers.

    Option to enable standard character model for mounts.

    Option to enable standard character model in pve. (Same as in wvw and pvp)

    Option to turn off other players spell effects.

    Option to turn off other players legendary items effects.

    Everything listed above are my wishlist to reduce unwanted flashy effects and visual clutters inorder to focus on performance.

  4. Commander tag needs to be bigger and more visible.

    Party member names plates with different colour.

    Option to turn off none squad member name plates.

    Get rid of the dot on simplified name plates for allies.

    Option to turn off squad health bar.

    Option to reposition party UI grid.

    Add a keybind for toggling squad/party view.

    Add party prioritized markers

    Option to enable standard character model for mounts.

    Option to enable standard character model in pve.

    Option to turn off other players spell effects.

    Option to turn off other players legendary items effects.

    Everything listed above are my wishlist to reduce unwanted flashy effects and visual clutters inorder to focus on performance.

  5. No. It's not impossible. I recently hit 2k and finally crafted the armor after a year of working on it. It's hard i know, this is meant to be a long term goal and it requires dedication to the game mode!

    If i could give u an advice is try to actually enjoy playing wvw not for the wxp or ranks. You can get boosters and buffs etc, the rank will come faster when u dont think about it and u will appreciate the armor more when u earned it. it's not a gemstore item after all. Gl and hf!

  6. +1 to reverse this change.

    I mainly play wvw blob fights and in such setting clones dont last long enough to cast continumn split and shatters are practically unusable machanics through out the fight.

    Multiple traits like stab, condi cleanse on shatter are none functional.

    If you are going to change something please consider all class mechanics and synergies between skills and traits instead of break it into unplayable state.

  7. It would certainly be helpful. +1

    At the moment clones can't even stay alive for 1 second in wvw blob fights to have enough time to cast continumn split, unless they reverse the shatter changes (see other threads) this could be an alternative. It can be a WvW split change only.

  8. Hi Dev teams,

    I have been advised by the support team to make forum posts to raise your attention about a cross-hair adjustment in Action Camera Mode, I have been experiencing this issue for a very long time now since its been introduced.

    This particularity happens in fractals and raids. When a fight triggers, the cross-hair automatically moves higher as the the FoV rears back during boss fight/events, it’s impossible to fire ground targeting skills directly underneath or near my character.

    Please, make adjustment to the cross-hair that its location on the screen is fixed above the character, no matter how further you zoom out/in. Just like the commander tag, (screenshot comparison) it always sits directly above the character height.


    Thank you for your time!

  9. @Raithel.1345 said:I know it has been brought up countless times but I really wish they would add an option to change shift from item and skill linking. So many games I play use shift to dodge and it is just easy for me to use. Other than prying the shift key off my keyboard (because I will still press it even with a rebind) does anyone have a solution to this? Half my deaths in PVP are due to me linking a skill and wondering why I stopped moving x.x

    i have shift binded as dodge in almost every game and i found a way to avoid that in gw2 is to click on ur chat box to make it active and then shift click items u wanna link, this way ur character will never dodge. but yea options to change that is always welcome if they ever pay attention.

  10. The business module is called micro transaction it used to consist of 2$, 5$ or upto 10$ stuff, but look at now the amount and added rng elements. this is just typical greedy money sucker behaviour.

    i know i can choose not to spend money at all infact i wont cos none of these are new designs but its the fact that u are ez influenced by other companies going that route, it just makes u lose the credit i've given u over the years.

    it takes one time, only one time, to drive away loyal players. other f2p games with heavy cash shop focus at least they have the combat system and vertical progression to back up and drive players but gw2 is virtually unplayable for me since the combat is shit, i've been using ICM from day 1 and later action camera, i never enjoyed playing gw2 but i have stayed for years and spent thousands of pound in the gemstore so far. check transaction history. why? cos i trusted this company, u had a high standards and its been a successful franchise since gw1, its the longivity and listening to player feedback attitude. Now u are slowly loosing this credibility bwcause of this act of greed. so turn back now before u loose more than what u gain.

  11. Since when did anet became a money greedy company?Did other shitty korean cash shop money grabbing concept get into ur head?Did other companies became f2p gave u pressure?I dont buy any of ur skins since none of them are new creatures. If u are going that direction, the game sucks balls in combat compare to other f2p rng games to go that route. Instead of focusing on making content and fixing problems, u became greedy? wow. just wow.I used to have such respect for this company, but it seems u have lost it.A piece of advice before u sink too deep and too low: cash shop focused games can only last for so long they usually do that for a burst of money and die very quickly, due to the lost of playerbase and fans loyalty. U have been very successful for 5 years now with gw2, dont be short eyesighted.

  12. I have made threads and posts on the forum and reddit for a long time, i dont know how i can request it or keep constructive in suggestions anymore, if all my plea and messages are ignored. I even sent mails to devs or tickets to support. Nothing.

    I can attach all my past suggestion and responses to other ppl who have thia problem and all posts and emails if needed. There's one thing in this game irritates me so much over the years - camera auto zoom in and out during combat. Whether its META events or world bosses or certain fractals or all raid encounters, it happens every single fucking time: FOV auto zoom out so fucking high up when engaging and zoom in to ground lvl when its over, whats worse it never goes back to the original FOV. It's annoying to adjust every fucking time especial in snowblind fracs and fucking TD meta area, even when you want to type something in combat it re-adjust to ground level or when you are downed or rally. I have been avoiding pretty much all content this game provides now which involves such camera changes, its driving me insane and sick. Now that we have mounts the camera stutter and snap when dismount is unbearable.

    Thats what the sliders are for in camera option, the vertical heights, the Field of view. YOU MUST MAKE AN OPTION TO DISABLE ALL AUTO ZOOM and always respect the player FOV settings in options.

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