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Posts posted by Jerus.4350

  1. I fully agree.  I get why they need to change things for WvW, but do we need to change all of them?  The problem is that Sneak Gyro is crazy good with it's mobile stealth which makes it a far longer stealth than any other options.  Making it stationary means we can place it, chill in it a few seconds, or blast and move.  Still very useable, but it will cut the stealth time down dramatically.  Purge Gyro similarly is very powerful in WvW being a solid cleanse that follows you pulsing cleanses for basically the entire engagement (usually it's a short clash followed by a regroup). 


    So I can see why those need to be adjusted and this change will be effective for that.  My question is, do the rest of the Gyros need to change? 


    From a WvW perspective, being a knockoff Necro and tossing damaging wells into the fray sounds interesting, but because our wells are so delayed, it's very unlikely they will be effective for that.  So can we just keep Heal/Shredder/Blast gyro centered on the player, thus leaving the main PVE uses as they were, but still addressing the WvW problem with Stealth/Purge?


    I would also argue at that point couldn't we split Stealth Gyro and have it only ground targetted in competitive?  It's just one skill that way, but I'm ok with this being shot down.   I'd just like to keep the dungeon/fractal skipping tools, but whatever.

  2. 5 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    I think the biggest issue is that Scrapper and Holosmith has no tradeoff compared to Core Engineer other then the F5 skill.

    Considering how well Core Engi is doing right now I don’t really see a need.  At least in PVE it’s one of the best performing core specs. 

    That said Elite specs can’t Moa!

    • Like 1
  3. Nice list wasss, that’d be my first two as well.  

    then for the third I’d just elaborate and point how how locked in we are to explosions/firearms.  Those trait lines are just so bloated for damage that it’s hard to compete.  It’s not surprising that Core is only slightly behind Scrapper and Holo on damage (and soon power mech).  I would love if they tuned down the damage modifiers a bit and rescaled coefficients but that’s a mountain of work.  It just really limits our options.


    (also don’t forget they nerfed core healing recently which isn’t great considering it was done specifically for Mech 😅)

    • Confused 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Xanfell.3475 said:

    Aim assisted rocket interval increased from 3 secs to 6 seconds for the robot so maybe they doubled the dmg value lol. 

    Honestly though they should just remove aim assisted rocket from triggering with the robot tbh. 

    No other traits that I know of really works with the robot. 

    For example Sanguine Array - bleeds give might. It does not give you or the robot might when you use mech arms: single edge cutters. 

    So why does aim assisted rocket get to trigger with the robot? Which is making pewpew Metanist easy to play and pretty strong. 

    They didn’t double damage or increase it in any way, the Mech itself just has a very high weapon strength and AAR uses that.

    Removing it is an option to address the pMech situation, not my favorite but an option.

    Other Explosives traits used to work but they changed Jade Dynamo to instead reduce cooldowns and give quickness.

    All traits by default only work for the player not the pet, some can carry over with inheritance or in the case of AAR by specifically being inherited by the 3xx trait.

  5. Med kit, Elixir gun, and Mortar are standard for healing builds.  Grenade is a must for all dps with bomb being solid condi or power and flamethrower being the third condi kit for most condi builds (not condi dps mech but still used for condi alac mech).  Flamethrower also has juggernaut builds if you’re feeling lazy.  Only the tool kit isn’t regularly used but it can still be pretty nice in PVP or for niche PVE.


    Kits aren’t really a problem, other than some just not liking their design.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    I have to disagree with you there, Utility Goggles is quite good, it does have a bugged tooltip and gives more protection then it says.

    In PVP or WvW? Looking at it right now and it's giving me the proper 5s+ (says 5.75s can't say for sure that .75 is all there, but it's 5s when I hover after using).


    Still pretty underwhelming for PVE. 


    Overall I don't have much to add to what the others said.  Tools is "weak" because of what it's compared to more than it in itself being weak. You'd have to add a TON to it to compete with Explosions/Firearms on Power builds, and then what would core Power Engi look like?  I wouldn't mind some Condi love there though, competing with Explosions in that regard might be within reason.  Gadgets could use a pass, half are great, the other half VERY niche. 

  7. What 1 skill is higher damage than most of our other damage skills? 


    Looking at my skills on Scrapper right now.  F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 are all used for damage, Hammer 2, and 5 are used (3 and 4 are defensive).  Grenade kit is my first utility and I use skills 2, 4, and 5.  Then I have Shredder Gyro and Throw Mine as my other Utilities, both used on cooldown.  Finally Mortar Kit for my Elite which I use the 2 and 4 skill sporadically to fill in gaps.


    On Power Mech I use the F1, F2, and F3 off cooldown.  Then every weapon skill is a DPS increase over the auto and for utilities it's just grenade kit that does damage. Elite is typically the Signet which is used off cooldown.  You press every damaging skill other than Grenade 1 and 3 for this build as a DPS increase.


    Holo ECSU with Shield, I'm using every skill other than Sword 3, Shield 4/5, Grenade 1 and 3, and Holoforge 2 and 5.


    Maybe I'm missing something but for the builds I'm running the only skills not worth using for DPS are the ones that should be lower as they aren't meant for damage.  Are there skills you're thinking of specifically?

