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Posts posted by Len.1879

  1. Servers. Are. No. Hiveminds. Neither are guilds, btw.I can not stress this enough. Even if you have a group of five cheaters concenctrated on a single server, punishing the ~500+ players community on that servers for the actions of said small group is flat out stupid. It is not like the community could do anything to stop the offenders if they wanted anyway.

    Currently the entirety of the servers playing against the hacker's server ARE being punished as a result of Anet's allowing the hackers to continue on unpunished.Two wrongs don't make a right. Your frustration is understandable, but your suggested solution is simply bad.

  2. @JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    @"Len.1879" said:It's funny. Players keep asking for balance patches. And when it rolls around the corner threads like this immediately pop up:

    inb4 Tempest players "hurr, this isn't balance, this is gutting!!1"

    ya good luck finding space in a 5 man team comp...as if anyone is gonna now pick you over a scrapper? Get real.

    play Scrapper then? What even...

  3. @anduriell.6280 said:

    • This cause the game to have very bad performance spikes. As all players tend to stay in the same spot it causes the servers and your personal computers to handle much more information than it would if the squad would be better distributed in better defined roles.Quite the contrary! Adding collision detection between player models would likely cause noteable computation drops, especially when large groups of players happen upon each other. In case you think that these lag spikes would deter players from gather in masses: this would probably feel very similar to what we are currently seeing with skill lags, as it impacts server sided computation. And that didn't stop all three zergs from running into each other all night long.
  4. What is it with you throwing around wild claims and selling them as "proof", OP?

    Then current skill ranges and radiuses would mean you wouldn't be ever able to engage right? And you would spend more time in pulsing fields.You can still dodge.

    Then it means enemy will be on top of you instantly and there is no advantage in playing ranged builds as you will be cc locked. Pulsing fields would never get more than 1 tick off.Then keep enemies at bay with threatening fields and CC.

    I am not saying you are wrong per se – I don't have any strong opinion on it at all – I am just flabbergasted at your understanding of how proving and reasoning work. Especially when sprinkling it with gonzo statements like "bold statement (and reality)".

  5. @"Menzo.2185" said:"World vs. WorldTactic banners (Dragon Banner, Centaur Banner, Turtle Banner) are now restricted to the general area around the objective they are spawned in. Leaving the objective area while carrying a tactic banner will display a warning message, and failing to return to the objective area within the allocated time will destroy the banner."

    Who came up with this dumb idea?It is the worst idea you could have had. You could nerf the dmg, you could restrict the number of banners/BL, you could have reduced the time from 15 to 10min and you could even have rework all the banners skills. But restrict the usage to the general area around the objective they are spawned in to, is the worst idea of the worst ideas. Why dont u remove it from the game... something that has been around here for 8 years?

    I HATE IT!!!!!! PLEASE, turn back this decision!

    For those who loved this !@#! idea, please go play other games. Stop whining!!! Just dodge! Block! Don't stand in red circle. And please stop trolling Anet by making them believe that the majority of WvW players really want this dumb changes. Mounts are great, Glider too, Desert BL its one of the best maps. I want flying mounts too. Make this possible, think outside the box.

    My sides.

  6. Thank God! I am not going crazy! It has happened for me as well. for a long time now. Went through the entire support team, basically uninstalled everything but GW2 (Photoshop gone, thanks, support!) but to no avail. Final thoughts of the support was something along the lines of "blame your ISP".

  7. I really, really hope this is an honest post, because parts of it read like a thinly veiled troll. But against my better judgement: welcome to WvW! The first rule of WvW is: you are not a hero. Try to get in touch with you server's community to find ways to play effectively and as part of a larger group. WvW has a pretty solid meta which has been found out by players who did a lot of math and experimenting. Playing an experimental build from PvE and expecting similar results will most likely not work out in your favour.I do appreciate that you actually took the time to come up with feedback and properly word your points, but I think at this point you don't have the general overview yet.

    I am currently playing WvW with my sword/dagger weaver in full berserker/assassin gear and PvE build and every player can kill me in 1 second without giving me a chance to even perform half of my skill rotation. I don't like how squishy and unbalanced the current state of the game is, HP becomes totally irrelevant when you can play meta builds that can burst down players in a couple of seconds without counterplay

    I don't really get what you are saying here. HP obviously is extremely relevant in your case. You are playing the class with the lowest HP pool (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Health) with stats that are entirely geared towards offense with not a tad of defense. Those are stats that are mostly played by experienced players within the safety of a large group, not in a 1v1-scenario. Done properly you are the one that bursts others down in one second. That is called high risk, high reward. Not sure what you expected.

  8. @KrHome.1920 said:I don't understand this situation at all.

    No one does. People have taken on this unpleasant habit of just dumping whatever crosses their mind into the forums without providing any clear request, discussion, issue, or feedback. Let alone structuring their posts properly or giving it a fitting title.But given what is provided in the first post I assume the answer OP should receive is something along the lines of:

    lul git gud.

