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MrBean.6475's Achievements

  1. Thank you for the update. I am not a programmer, but I understand it is never as easy as it first appears from the outside to fix these things. Appreciate you.
  2. Please craft some good ideas for devs to make this game more enjoyable for us and more profitable for ANET here. Please do not be negative or trash other peoples ideas. Just post your own suggestions. Id like to give devs something to nibble on. Here are mine. 1. Infusions - add unique Infusion storage (special inventory slot? armory?). - people like clean inventory space and less chaos. people will gladly pay for this.. just saying. 2. sickle/axe/pick- shared slots/skin selection- shouldnt need to carry these around in inventory to swap between characters. people like this stuff and willing to pay.. . just saying. 3. Fishing- tiers of fishing poles/legendary pole/unique catches such as skins ect.- lot of things can be expanded and profited on. 4. Guild mounts- unique mount selected by leadership and shared by all guild members in wvw or select maps. skin/mount for guild play only and not a skin unlockable or usable unless actively repping the guild. if not repping guild then mount will lock itself until repping again. 5. Dive Master/Ornate Rusted Keys- Optimize using keys and getting swim infusions easier. this achievement is boring, people have stacks of these keys and dont bother opening chests because its no fun. 6. Legendary Raid Gear- let us spend LI to buy the raid skins if we already have the achievement and a set of legendary raid armor. If it gives people more fuzzy, make completing Raid CMs a requirement for this. We shouldnt have to craft multiple of same class legendary armor for a skin. This is not legendary weapons so please do not compare as wvw and pvp you can buy the legendary skin. 7. SAB content- Still waiting. 8. Ascended Material alternate uses- convert to Research notes, or use in future content 9.Resting Bonus- Logging out in Arborstone to keep bonus makes it pretty much useless to 95% of players. bonus should be there when you log back in from anywhere in game. 10. Home Instances- too many home instances. Link them together, such as a quick portal between them, and include to passkey HUBS like mistlock sanctuary passkey. 11. Jade bot and Mech skins- Mech has only one skin and 1 color, nuff said. more skins. 12. Research notes- Could be better.. Thanks for reading.
  3. Can LFG please be unlocked to low level characters. Many times when i am playing on an alt character I want to keep an eye in LFG for a Raid, Strike, Fractal ect. Can LFG please be modified such that I may join on a low level character. I understand low level characters do not belong in those places, but I should be able to search and to join with the intent to swap to a appropriately leveled character. Make unlocking these account based instead of character based please. Or an unlock by completing the dungeon/strike/raid/fractal/ ect at least once. It should improve LFG system. ALSO Should be allowed to join parties or squads while in instances as well. Such as joining a Raid squad or strike when in home instance or playing story ect. I have had more than once seen an LFG pop up and not been able to join because i was farming nodes in home instance.
  4. Yea nope. It requires rated matches unfortunately. Suggestion to Devs might be the following: Allow specific map selection for unranked matches. This could be during pvp wvw exp bonus events or something. Would also be nice to have some sort of events in EOTM. some squirrels or super adventure box gags/achievements/pips in EOTM as periodic event. Im sure they could find some good ideas from other MMOs to make WVW and PVP more enticing to players and boost player numbers.
  5. Can we make Spirit Watch Achievements more available to get? I understand many do not prefer playing in spirit watch, but in its current state, these achievements are near impossible to get. For us achievement hunters, can devs maybe make this game map more available. Id prefer honestly just to be able to select this map and wait 30+ minutes for it to fill if thats what it takes instead of running all the other maps in hopes of getting spirit watch. That way i can do other things until it fills.
  6. Thanks for the comments. As far as Devs time developing armor skins? Thats sounds kind of silly assumption that is very time intensive. Devs are well polished and i would assume pretty efficient at making skins in since its GW2 end-game content and there are so many of them. They even host contests and let players design new skins for them to implement. If anything, a new WVW and PVP skin would make more people interested in WVW and PVP, and get more people playing the game, increasing their income.
  7. A collection sounds like a good idea. I like it.
  8. There are other parts of the game than raiding. 2/3 of my raid group doesnt need legendary armor and does it for fun.. myself included. Thats part of why GW2 is such a diverse/large game. No need to fling poo. Raid players should be treated no differently than wvw and pvp players. So please stop thinking they are super SPECIAL. Each in their own respect have bad apples, and different levels of gameplay ect to entertain themselves.
