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Posts posted by Zavijah.2695

  1. I think your third paragraph sums it up. You say you're not gate keeping, but then you're bitter that the process is about to become easier, and you can't even feel joy for having the kitten thing.

    What more do you want? Do you want to be able to fly, or not? Why should how you got it diminish your enjoyment when you know full kitten well the rest of us did it at our own pace.

    I suggest you reflect on why you can't just be happy you've achieved it and proud of that. Don't involve anyone else after your pace as a measure of worth.

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  2. How does it feel to be wrong, OP? 😆😁🤣

    You're discounting the fact that Elite Spec trait lines often amplify their relevantly paired weapon. Elite Specs are still going to be chosen based on their own merit. If you only went for an Elite Spec for it's weapon, perhaps you should campaign for better traits with suggestions.

    I for one am ecstatic about Long Bow being available Guardian (and hyped for dual pistols) and not ever having to listen to that Scepter sound again.

    What *needs* to happen from here is ensuring that new weapon choices Do accommodate via traits either being able to go as Power or Condition for true versatility.

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  3. I waited 6 months since EOD launch and the nerf to sustain to see if they would reverse it somewhat simply because I liked Tormenting Runes on my Renegade and Mirage for open world, and I was happy. 

    I see there's been mention of healing to barrier generation and while cool, it's just not what I wanted. 

    I don't raid in this game, I'm never going to raid in this game. I waited to see what would happen in this balance patch and I am disappointed. 

    As I was only doing daily log ins, I won't even bother with that going forward. Byyyyye!

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  4. 2 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

    No its happening a lot.. trolls are taking all the bounties and just abusing the option. I had one irate troll going off in whisper when i said to map change.. He was so mad that the map change popped up after he had trolled all the bounties..

    Crazy getting mad over trolling people..

    Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most. 

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  5. There were some parts I was genuinely surprised the slog was still going. But once it was said and done, I greatly appreciated the process. 

    Not since the long arsed questline in Kingdom of Sky expansion in Everquest 2 have I had as long a questline and I really enjoyed knowing I was working towards a permanent absolute game changer. 

    I'm all for removing the time gates between each step. But not removing any of the steps. I'm all for making the map currency easier to get, but then again the Return To achievement for each zone coincides nicely with that and will give you, anyway.

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  6. It has nothing to do with anxiety for me, and everything to do with that fact it's not as enjoyable.


    I could have a fun, forgiving and self sufficient sustain build to attend meta's and not be reliant on others passive heals. 
    I Don't appreciate sustain being nerfed to curtail the play style of the Actual minority - Raiders. Hardly anyone does it for a reason, and you've incentivised it even less. 

    I can still take out White Mantle with realistic ease on any of the classes I play.
    I can still facetank Braham in Dragonstorm with my chosen favourite class. 
    I can still take out the boss in Glint's chamber on the story with no dramas. 

    But I won't push forward and continue to spend my time, or Gems I would otherwise purchase for a diminished experience.

    I regret pre=ordering EOD, and will wait for the June 'balance' patch and honestly, if I don't like it, I will never look back at this game. 

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  7. Not enough care for raiding, and that's why you made this post. The post isn't also going to change anyone's minds either. 

    Raiding in this game sucks, just as much as dungeons. It's strength lies with Open World events and WvW. 

    I do not want to see them devote any more time to raiding, and I certainly don't want to see any more balance issues to the game based on what high end group composition can do together. 

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  8. Disagreeing with what someone says is a perfectly legitimate form of feedback. 

    If I can tell some they, or their idea are stupid, in a much more polite way with an emoji, then I am all for it. 

    Not every post is going to be useful, let alone agreed with. A forum is both a place of good idea's, innovation, but also debate and that can mean conflicting opinions. 

    Point being, you can't silence someone's response just because you don't like the format, and seem triggered by it. 

    I agree a dislike button would serve the purpose though. 


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  9. Imagine trying to do that fight in Glint's Lair, or the Mind of Mordremoth at the end of HoT, as a part of the main story .

