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Posts posted by Duglaive.5236

  1. 3 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

    It all depends on what your idea of "full price" is. The base price is $25 bucks - which players spend often on exclusive mount skins. Personally, I don't think $25 bucks a year for a yearly stream of additional content is an unreasonable ask. 

    $25 is nothing if the entire thing dropped at once upon initial release. $25 for Anet "promises" for features that may - or may not - actually come to fruition on a haphazard schedule that has obviously not been hammered out as yet? It's not an unreasonable ask, it's just B.S.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:


    I have read many times that many ppl want to pay/spend And ppl are sensitive for exclusives (because they cant be obtained anymore in the future) and that would be a nightmare if others show off that stuff. And because nearly never drops nice skins and all skins are sold in the store it’s a cheaper way (more likely) to buy the most expensive expansion for cheaper gems. Because making money is hard. i am a person like that. But because i dont want an rsi arm i am only playing games that use xbox or dualsense controller. They just try it and its fine, they wont change loot drops wise. 

    So I just left my first confused emoji. Because I'm certain I have no idea what point you're trying to make here  :classic_unsure:

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  3. As less than stellar writing and pacing can be found in various spots throughout all the game's story, I'm just going with the bugged mission that plagued me the longest and all but drove me mad (not that that'd take much at times).

    A Kindness Repaid.

    It sounds so pleasant, like a break from the usual life and death struggle. Of course, that brief illusion disappears quickly. But that's ok, I like combat. And then ... the first bug hits. Several hours and many restarts later I get passed the bug, and soldier onward. In less than a couple of minutes bug #2 rears its head. /Sigh. It will take almost a week to dodge this bug. Bugs 3 through 6 will play out in turn, and in total it will take almost 3 weeks to complete a 10-minute story mission.

    I really loved LWS4, but A Kindness Repaid almost ruined it for me.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, sylphmoon.7890 said:

    They must have hired someone from Trion to recreate "Rifts" as an expansion for GW 2.



    This is along the same lines I was thinking as I read the blog post. Or were as close to outright copying that formula as possible without being accused of plagiarism. 

    I'll admit to being a bit gobsmacked over how blatant this seems, at least with what they are revealing so far.

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  5. 18 minutes ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

    Curious how many would stop caring if Zojja wasn't voiced by Felicia Day. Honestly, never found Zojja that interesting, just conspicuously absent compared to others.

    Speaking for myself, there isn't really anything I like about Zoija. As for Ms. Day, voicing a character I don't like in GW2 is all I know of her; not that that is any fault of hers. I just know Zoija hasn't created any interest to check out her other work.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Jhule.7230 said:

    Sorry to hear about both your troubles with real life issues, I just wanted to say that you could always consider contacting a wonder group called Special Effect based in the UK they could help with setting up a system for you that could help with your difficulties you have mentioned.


    All the best in your journey through Tyria.

    Thanks Jhule. I'm outside the UK, but it seems from my brief visit to their site that they may have recommendations for other regions. I'll certainly open a line with them.

    Again, thanks :classic_smile:

    • Like 1
  7. 40 minutes ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

    I appreciate you sharing your story, and I'm sorry for what happened to you. I am hoping we both see better days ahead!

    Would you mind sharing your rune set bonus(es)? I'm both interested from a crafting approach and maybe if this thread makes any difference, it can help you as well/instead.

    Though there are actually 4 I'm at least somewhat concerned with, there is one, Tormenting, whose loss will likely be very difficult to recover from on one build. And will literally gut and destroy the other build I use this rune set on. While it is not the sustain monster it once was, coupled with the right traits and skills it's still very strong. I'll even admit on my axe Mirage build that rune set carries me; with my disability I couldn't even play the spec otherwise.

  8. I believe I know exactly where you're coming from, OP, and can certainly empathize with your concerns about the upcoming changes. About a year and a half ago I suffered 2 strokes that heavily impacted my left side, with less severe issues on the right. Playing this action-combat MMO became problematic at best. I tried more MMO mice than I care to remember, and even after becoming fairly happy with one, that did nothing for the loss of the ability to strafe.

    I've spent a great deal of time creating & testing spec and equipment loadouts that would allow me to continue, and of the 3 characters I play the most, each build is very much tied to a rune set bonus that may end up changed or outright removed. Though mine aren't Vampirism (I do, however, completely understand that choice), their loss would/will be devastating. Like you, I too may make the choice to move on.

    Best of luck to both of us, and all others sailing on our particular journey :classic_cool:

    • Like 4
  9. The ONLY reason sword is seeing increased use is the buffed damage (which who the hell knows how long that'll last); Ranger now has a MH power weapon.

    In the weapon's history, the Ranger player base has always had a love/hate affair with sword's skill mechanics. Some things, as it's said, never change.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

    You're missing an opportunity here...once you've decoupled the skill set with the skin, then you can introduce in about a year a new Legendary Pet Skin that rangers have to grind for to get all their old pet skins back, which requires account bound materials that you can only find in the newest expansion! 😏

    Good god, man, do not put such ideas in their heads! :classic_tongue:

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Geronmy.3298 said:

    You can just check out the bug threads where we are reporting Mirage's dodge breaking (mostly on core content) and  having to change maps/spec to fix it.

    Thanks for the info. Though I'd note that it seems to be rather limited in how widespread it is, and as you can see from the responses to this thread, only one poster has experienced this. And there isn't even a mention of said bug anywhere else in this subforum until now. It certainly wasn't presented as a bug. My Mirage certainly isn't experiencing this bug. And again, no mention of it in the Mesmer forums; why would I have gone looking in the bug forums - and all the way back to page 4?

    Not that it doesn't need fixing, but that I should have just gone on over to the bug threads when a "new normal" was presented? Yeah, no. Again, thanks for the info, however.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Blude.6812 said:

    I am truly sorry that you are unable to replicate what I can do with my build. BUT calling me out as troll and posts as bait just because you are unable to replicate what I can do is uncalled for, insulting as well as immature.   Moving on.


    You know, I can easily turn that around and say that making unsubstantiated claims (and note, you would appear to be the only player making such a claim in or out of game) with a flat out refusal to back them up with any evidence would seem immature, insulting to your fellow players, and simply uncalled for.

    With that in mind, perhaps give a second thought to making that video; or at the very least posting that build of yours that is allowing you to do what no other Mirage can.

    The ball really is in your court.

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  13. 7 hours ago, wolfyrik.2017 said:

    If I kept a record of players in PvE who p me off, they would almost exclusively be pbs-w*nk*rs

    Mostly, but I remember a period of time when it was just as likely to be some GS wielding Mesmer spec using Illusionary Wave. Get some mobs grouped up, only to have said Mesmer knock them all away.

    Of course, these days it's not unusual in my experience to go through a play session without seeing any Mesmers, excepting cities and hubs perhaps.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Blude.6812 said:

    Funny how I can actually roll out of harms way now. Not bait! And not going to be bothered with a vid to show you.


    Funny how I just logged on to my Mirage - giving you the benefit of the doubt - and no, one does not roll out of harm's way.

    Is it fun in some odd way to make such posts? 'Cuz I gotta say, I don't get it.

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