  9. I will happily repeat myself on this matter: Warclaw unifies speed across classes, removing the urge of some players to swap out a utility skill for a walkspeed signet and making it easier for zergs to stay close, without constantly losing players who slack behind and don't get the speed fields from guardians.

    Also, really bad style in your poll: you give the two options in text

    1. It doesn't really matter: leave it as it is or remove it
    2. Give it speed

    then you don't give the option to just leave it as it is (which I would have voted). This is called a leading question and makes this poll basically worthless.

  10. @"Beorne.9248" said:4)The speed nerf it got is horrible. You can literally run faster by getting the shrine buff in red bl

    I am not getting tired of telling people how damn happy I am with the speed that comes from the Warclaw, however little it is. Not because it is a boost, but because it unifies speeds across classes. How many times did I need to wait for a Necro that was slumping behind the group? How many times did I beg classes to not use speed sigils in their skill slot because they "felt like they were moving way too slow"? With the current implementation everyone can keep up and through the passive buff even players without the Warclaw can run along.

  11. @freecarl.1320 said:Arena NetIt has been 5 yearsIts not funny anymore!

    What has been five years? What is not fun anymore? Care to elaborate your very opaque title and OP? Would you perhaps care to provide concise and constructive criticism and suggestions? Have you maybe been meaning to post this in your guild chat, or something?

  12. @kamikharzeeh.8016 said:and then u look at the stats of Baruch Bay and become like monkaHmm. not even full (at least someone said that lately), unlinked but blobbing more often than not

    Baruch Bay is the only Spanish server and is therefore artificially held open by the devs. I believe they have stated so, but I can not find it right now, maybe someone else can provide a source. Their population state therefore does't really reflect their actual population, making BB a bad example.

  13. @Zawn.9647 said:

    @"Len.1879" said:Boons are an integral part of the game. Especially while conditions as their counterpart are still in play, this suggestion makes relatively little sense. We already have huge problems with stability when the guards are not on their toes. You can expect WvW to be a giant pinball machine when stability is deactivated altogether. No, thanks.

    As downstate is and yet there's a no downstate week every now and then.It's not like the OP is asking to remove boons from the game. 1 week won't kill you, I promise. You would be ok

    I don't think you understood what I said. Without stability literally every CC will bounce whole groups around the area. Necros with spectral ring would have some fun, for sure, but for everyone else that would be a terrible time. It's at the same level at "let everyone have just 1 HP for a weekend, come on, it will be fun!".

  14. Boons are an integral part of the game. Especially while conditions as their counterpart are still in play, this suggestion makes relatively little sense. We already have huge problems with stability when the guards are not on their toes. You can expect WvW to be a giant pinball machine when stability is deactivated altogether. No, thanks.

  15. @"Balkarrie Legacy.9175" said:Stop basing your WvW server populations on PVE Server populations, and that initial peaktime log on, when the kids log on to do their daily and go again.Limit servers to a max of 50 per teamAutomatically put queued players for a map into a non queued oneKindly stop linking Desolation with anyone , we don`t want them esp the french ! . Matter of fact stop linking all together.Ban Nth American and Sth American players from eu servers , lets see how certain servers do without their intercontinental back up to help them at 3am

    Newsflash, pal.

    McKenna Berdrow.2759 ArenaNet › December 9, 2017 edited December 22, 2017Q: When is a world considered "Full"?A: Worlds are considered full when the average weekly playtime in WvW exceeds a set threshold. The status of worlds is periodically checked and then the “Full” status of > worlds is adjusted.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/19921/wvw-frequently-asked-questions#latest

  16. Minstrel Mesmer. As a commander, you need to stay alive for as long as possible. Have your personal stability, sustain and invul frames through mantras and sword, as well as those perfectly timed veils and portal bombs you have ever dreamed of. Just be careful with blinking around, your zerg might get confused af.

    EDIT: sorry, I misread your OP. Thought you were looking for class advice in general. I have no opinion on those two classes you suggested.

  17. Since no one from AG has answered you so far:from having been linked with AG during the last link, my impression was that AG consists mainly of roamers.Officially announced zergs were rather rare. From at most one per day to long stretches without any announced raid at all.Mind you: this is incomplete data, since obviously some commanders tagged up without announcing it.This could very well have changed with the link to RoS. From my personal experience, I would rather recommend FSP as a server with active community and guilds.

  18. @Lord of the Fire.6870 said:Since a few weeks every headstart one of the maps get bugged (EU) so that on or two parties can't get on it also with the whole coronavirus going on we have queues on everymap even without it at weeks ends . So how would it be to activate pieps on eotm again?

    What is a headstart? In the context of a race, that's when some racers get to run ahead for a bit. Do you get to start your new matchup early?

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