    What about going up against the White Mantle just on the maps, or in the story mode, without sustain?

    Are you on drugs, Arenanet?

    Fractals are not the mainstay and you aren't a Raid game, despite raiders trying their best to bignote themselves and say they are relevant (they aren't)

    SPVP can sit it its' boxed corner and stay there, separately balanced so as not to affect the rest of the game further. 

    I won't be playing or buying gemstore items any further, though I will check in periodically to see if you've been hurt enough financially from players dropping you for better titles to see if you have reversed your Dumb AF decision. 

    I hope you choke. 

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  10. I'd planned to return to the game and savour it, but this nerf, amongst other changes has made me disinterested. 

    I don't use Tormenting Runes in anything else apart from Open World and I appreciated being self sufficient on my Mesmer and my Renegade. It was fun. 

    I've since noticed also, and in a similar vein, that Thief's heal on damage (again, for Open World) has been reduced and also buffs affecting others' reduced from 10 to 5. (I enjoyed Herald buff support at Open World events or healing on my Tempest with Aura). 
    Battlescars has also been reduced and so my perception as someone who would spend in the Gemstores frequently, is that you've made Revenant, Thief and Mesmer worse off and unenjoyable, with only Virtuoso as the one spec out of the three that I wasn't 'meh' about. 

    It's been a pleasure up until this point, but I'd good with ESO and FFXIV, and won't be allocating time further to this. 

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  11. The only thing I consider Prestige are unlocking your Skyscale and hovering over the Peasants at Tequatl, stirring up dust. 

    At least the first six time until you no longer care. 

    The other, which I now since have is getting the Exalted Shoulders. The Be-All-End-All FASSHHUUUUN choice.

    I have it on all my characters, dyed to match their specific class and outfit set up. I am very proud of my creations. 

    But to answer seriously, Legendary weapons are the Prestige items. Lamenting about the cost of a mount skin on the BLTC is not even a factor of concern. 

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  12. What's wrong with being flawed? I accept the characters as they are. 

    I'm not looking for things to be victimised about either, and your disclaimers in advance of being potentially banned don't help your cause as coming across as reasonable. 

    Have confidence in what you have to say, don't focus on the negatives because that's the outcome you're going to otherwise manifest. 

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  13. I'm not gonna say no as others have done for cheapening the map. It doesn't because you can still walk around or use a Raptor if you really wanted to. It's not an acceptable excuse flung about. 

    I will say however that while it took me awhile, the finesse of knowing how to use the Skyscale, and knowing instinctively what you can pull off with it makes it very engaging. It's boosted abilities also help with this.

    While I personally loved the flight in WoW,  I am equally happy with the Skyscale here, and our own personal glide for maps like Verdant Brink, which that other game doesn't have a satisfactory glide in it. 

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  14. I was super excited to have a Greatsword Revenant, but currently, I would definitely not play this spec when I already have the fun of dual swords/hammer Herald, and Shortbow(love)/axe/mace Renegade. 

    Vindicator just doesn't even compare. What the hell is ability 4. It's animations are not even tied in thematically, to the class. Though it does have one thing that is at least consistent with Guardian Sceptre and Druid staff. Stupid kittening sounds. 

    The dodge is cool, but  once initiated you literally just sit there and wait for your character to appear back on the screen. It's not engaging, it's just a temporary time out. 

    I also genuinely don't like the 2 spirits button flip. I appreciate trying to do something different, but no thanks. Unless the aim is to spam these off cooldown which removes the tactical and thoughtful approach to ability usage. If I want to use the blue specs, for whatever reason, but it's approaching red cooldown. Instead of being just a flat 9 second recast, or whatever. I have the remaining cooldown to get through, cast the ability IDGAF about and then wait for that. 


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  15. I removed the dxp update, the unofficial mod add on. Didn't have ARC, and it still wouldn't start. 

    Uninstalled game, tried to run installer. Instantly quit but left behind a couple files as if it was trying to start the process. 

    Read on this thread about Trend. Turned mine off, and the downloader started working... that motherkittening program. 

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