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Posts posted by Vithzerai.3291

  1. I, as I'm sure many others(Or maybe I really am the only stupid optimistic pleb here), got jebaited with the hope Anet actually cared this time. I'm fairly sure the only reason they release great content on occasion is so that patches like these sting that much more. I bet they find our reactions here cathartic, hysterically giggling at our frustration after pulling the rug out from under us. "That'll show those entitled nerds asking us to invest any amount of forethought into our balance. Imagine wanting more than 3 buttons to press instead of everything about a class being passive mechanics and asking for any content other than open-world Metas. Gonna' need to buy more gemstore goodies if you want a proper patch lads, think we work for free?"

    Actually, there's an idea. Just sell a decent patch as a gemstore bundle at this point, honestly.

    God bless, serves me right.

    • Like 3
  2. I don't know who this new company is, but I like their balance changes already. If only to watch the flood of Mirage mains come down from the heavens to say their class was trash beforehand and this nerf is unnecessary and continuing the Mesmer discrimination.

  3. @TheComposer.6574 said:Okay, so i got a message from anet about how they deal with reported players in pvp and it was in no way helpful. I was told they handle problem players all at once through a ban wave. This is problematic, and i have some sound reasoning as to why. So you get grouped with the same players, i won't name drop here, but there is a very particular necro who likes to afk and not participate the moment the team loses a team fight. I mean, it could be a 2v2 that gets plussed, he's gonna quit. Instead of rage quitting, he idles, so we in turn lose lose rank points, this happened to me maybe 7 times today. Rank means nothing if you get destroyed by players afking even though everyone reports them. It needs to be handles ASAP, not when you decide to ban salty players and cheaters in droves. Especially in PvP elements of the game.

    Necro that afk's after a lost teamfight? Prince Vingador is back!?!?!? Pogchamp.

  4. In theory I think this could be a great idea. However in practice, I actually just have one issue - this would indirectly buff +1 builds by a crazy margin. Sure you could technically bait a thief's +1 with a weird double-dodge/dodge + cooldown shenanigans, but it basically means the thief doesn't even need you to be visible on his screen to know the perfect time to jump 85% of the time - he'll just wait for that endurance bar under your HP to drop to know when to steal.Less of an issue in Coordinated teams I guess, but even then I think it makes it much, much more reliable to know when to burst with teleports.

    (Also just used thief as an example, applies to any +1 build with ports obviously, before the teeves go for my throat.)

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