    • Like 3
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  8. 2 hours ago, Merywen.4798 said:

    Glad to hear that! Could i also in the far future once i start doing some group content like dungeons or fractals use the build for that or are there better options? I watched a video yesterday about a new "Rifle Mechanist" build, that should be very good. However, someone in the comments said it's not useful for new players, because you get one shotted if you don't know boss mechanics already (which would be the case for me 😆).

    That's the case for everything, or at least everything that didn't gear up with a bunch of toughness/vitality and doing that isn't a good idea.   It's an action style game, there are some attacks that will just need to be actively avoided, but they're usually pretty well telegraphed (get out of the big orange field!).


    I'd add here some things that I didn't see that I think are worth mentioning for new engi players:

    Blind Fields: they're awesome, Bomb4 and Mortar4, blind makes it so the next attack misses, so you can gather up a few enemies drop a blind field and enjoy a few seconds of near immunity.

    Tools Traitline: Streamlined kits used to be a must with the perma swiftness, probably not as important with Mounts, but it was still always a favorite of mine on Core.  You also have a trait that gives extra endurance regen that could help while learning and wasting dodges.

    Blast Combos: worth learning some combos.  Healing Turret is a good start because it's built to combo with itself.  You hit healing turret and it will place the turret and then create a water field with the overcharge.  So you place, wait a second, and then hit the healing skill again to detonate (note the blast is centered on the player not the turret) and that will do a blast finisher in the water field for extra healing.  Likewise you could hit your Bomb toolbelt skill Big Ol Bomb before placing the healing turret to get a secondary blast for even more healing.  Blasting Water/Fire/Smoke fields can be a big help and is part of the core engi design.

  9. Engi doesn't have weapon swap, so it's just whatever offhand you want, we have 2 choices. 


    Pistol is mainly condi damage focused with Blowtorch, and then it has an Immobilize on the 5 skill.  However, it's also good on Power because our only other option is Shield which is not a damage weapon.  On Mech you're looking at about an extra 1k DPS by using Blowtorch off cooldown and unlike Holo there aren't any other skills available to replace it with really.


    Shield is a defensive/utility weapon with solid CC from both skills.  Shield 5 is a block with a stun if something attacks you (this can be very very powerful but it's very very rare) and even more CC on the flip skill where you throw it.  Shield 4 is a projectile reflect that has a Blast/Knockback on the flip skill, this is very useful on say VG for pushing the red Seekers back, or it can just be used for the blast/CC. 


    I use both on Mace Mech builds, condi is almost always Pistol, but Alac DPS mech can go Rifle, Mace/Pistol, or Mace Shield (~25k, 24k, 23k DPS benches respectively).  Heal Mech is almost always shield and basically never pistol, Rifle has some niche uses. And Power Mech is certainly better with Rifle, but it's not bad at all with Mace either.  I do think mace is going to be getting a lot less use from me with the barrier nerf coming, I'm just not sure it'll be worth using on Alac DPS Mech, and the DPS options are already better most of the time with the other weapons.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Atticus.7194 said:

    pMech should be 32k it's incredibly absurdly brainless Holo actually requires active input and thought so it should be rewarded

    Not really.  It performs amazingly well while being played brainless but to get the bench numbers right now it’s far from easy.  Pretty sure it’s higher APM than sword Holo.  Not that I want Mech higher or really even competing with Holo for bench numbers. I just don’t like downplaying a 90APM rotation because the build performs so well without it.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. 34 minutes ago, squeegee.4320 said:

    I like how 90% of the forum is complaining about power rifle mechanist so they nerf support and condi mechanists in the balance patch. 🤔

    They needed it.  Condi might not seem like it just looking at bench numbers, but with confusion factored in condi was over 40k on most fights, a little shaving makes sense.  And, the heal stuff, of course healmech was/is busted I’m just sad they nerfed core/scrapper while they were at it.

    • Confused 3
  12. Lower mech auto damage a bit again.  Give condi back a little of what was stripped off them in the last few patches to counter the auto nerf and we’re looking good for mech.  Then we just need buffs  to laser’s edge and some fixes for solar focusing lens and we’re all good.

    • Like 1
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  13. Look at some Power builds.


    I know you'll be seeing that Power is bad right now, but that's more by comparison and they're still perfectly viable, the Banner/Spirit nerf just hit them much harder than Condi.  The big reason to go power is that it's  Core Tyria stat selections, meaning you can buy pieces on the trading post for less than a gold, you're not going to do that with Rit/Cele/Vip. 


    Power Daredevil I think has always been a good option to start with.  it's pretty straight forward for most of it's damage, but a lot of fine tuning options to push out a little more (using Dodges correctly to manage endurance, lining up burst damage, and using stolen skills correctly to name a few).  I'd say Soulbeast is probably your best performance pick, but it's not as easy.  Holosmith, Dragon Hunter, Reaper, and maybe Berserker (heard it got hit exceptionally hard) would all be perfectly viable picks as well.  If you do go Holo, you could even pick up a couple Diviner's trinkets and have a Quickness Scrapper option. I'd suggest staying away from Ele and Mesmer as they're a bit tougher to start with.


