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Posts posted by Silverpoopoo.1476

  1. I don't understand why devs haven't thought of this. New players are super confused by all the currencies in the wallet. But this is mostly a UI problem.

    If you just hide the currencies until a player either 1) gets some of it or 2) reaches the map that uses it, this would make it so that new players only see the new currency when they have reached the point in the story or map where they will find it useful.

    Instead of being hit with "here's dozens of currencies, fresh lv1 noob" it will be "you discover 1-2 new currencies each time you enter a new map" which is a much easier learning curve.

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  2. The escort 10 supply caravans challenge is really lame and should be changed.

    The reason this is lame is because the fastest way to do it is to just walk next to caravans in your territory until you get them all. There's no risk, no engagement with enemies, nothing.

    I suggest changing this to something more pro-active that involves going out and fighting the enemy, instead of waiting for them to come to you.

    My suggestion for a new challenge:

    • Destroy doors or walls on 10 different enemy structures.

    This would encourage players to pro-actively seek out siege attacks.

    • Confused 7
  3. I agree that boon power creep has ruined the fun of WvW.

    It's made it so that casual players have no chance of competing against dedicated groups. I have seen guild boon balls walk into an EBG keep that is defended by 3x as many pugs, and take it. There's just no competition, which is not fun.

    Boons have also made siege much less strategically valuable. It is used to be possible for 1-2 players with arrow carts to scare off an enemy zerg. Nowadays, using siege against a zerg is a joke, especially arrow carts.

    I've been playing since the beginning of GW2 and boons have only made WvW worse.

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  4. The skill doesn't work in the only content worth using it for, AKA raids and strikes that have 1-shot mechanics. They literally just ignore our elite skill.

    Does any other class in the game get their elite skill totally invalidated by endgame content? I don't think so.

    Because it doesn't work on the only bosses in the game worth using it for, it's far, far weaker than other classes' elite skills. This is very unfair.

    I've literally changed to bringing ice elemental with me instead for my alacheal support build, because it can give big heals while it's alive.


    Devs should get rid of the Rebound revive effect and give us something that we're actually allowed to use in raids and strikes.

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  5. When GW2 was released, the devs purposefully left out "inspect gear" option to avoid their player base developing an elitist upper echelon of players who would refuse to participate in high level content (then: dungeons lol) with players who lacked perfect gear. This was how other MMORPG's like WoW behaved at the time, and devs wanted to avoid that behavior.

    But today, that sentiment seems outdated. Players in high level content already gate each other by requesting you to ping KP anyways, or display titles for CM strikes, which accomplishes the same exact player gating effect.

    I vote +1 for gear inspection ability.

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  6. If the game wants to attract new players it will be really hard to tell them that they need to play through 10 years' worth of story before they can understand the new expansion storyline.

    This is a big problem in FF14. The main story quest is so long that experienced players will literally tell players stuff like, "the game gets good after 100 hours of story. Just slog through it and then it'll be fun." Needless to say, this is a bad new player experience.

    GW2 should learn from FF14 and avoid this problem. The next expansion should have a totally unrelated story that people can start with no prior knowledge and have a complete experience.

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  7. Lots of games create official benchmark tests so that computer part performances can be compared fairly.

    Since GW2 has so much variability in its performance due to number of players on screen at any given time, they should create an official benchmark mode to help people choose what PC parts to use with the game.

    Building a benchmark mode would probably be technologically very easy and not a huge use of developer resources. It could be made solely with existing game assets.

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  8. I've been around since launch and I remember clearly the devs saying that GW2 would have no "inspect" ability for looking at other players' gear, specifically to avoid elitism and gear gating of other players in endgame content (dungeons back then).

    Well nowadays it's extremely common for endgame groups to gate their content by requiring to ping your killproofs, or ping your boots, or nowadays display your Strike CM titles. In fact, the content in CM's is so hard that if you don't require good gear and killproofs, you'll basically never complete the content to begin with. GW2 went from a game where casuals could complete all content, to a game where some content is telling casuals "you have to level up your play before trying this content."

    I'm not complaining about there being hard content that is gear gated. I'm just saying that now that devs clearly are okay with it existing, there is no reason to leave "inspect gear" ability out of the game.

    My biggest reason for asking for this is because the game has way more cosmetics than it did in the past. I often see people with skins that I want to see the name of, so I can look up how to unlock that skin. But the player doesn't respond to my inquiry, so I'm left unanswered and with no clue what the skin is.

    Devs could even make the inspect ability only display cosmetic gear names, not stats, if they wanted to maintain the old reason of avoiding elitism.


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  9. A few of the top 0.01% guild statics started stacking Catalyst to clear raids faster, and Anet thinks that these speed runners are the new meta?

    This is a joke.

    Why is the game being balanced for the top 0.01% over-performers, when everyone else is playing differently?

    Anet devs need to measure with real game data the classes that strike and raid LFG PUGs actually fill up with. This is what most players are actually playing. Most players are not in dedicated, highly optimized static guild groups.

    Average players do NOT play elementalists of any spec in raids and strikes. It is not meta at all. I know this because when I play my elementalist, which has been my main since launch, I very often get asked by commanders to play something else that actually is meta. I have to regularly spend time explaining that even though my class is not meta, because I've been playing it for 9 years I can perform well enough with it that the commander won't regret bringing me. Or I just have to give up and switch classes.

    It literally feels like the devs hate elementalist and take any excuse they can find to nerf it, while other clearly overpowered specs run rampant.

    Why is it okay for mechs to be so strong that they are played in almost every PUG that forms, with commanders asking for them explicitly most of the time, but when some speed runners stack a few Catalysts, suddenly it's required to bring a massive nerf hammer?

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  10. As an ele main since launch, this is something I have wanted for years.

    Nothing sucks more than entering combat with a staff equipped, only to have the enemy get up close and personal and now you can't swap to your dagger/dagger combo like you want to.

    Although it would increase complexity of rotations available to us, it would actually be a huge buff to elementalists because we could use the best skills from 2 different weapons as our rotation instea of all the skills from just 1.

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  11. People are complaining about the alacrity not being put on the same trait as the healing buff.

    But the entire point of traits is to produce meaningful choice options, which all have tradeoffs. I think creating a hard choice between more heals or alacrity is a good thing that will give players a meaningful choice to make.

    That being said, elementalist is still way underpowered for how much effort it requires to play. I mostly play elementalist and necromancer and I gotta say: playing elementalist feels like work whereas playing necromancer feels like I'm actually playing a game for fun.

    Playing elementalist truly feels like playing the game on hard mode for no reason.

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  12. Since devs have indicated they want to reduce the number of currencies, I would like to suggest combining Ascended Shards of Glory and League Tickets into one currency, since they both represent almost the exact same thing (games played in ranked PvP).

    You might even get rid of regular Shards of Glory as well, since they are the same thing except tradeable, making them not much different than receiving gold as a reward.

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  13. It's kinda lame that there is no way to show off your PvP or WvW legendary armor, because even if you're wearing the Mistforged skins it doesn't prove that your armor is legendary.

    Even if it's just an added effect on top of the Mistforged armors, it would be nice to have some real "bling" to show off for us very dedicated PvP/WvW players, like the raid players have.

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  14. I wonder what would happen if devs gave us a Core GW2 Ranked PvP queue, where only stuff from the core game could be played.

    I bet it would be 100x more fun than the current "every player you fight has 7 boons at all times and 8 interrupts to stun you with" power creep crap that the expansions have introduced.

    That type of power creep may be fun in PvE but it has ruined ranked PvP. HoT made it bad and PoF made it terrible.

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