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Posts posted by Etterwyn.5263

  1. @Master Ketsu.4569 said:

    @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:It's going to be somewhat chaotic for a while. And I'm sure there will be overlooked things or unintentional problems. The number of changes is so large that all possible interactions are impossible to predict. Our goal is to be able to respond relatively quickly to issues that come up. And there will probably need to be a decent size follow-up release to continue to refine. Balance is a long term commitment, not a one release solution.

    So at least one other person sat through Antichrist, I gather? Whew... I actually watched that and Dogtooth as a double feature one weekend. I haven't been right in the head since. :#

  2. @DemonSeed.3528 said:I will mention that its funny that I think some people don't realise the lance skill has been introduced, as I've seen them jumping so jolly on their warclaws, taunting people and thinking they can just jump around them until they get lanced and killed. They might catch on soon enough I think. (These are those people that like to troll around keep areas.).

    It was the same when you could no longer cap while mounted. If only those guys could have heard me laughing...

  3. @HyperLooser.2698 said:my reaper rune- shout- chill- bleed- greatsword reaper insta gets max 30 stacks and maintains them at 30 through the entire fight. Using Spite line so the vulnerability stacks when chill quickly builds up stacks.

    Having perma prot and 300 power+600 tougness is amazing+ condi damage reduction.

    Ahhh you're making me wish so bad that I had time to play! :'(

  4. My proposed Gift of Exploration Reward Track would unlock hearts, the same way books of heroics unlock hero points.

    Full completion of the repeatable track would unlock 60 random hearts for that toon. I think 5 reward tracks for doing something you enjoy is a fair tradeoff.

    With the godforsaken hearts out of the way, as well as hero points you can buy, the only PVE part left is running the maps and connecting the dots. You know, "Exploration."

  5. @ZDragon.3046 said:

    @Etterwyn.5263 said:600 toughness, 300 power, and perma-protection in WVW? Drooooooooooooooooooolllll.... <3

    So you are gonna drop what for this? its not exactly free what are you planning to drop?

    Assuming wvw you are playing scourge... you gonna drop curses or soul reaping?Assuming you go core necomancer how are you planning to quickly ramp the stacks cause it wont be as fast as you think. not to mention you are less effective still...Is the drool from the shock of how abysmal this is?

    I play Reaper and if you solo roam you aren't running full glass anyway unless you want to be downed as soon as you realize somebody else is even there. So you get your toughness from gear, food, or traits regardless. I've had a great time with Death and Soul Reaping. 30 does seem like a high number but I'm not going to judge until I see it in motion.

  6. @Anchoku.8142 said:

    @Etterwyn.5263 said:600 toughness, 300 power, and perma-protection in WVW? Drooooooooooooooooooolllll.... <3

    Not so fast! Remember that you will not get all that right away. You have to survive the ramp-up from nothing, first.

    True, but Necro can ramp up conditions crazy fast, especially with axe and scepter. I was already using 112 in Death Magic plus 10% damage reduction food, and could catch people by surprise and watch them panic when their burst salvo failed and I kept coming. I spent one weekend hunting Longbow Rangers, quite entertaining since a Reaper with minions is supposed to be a free kill. This change might get me back to playing more.

  7. Did you ask in map or team chat? Cap a keep on the always-empty EOTM map?

    I know a grand total of zero people in WvW. No guild, friends, I reject every squad request I get because I never commit a block of time and prefer to jump in and out as I please.

    I may well be wrong but it sounds like you didn't actually ask for any help.

  8. @Sovereign.1093 said:

    @"DemonSeed.3528" said:Not sure, at this point I don't think many need the incentive anymore - they should learn by now it's not going to go well asking for incentives.

    how does having no incentive help? i mean isnt that the reason why wvw is bleeding out?

    I only started to dabble last year, but it seems the "incentive" was always the satisfying combat, not the rewards. Combat is constrained by balance, and once every 3 months we stand outside thirstily and hope the gods rain on us instead of piss on us. WvW has several types of reward structures (and some exclusive) but that alone still isn't keeping the population.

    Winning should mean something, but that can't happen while the outcome is predetermined by server stacking. That may never improve.

  9. Dungeon tokens you can save up for with your daily potions.... unless you enjoy the dungeons and don't have trouble getting groups together.

    OP you may as well be asking what the most profitable farm is. Directly farming those mats is long and tedious (except for the dust that you salvage from ectos). WvW has poor gold per hour, but that's made up for by being more fun than grind farming Silverwastes. If you have the $$ just buy gems, convert, and bid the mats off TP. If you have the time instead of cash, you're best served pinching your nose and doing some PVE farming to get the gold you need.

  10. @Helly.2597 said:All this misguided fear about nerfs. Anet certainly isn't balancing around small scale roaming in WvW. And builds are like encryption, the only way you know it's good is by telling as many people as possible and seeing if anyone can break it/improve it.

    Example would be after anet buffed deathly chill. Clearly 3 bleeds per chill application was too strong and needed a Nerf. And yet it wasn't nerfed until after PoF launched. Those builds weren't secret and yet they survived a long time.

    I've roamed necro a long time. And I don't think I've ever seen a nerf that was directed related to any necro roaming build. Closest would be the signet changes destroying boon corrupt hybrid, but those changes were supposedly to make signets more useful in pve (laughable).

    And as was mentioned above, any build (that isn't a hard support) can pull off 1v3 in WvW. In fact necro is exceptional at this due to it's high amounts of aoe and area denial. So I wouldn't suddenly think this build deserves a Nerf.

    Epidemic got nerfed twice because of Deathly Chill (in combination with the new Expertise stat), since the 50,000 bleed stacks could suddenly be bounced exponentially depending on the number of Necros. They should have just addressed the stupid trait itself from the beginning.

  11. @"Serenity.6304" said:These changes will make the scourge in PvP even more vulnerable than it is now, probably gonna play something else then. There is no point in being a scourge anymore while dying so fast. And I am 100 % sure that it's gonna be that way.

    I really want to encourage you to express your opinion in the recent thread with those changes. This is the only way we can still change something. The rework is done now anyway, but at least we can fight for a "dismiss all sand shades" button.

    We can't even get a "dismiss all minions" button. :/

  12. @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:FINALLY found a scrounge build for roaming. It is so op that I have taken out groups up to four, if I catch them right. Been roaming HoD BL and having a blast. But seems when I find a build I like, Anet "tweaks" it to oblivion. Anyone else have that foreboding sense?

    Good builds are like good farming spots. If you make them public they get nerfed. If you tell a friend, that friend will tell a friend, and so forth until someone makes it public and it gets nerfed. Humans can't keep secrets.

    If I ever stumble across something really awesome and it's not an exploit, I'm not sharing it with a soul.

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