    Take a look on Snowcrows, look at the builds, and look at the top right corner there will be a drop down that says "meta builds" by default, swap that to Legacy and you'll see a bunch of other builds that got dropped recently due to that Banner/Spirit nerf. 


    Lastly, I'd highly suggest avoiding crafting Celestial stat gear if possible.  It's stupid expensive and it's a selectable stat on like every bit of stat selectable gear drops you get.  So that's preferred over crafting, but it might take a while.



    Good resource for gearing tips:




    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, ThunderX.6591 said:

    AS i posted various time, Mecha with 01/08 patch lost 2k dps, so from the 36k dps on Snowcrow (old test), you need to sub 2k (so around 34k), dps that take the class on the lower part of the ranking benchmark......... but i will continue to use it cause i like robot...... simple as that.


    Naw that 36k was updated Aug 2nd, it's current.  That latest balance patch did cut the Mech's AAR damage in half (3s to 6s ICD) losing ~1500 dps, but the Rifle 1 skill was fixed to have the correct (shorter)cast time, countering the better portion of that nerf.


    Of course, you're not getting that 36k afk, and personally I think 34k is my best attempt so far and that's at something like 90 APM.  Completely AFK got me 27.5k DPS last I tried.

    • Like 2
  15. 2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    Ooookay, that seems... arbitrary. Maybe Anet had a hard time coding it?

    If it works on the core skills, at least you can make the pet act like it does for other elite specs. Minus the keybinds that completely mess up your muscle memory. 

    Yeah I have to think they want to address that but ran into issues.  It’s just too funny given everything going on.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    They actually went and let you set every pet skill to autoattack. That's... interesting.  

    I'm gonna keep that turned off because I like having control over when and where I use these skills, but that definitely drops the skill floor by a lot. 


    Time to try Untamed now IG. 

    No no that’s the best part, it doesn’t work on the untamed pet skills, just the pets core skills. 😅

    • Like 4
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    • Confused 1
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  17. F2 Crisis Zone is not displaying the correct durations.  Alac on Crisis Zone is 6s base, when in full healer gear and at 100% boon duration, the duration should be 12s, but it's showing 9-1/4s duration on the hover over tooltip.  I noticed on the mech's hover over stat sheet it's only showing 56% boon duration which matches up with the tooltip display on Alac (6s * 1.56 = 9.36s rounding to 9-1/4s for display).


    So, I think the bug is in the Mech's (pet) hover over stat sheet, and that incorrect stat is being used on the tooltip display for the skill.  It DOES give the correct duration on the buffs, it's just the display that is wrong.

  18. I can't say for sure on World Bosses as it's been a while since I actually paid attention while doing them.  But, with their larger than average hitboxes I would think it'd be a pain. 


    As far as how traits work, I can tell you Aim-Assisted rockets (must be 150 away) is from the edge of the hitbox.  Likewise High Caliber (<450 range for 15% crit chance) is also based off the edge of the hitbox.  That does not mean the red circle though, that red targetting circle does not necessarily match the hitbox, so you'll need to pay attention and do a little testing to find your sweet spot (which is 150-240 units away so you can still land jump shots, and ideally exactly 151 units away because blunderbuss scales on distance, so you want to be close).  Then you'll also want to consider boons, like you can't be further than 180 units behind your Firebrand otherwise you won't get quickness.

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  19. 8 hours ago, Kahrtolann.1926 said:


    But there is one thing that the Mechanist is really not good at : Giving Stability !

    With the base build you can give one stack of Stability every 24 seconds and that's pretty much it. You have not really any other way to give some stability and in some case it hurts like hell. I believe that Healer archetype should be able to provide at least some Stability.






    Mhm, and that's what mech provides, some Stability. 🙂


    Really though, I had the same concern, but after playing it a bunch, I think Mech is fine in the stability department.  That duration means we basically don't have to time it well, so that's nice.  There are only a few fights where I feel like it's lacking (Chaos Fractal comes to mind), but that's probably how it should be, we can't always be the hands down best pick.


    2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    It's annoying that we're forced to press it on cooldown to maintain alac, so there's no timing it

    On HealMech with 100% boon duration, you can get away with using your F2 for the Aegis/Stunbreak and be just fine.  Just your Mech existing brings 66% uptime on Alac with 100% BD.  With Mace + F skills you end up with plenty of Alac and after the initial ramp up you can hold Crisis Zone no problem. Though you will be wanting to hit it for Protection and all that fun stuff, so  not a good idea to just not use it, but holding it for 15s waiting for the right timing, no problem.  As a side note it's basically the same with Scrapper Heals Function Gyro when you take Blast +1 more gyro.

  20. 2 hours ago, DarkSkysz.3521 said:

    The heal from big boomer works with sanctuary runes?

    "Rune of Sanctuary: This rune now also converts incoming healing from healing-over-time effects such as regeneration into barrier. This effect now only occurs while in combat. To account for healing-over-time effects now activating this rune, the percentage of incoming healing converted to barrier has been reduced from 20% to 10%."

    From the Jun 28th Patch.

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