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Posts posted by FrostSpectre.4198

  1. @Safandula.8723 said:what about forcing party to take healer, with decent mechanics, that are hard or maybe impossible to avoid, instead of passive retal. Do you see a diffrence?

    Well, if your whole zerg is putting everything on DPS, sure you will be surprised when some Control and Support pop some counters.You still have a choice and that choice is to risk facing a Support or Control build.

    Support and Control builds don't seem to be very popular as far as I know when compared to DPS builds.My guess is on that majority of players obsess on getting those kills at any cost.

    And Drizzlewood Coast really hasn't been problem to me, since I main Necromancer, and I just love boon corruption.

  2. @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien.yes, but they are not humanoid. Humans = elves in GW2.

    So, if we go with Tolkien, they'd be speaking finnish and swearing alot. Perkele!But Standard is overrated for GW2's attempt to be unique.

    Being humanoid is overused and overrated.

    Lets have Sentient Squid/Windrider race! :tongue:

    Seriously: Tengu as playable race.

  3. @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:we already got elves. In GW2 they are called humans.

    And no, sylvari are not elves. For two reasons:they are not beloved by the godsthey are not an old, dying race on its last gasps.

    Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods?Warhammer 40k and Warcraft does that already.Warhammer has pretty much restored the High Elves along their other kin.

    I think the Forgotten would be High Elves if going with that, they're closest to the Gods and they're a dying race, with current situation unknown, since they left into the mists if I remember correct.

  4. Unless its nearly mindless horde attacks in WvW, waiting is part of the game, wait for opening and use it.Putting internal cooldown on Retaliation could break the boon, atleast for Guardians who use it the most.On its own Retaliation only deals damage back, unlike Aura's which usually seem to do two things at once.

    And usually people bait others to attack them in order to make most of this boon.

    In my opinion its far better gameplay in PvE where you have to think atleast abit how to engage, rather than mindlessly just attacking.

    Allowing game to be completed with only mindless attacking is a rather big problem in core GW2...Its uncreative and gets boring fast. And its easy for botters to abuse for easy pathing and farming.

  5. @"Tulki.1458" said:It's actually not a weird number to use. Defense values don't give a % reduction like other games. It acts as a denominator. 2597 is just representative of a heavy armour target at level 80 who has a little more than base toughness.If the tooltip used 1000 instead, it'd be just as arbitrary.

    See direct damage here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage#:~:text=Damage%20doneEdit,strength%20of%20the%20equipped%20weapon.

    Pretty much wrote the topic because of that wiki page.1000 armor = 100% damage, no reductions.2000 armor = 50% damage reduction3000 armor = 77% damage reduction

    2597 armor is about 61.5% damage reduction.

    I had to read the damage, power, armor and toughness wiki pages, then the attack skill's pages to know how much damage my character's skills do.

  6. There seems to be a problem with the crosshair of the Action Camera mode, it no longer shows when you're in range for "Kneeling" skills for Deadeye's Rifle.

    In fact the crosshair says you're always in range for those skills. It will always show the circle with diagonal outside dots that means you have skills that can hit but not with current Rifle skills when not kneeling.

    Tested with Dual pistols as second weapon set as comparison to the Deadeye Rifle,the Pistols will display proper ranges with the Action Camera crosshair.

    And when I activate the Kneel, it will display the proper "out of range" info on the crosshair when out of range.

  7. Putting politics is not good idea on a entertainment product, such actions have bad habit of making said product sound like you're reading a bible, quran or any other holybook. And politics tend to become hostile at worst.

    Only way to successfully add politics into entertainment however, is when its mocked and criticized, that's only way to make it work.

    However, you can do your own presentation yourself as mentioned before, but most will view it as out of place for entertainment product.People will care more about you being able to play the game than your personal preferences, forcing your preferences can make things awkward or hostile depending on the situation.Or it will work if you find a group with similar ideals.

    Sexualities and other preferences probably should be limited to dating apps or sites.Just my opinion.

  8. Raptor: For long jumps mostly.Springer: High jumps and abuse endurance regen for other mounts.Skimmer: Over water when not diving (really wish the Skimmer were like a airbag, activate and you dart up to the surface)Jackal: Versatile, good for very maze-like areas with sharp turns as "sand dash" always orients to the camera angle.Griffon: When on highest possible spots, use as high speed air travel.Beetle: When on open flat areas, use as high speed land travel.Skyscale: Controlled air movement, useful for material hunt and skip mobs.

  9. Pretty much already in.

    Sea Elves = Largos(Don't worry about Games-workshop, they invented Sea Elves quite recently, unlike Largos that has existed for some years)

    Wood Elves=Sylvari, all the tree hugging glory and dominating the Ranger art gallery by having atleast 1 more art than others.

    High Elves=Mursaat, because High Elves have bullshit abilities that can kill you in few seconds.

  10. Check out Lake Doric, they did give the Seraph NPCs their own spear skills on land.

    Warrior would be like a Sentry or Sentinel with a polearm (some of the spear skins are pretty much polearms)Guardian, Defender? Lance? I dunno what it would be.

    @"Kodama.6453" said:

    • Kasmeer maybe could also adapt to a new elite spec with the next expansion, personally I want something that is focused on music and dancing, which I think could fit her character pretty well

    Pole dancer? Sorry had to say that!Seriously, sounds like Warhorn theme, and likely called "Siren".

  11. I find it weird that skills that deal damage and are affected by armor, are based on the armor value of 2597.In my opinion it gives a deceptive view of the skill's damage, I see the skill is supposed to doExample: Eviscerate lvl3 deals 2519 on tool tip, only to see the skill do 7000ish damage and so on.

    Only the hard research through the GW2 wiki made me understand that Eviscerate lvl3 has damage potential far higher, basing on my exotic berserker gear, capable of dealing 6541 damage on non-critical hit, without any modifiers that the skill fact cannot display.

    Since then, I always wondered why ANet didn't just use 1000 as base armor value for tooltips, since in my opinion, its better to know how much damage you can potentially inflict on target before armor reduction, this way its easier to gauge and learn how tough the target is.

    So far I've learned through the Wiki, not ingame, that 1000 armor is "unarmored" 100% damage, 2000 is 50% damage, 3000 is 33% damage and so on.

    I see nothing that links to 2597, its not average of each armor class put together, just weird in my opinion, and rather deceptive if looking at the state of Core GW2 PvE, which really isn't made to give a little bit of challenge to player (along some broken mobs and objects that ignore crits and/or conditions, or just die too fast without doing anything, funny how that makes botting so easy at lvl 80 PvE).

  12. I mostly use mounts in specific stuff.Raptor: Need long jumps.Springer: High Jumps or abuse fast endurance regen for other mounts.Jackal: Versatile and sharp turns via blinks.Griffon: Long range travel when very tall structure is available.Beetle: Long range travel when high ground is not an option or just cruising around.Skyscale: Smooth travel while looking for stuff, use bumbs and hills to recover flight meter.

  13. Well, I crawled into the endless void of Bloodstone Fen. It was a journey down into the maw, then climbing up the bloodstone crystal spire above the shrine with seared shadows. The upper side of the bloodstone crystal spire wasn't really sealed up, seems that no is expected to use Skyscale to go there.

    Probably should have tested how long I could fall down until the game realize I'm out of bounds in the endless void

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