  9. Good point Linken. People should and i believe did get compensated on a case by case basis on release of armory. Legendary Reliquary - This item was mailed to players after the July 13, 2021 game update to compensate legendary equipment items exceeding the Legendary Armory limits. I dont recall how exactly it worked but not everyone was compensated equal or faily. Like I said. So some polishing is expected to be in order. Giving wvw and pvp legendary armors a unique skin is only asking it to be in line with all other legendaries in game. Im sure there are other legendary things that could be polished to go with the new legendary jade bots, fishing poles ect.
  10. Good discussion all thanks for you input. Legendaries were not originally intended in GW2 but greatly desired. So some polishing is expected to be in order. Try not not confuse legendary weapons and armor in this thread. They are different. Key point to keep in mind though is GW2 is in large part, "Fashion Wars" and people love the skins as well. That's why there is so many of them and big part of ANETs income. This is only legendaries with no exclusive skin. I for one did not realize this when i started working on it and when i did realize it, i figured ANET would make it right and show it love. Raids got much love.. and ANET was actively talking about WVW and PVP updates and improvements to coincide with the more group play/ hence the name Guild Wars. So sad that the Armory release did not address it.
  11. No argument there.. I dont understand why people troll the topic. Im not asking for a free raid skin, just make the armor legendary. Guild wars isnt called fashion wars for nothing. Just hoping devs take to the idea. I normally use an ugly outfit instead of my legendary armor and have poor fashion. Want all the skins! Just because. Exclusive or not, ANET appears to want people to have access to raid armor, or they wouldn't have patched strikes for LI and the difficulty scaling of a weekly raid wing.
  12. Linkedin.. As Requested…underlined is plural. “No people asked for legendary armor for their game mode and dident care about skins they wanted the functionality. Anet listen since what took time was the skins for the raid ones they could easily implement it in spvp and wvw. You knew before you made them that the skin were the same bud.” In statement above, You implied “people didn’t care about skins” and “they wanted” -- Please speak for yourself and your opinion. But you do not speak for me, you do not speak for all ANET employees, and you do not speak for all players or people. You do not speak most people, or most ANET. You also presumed to know what ANET “could easily implement” and what "took time" or effort they expended to make the changes. Just don’t. Speak for yourself, not others please. “Yes and you a proving my and many others point that it was a slipperly slope to even introduce it into other game modes exactly because it never stop at we dont need skin we only want functionality.” --Again… you are assuming to speak for others… Please don’t. Here you refer to we instead of me and speaking as if you were more than one person. Thank you for your opinion. Please let others speak up. If you would like to continue to discuss feel free to friend me for in-game banter. You can show me how superior your dps is over mine on the training dummy. That way I know you’re a better raider and deserve that exclusive skin more than a lesser wvw or pvp player. Maybe you can fill in my static if im lucky (im serious, we always have at least 1 no show that wastes time).
  13. @mrbean.5621 you’ll never outlast the raiders’ need to defend their exclusive loot. You’re blowing against the wind. You guys are sort of missing the point... its only exclusivity is the proof that you earned Living Insight (LI). LI is not special. I have about 700 LI and a single set of raid armor. I continue to do Raids for fun and hope that i can get the remaining skins without spending twice as much as those who only crafted raid armor. I am not asking for it to be purchased without the LI or without doing raids. Linken.. I guess your pronouns are plural since you continue to them.
  14. Linkin. I am asking now.. and I am a person..... You do not speak for me or many other players, so please do not try to. But thank you for your opinion. Pvp and wvw pips takes a significant amount of time to get. I can get my my LI each week in much less time than waiting for pips. And NO, I did not realize the ascended version was the same as the legendary version. As you said, ANET did not originally intend to implement legendaries. And no one, knew how they would be implemented as the armory was released. Legendary crafting is somewhat complex... i mean, gift of might vs gift of condensed might? how many different materials are required for a single piece? How many different currencies does gw2 have to complicate things? One could assume pvp/wvw were different since every single other legendary in the game is unique. If people are paying 1000+ gold for end game content, they expect it to be unique. What i am asking for is not a stretch. It doesnt take away from raid armor or the effort to get it. It is asking to make it as unique as the rest of the legendaries in the game.
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