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Posts posted by Fish.2769

  1. The problem with BB (If you see it that way) is that it's the only Spanish National server in the game EU and NA so those who don't speak much English or simply just want to speak their native language went there. The reason they have such a strong night-cap is because they have sleep breaks during the day as it's too hot for them to work and from my understanding (Never properly confirmed) they do have a few South Americans over there which obviously play in a different time-zone to mainland EU.

  2. @Inoki.6048 said:

    @kamikharzeeh.8016 said:wsr is highly overrated. they are or seem pretty coordinated, their k/d ratio is that good bc every other server runs way too often into their ganking zergs. so like fsp, but always with bigger size. k/d ratio is a pretty poor thing to measure servers on, because the weirdos that die for 2-3 hours on a line @ the hill to SM castle count into that too, and wsr is a server with loads of rangers, deadeyes, mesmers, they sometimes even form zergs nearly solely of roamingclasses.

    some people seem to enjoy that or practice their figthing skills with the "king of the hill"-game on SM/ebg... also since the whole format is so rusty and somehow stale, people maybe have to find extreme matchups to entertain themselves. if anet would finally bring back some content to wvw and some reasoning into not-yolo'ing like potatos, that would be sweet.

    A guy on Discord once said it right - I like to believe - about WSR, when he described them as a bunch of scared kids, and that's because they all hide on one server fighting other, smaller or (in the majority of cases) far less organised groups.

    Imagine each of the guilds sought out challenge by fighting their own peers. But no, they all stack in one place where they don't have to fight each other, and no real challenge comes to them. Makes them feel cozy perhaps, secure. And they seem to like everyone else to think they are awesome, strong, and so on.

    But are they?

    Before anyone says it, no i'm not on WSR.

    That being said, that's not entirely true... Most the people on WSR have been playing with each other for years via various guilds (Because y'know reforming your GvG guild every 6 months was a thing when GvGs were a thing and people actually cared). So the vast majority of people on WSR are people who've been around WvW for quite a few years and all their old guildies/friends play on that server which is what is often complained about when people can't transfer to X server to play with their guildies/friends of old/current because the server's "Full" and has no link.

  3. The problem is it's not roaming you're speaking about, it's havocing.

    In a blob vs blob scenario MI isn't as 'powerful' as you may think it is due to the amount of damage being thrown around, sure it may save someone if used at the right time or it may even get the downed person AND the Guardian killed if used badly.

    GW1 had a similar mechanic called 'Unyielding Aura' where a Monk would put a buff on someone and as soon as they died, they would get ported to the Monks position and ressed.

  4. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @Randulf.7614 said:Better rewards are great.

    This is an iconic GW boss.

    Since when was Drakkar a boss? Hes always been just an inanimate object. Outside of stripping away Joras bear ability he doesnt do anything in the first game. At least now he looks amazing and is -now- a boss.

    The rest of what you said is pretty accurate, except im seeing loads of players dying to his attacks, so he may be difficult to the average player, have i seen an event fail yet? no, and thats a good thing, wasted time is not great either.

    Edit to iconic name. Drakkar is extremely important in lore and legend to the Norn and Jormag. In much the same way Kralkatorrik and Primordus were nothing before gw2, Drakkars name has transcended what it began as.

    I'm sorry, Primordus was nothing...? You're right, he wasn't INCLUDED in the EoTN expansion AND lore that killed EVERY Dwarf except Odgen Stonehealer who just happened to stroll on into GW2 randomly near the Priory then into the story with Living World Season... 2?

    Edited: He personally didn't kill the Dwarfs, his minions did.

  5. @Vegeta.2563 said:

    @Fire Attunement.9835 said:Okay everyone, WvW is back up and running!

    Could you please do something about skill lag in WvW?

    When there's lots of players near each other, skills take like at least half a minute to go off, or they never do

    Is this half a minute an exaggeration, or is it more like 3-5 seconds how it normally is when you have blob v blob v blob?

    3-5 seconds? What game you been playing for the last 5 years? (It wasn't as bad pre-HoT).

    P.S. Possibly 6 years, i can't remember when HoT came out...

  6. @Flee.5602 said:

    @Fish.2769 said:The problem would be that whenever someone disconnects, they wouldn't be immediately replaced or more a large number leave would have a bigger effect on said 'team' - also FPS games are designed in that way and that's what sPvP is for...

    I understand your doubts. When this system enters WvW with guild as a unit, it will be much better.

    It's not a doubt, it's another way of saying - it simply wouldn't work and would create more imbalance with populations.

    Arenanet The "alliance system" mentioned has a huge influence on the guildNow known WvW guilds, no guild can achieve 50 guild members to enter WvW at the same time, the rest of the fill by some free agents or another guild to piece together a complete 50 complete team.

    I know you said your English isn't great but what you've written originally is a completely different concept and idea to what you're now saying. I'm not picking at your lack of knowledge for the language, just not sure you made the point you were trying to with your opening post.

    Don't restrict yourself, just say what you think, the alliance system needs everyone's attention, no matter what, look forward to WvW changes.

    Yep. You've lost me completely now... Alliances coming to a Gemstore near you! (soon ™)

  7. @Flee.5602 said:

    @Fish.2769 said:The problem would be that whenever someone disconnects, they wouldn't be immediately replaced or more a large number leave would have a bigger effect on said 'team' - also FPS games are designed in that way and that's what sPvP is for...

    I understand your doubts. When this system enters WvW with guild as a unit, it will be much better.

    It's not a doubt, it's another way of saying - it simply wouldn't work and would create more imbalance with populations.

