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Posts posted by Frye.4608

  1. @TheGrimm.5624

    Finally something worth responding to. It's my brother's account that came with five level 80 characters and a whole dead guild. It also came with a bunch of gold and enough materials in the bank to pay for at least one transfer of choice, possibly even more than one. Even if I wanted to transfer, it wouldn't cost me anything. I am literally not affected at all by this. I won't be playing long anyhow unless some magic click happens when I learn my second character which I happen to have started earlier today.So my pressure to transfer is next to zero. My motivation lies elsewhere.

    If you 'pay straight into a 2.0+ K/D ratio' then that is short for 'transfer to a different server with the intention of having easier fights'. Just more condensed. Even mentioning loot boxes after all that has been discussed about it in social media should have been enough although out of context (the context being pay-to-win) I can see why some would read it as drops. I should have taken the audience into account apparently.

    On topic : something doesn't have to be a new phenomenon to be a negative business practice. Just because the EA / BLIZZARD-STYLE LOOTBOXES (!!!!) or selling straight upgrades to gain an advantage have come under public and even political scrutiny doesn't mean that other incentives are all good. Personally I find paying for a skin to be perfectly acceptable. Lootbox gambling is not, paying for direct upgrades is not and paying for easier match-ups is certainly not okay. It is more subtle than bragging rights. It appeals to elitism and feeling a better player than you actually are. That is not okay, even if they are legally safe.

    Lots of people have indicated on these very forums that they feel forced into paying money to transfer so they can play with their friends. Just one tiny indication that I at least have a nugget of truth here.

    Finally, why do I even bother? Because I find many online communities show cannibalistic behavior, be it the toxicity in Overwatch which is gladly less prevalent in GW2 or buying into whatever incentive companies give players to spend money to solve problems that are artificially held in place. For example filling people's bags with junk as an incentive to buy more slots. Sound familiar?

  2. Why bother selling people stronger gear if you can let them skip that bit and pay straight into a 2.0+ K/D ratio which allows them to sustain the illusion of deserving it? Loot boxes or straight up advantages are one thing but very obvious. This is way smarter psychologically.

  3. 1) All pvp being treated as an afterthought by ANet. You can't just not communicate. Personally I have no problem with for example ranger's dps , but to not acknowledge that there is unhappiness about it and not even explaining why it is not bad or impossible to change MAKES it a problem, even for me.2) The big elephant in the room that everybody stopped talking about : the lips on the walls, moves that can pull you down and area spells that creep over the edge make physically defending from the high ground a bad idea. In which universe do siegers have the advantage over defenders? It's poor design because it is counter-intuitive and weird.3) every other complaint about WVW is just completely irrelevant while 1) and 2) exist.

  4. That makes no sense if you think about it. How are guilds / communities not already broken if people rather have easy kills than stay with their 'friends'? People like a 2 K/D ratio more than they like other players. It has something to do with being able to sustain the illusion of being a better than average player even though (by definition) half of the population is not. Reality is that people will pay money to avoid it.

  5. @"zionophir.6845" said:the life outside is much toxic that the game itself..

    so if you can't handle toxicity in a game, congratulations, you just made yourselves "food" for certain persons outside of your computers.Not where I live. I must be lucky and none of the research about the internet being a consequence-free environment is true.

  6. I am very new to weaver, only a day or so. So I might be missing something essential here. But does the class work as follows ?

    You get one spell based on the previous AND new attunement. You get two spells from the old attunement and two from the new one. And then you get a cooldown on attunement switching of at least three seconds. So basically for staff : shockwave, burning retreat, frozen ground, static field and windborne speed might be unavailable to you when you need them most. Meaning that exactly 100% of your defensive spells are picked based on your current attunement and you can't switch to them when you need them.

    And this is a specialization as a reward for owning an expansion and doing work for it.

    Does that about sum it up or am I missing something here?

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