    Arenanet The "alliance system" mentioned has a huge influence on the guildNow known WvW guilds, no guild can achieve 50 guild members to enter WvW at the same time, the rest of the fill by some free agents or another guild to piece together a complete 50 complete team.

    I know you said your English isn't great but what you've written originally is a completely different concept and idea to what you're now saying. I'm not picking at your lack of knowledge for the language, just not sure you made the point you were trying to with your opening post.

  8. @Flee.5602 said:

    @Fish.2769 said:The problem would be that whenever someone disconnects, they wouldn't be immediately replaced or more a large number leave would have a bigger effect on said 'team' - also FPS games are designed in that way and that's what sPvP is for...

    I understand your doubts. When this system enters WvW with guild as a unit, it will be much better.

    It's not a doubt, it's another way of saying - it simply wouldn't work and would create more imbalance with populations.

  9. @Sleepwalker.1398 said:Hello, can someone check and confirm if Daily Achievements if you do only 3 WvW is bugged....for a few days or a while?I am stuck on 23971 AP for a few days now and even it says daily done which i took pics of before and after and shows 10points, but its not getting added to my total.Im just not sure if its just me or related to WvW dailies only or affecting other as well..

    There's a cap on how much AP you can obtain from dailies. It's linked to your account so it might say daily is 10 AP but you won't get anything because you can't get anymore via dailies. There's a way to check it but i can't remember where, sorry!

  10. @Svarty.8019 said:

    @"TheGrimm.5624" said:They should never have dropped the requirements for the ones we have. When they did a lot of vets insta-got them which dropped their value on that day.

    Lol, the stonemist titles were impossible to get.Even with 2 zergs just standing there and cap it every 5 minutes (takes longer than 5 minutes with buff and lord)It would have taken several years of nonstop flipping to get it.

    Take stonemist 100.000 times.Even with instantcapping and just 5min timer you could cap it every 10 minutes.Thats 1.000.000 minutes /60/24/365 is 1.902 years of constant flipping.

    Yea give back old numbers.

    Newsflash, it's
    several years. IMO They should have left them as long-term objectives, we'd still have completed them by now but at least people might feel like they achieved something - you know... like the word "achievement" suggests?

    Was this opinion formed before or after God knows how many people 'farmed' Ultimate Dominator in the old style Obsidian Sanctum? ;)

  11. @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

    @L A T I O N.8923 said:This most likely Will lead to stacking up scourges

    This most likely would lead to the other side stacking thieves and rangers which would in effect obliterate the scourge zerg faster than one can blink.

    What they should do is make a week out of it. Instead of no downstate week, do no Guardian class week (no guardians, no DH's, no Firebrands), and watch how the play drastically changes.

    And then come to forum and watch how many people complain ANet are being classist because they can't play Guardian? :D

  12. Imagine you have an t3 keep defended with your zerg against an enemy zerg. You see an thief that managed to hide somewhere inside the lord room (for example the desert keeps). It is permanently invisible, cleanse off reveals (and reveal traps) and continue to be permanent stealth until their zerg is ready again.

    ^ From your post about perma-stealth Thieves. So nice attempt but i'm hit you with a solid, nope.

  13. @KryTiKaL.3125 said:

    @Knighthonor.4061 said:Support role is one of my favorite play styles in WvW. I don't even play Firebrand. Just support on any class is enjoyable for me. From Healer to Booner and all in between. Scrapper and Revenant support are some of my favorite. Been playing Warrior support lately for the fun of it.

    There been talk of heavy handed reducing Support in WvW.

    Such a concept doesn't seem appealing or fun to me. It once again reduce a lot of the roles in the game like Vanilla GW2 when everything was DPS fest and not much fun.

    I just hope the game not heading back this way in terms of gameplay design.

    Except you can't deny that healing in the game has been power crept just as hard as damage has and its to the point of too much, it especially can't stay as it is if the intention is to reduce damage coefficients across the board as that would then make sustain/healing far, far too powerful in comparison to the amount of damage being done.

    Support was less available back in Core GW2 not due to the
    on healing skills but due to the
    of them. Guardian was about it in terms of support and healing and even that didn't have a large number of skills that sustained healing on players. Guardian even back in Core GW2, though, was still a go to for boons for zergs and group play.

    With all of the changes over the years the healing and support offered by Scrapper, Tempest, Revenant,
    Firebrand and even Warrior to some extent has just become more and more and more. It is
    too much
    and if support gets reduced, just like damage, the landscape for support and healing might change but that is just something that will need to be adapted to.

    Not entirely true... The idea around the combat in GW2 was to remove the 'Holy Trinity System' which they did to a certain extent. Yes, classes still had their roles in groups but when i first started playing WvW so many years ago, the meta was focused around group healing/teamplay far more than it is now... Yes, the TTK was a lot lower back then but you never had 'dedicated healers' because there wasn't any need for them. Guard, Warrior and Ele all used to be what you used to heal your party (Squads weren't a thing, glorious...) via blasting fields and skills/traits.

    With the Powercreep, the healing potential HAD to increase to compensate but now both are at an extremely horrific level and both need to be addressed and toned down which hopefully, will happen.

    Right. Isn't that what I said...?

    I'm confused as to the intent of your post...is it meant to add to the point or is it meant to correct some incorrect information? I'm really not sure because reading through your post it just looks like you're saying almost exactly what my post just said, just rephrased.

    I'm not trying to start an argument, I am just genuinely confused as to what you were trying to convey here that is somehow different to what I said.

    What you highlighted is agreeing with what you said and also said differently, i never noticed until you pointed it out though... Sorry!

    The rest of it was a correction about what you said about healing etc...

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