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Posts posted by legend.3185

  1. Well then Anet should at least put SAB in summer because People don't have time to play near the end of school it is very inconvenient that it is right next to summer and not in summer and SAB is not a holiday, even though its treated like a holiday, it is its own game. If Anet really wanted to they could make their own game about it.

    They should have it for the whole summer as a summer event right? it is more logical to relocate it there because there is more opportunities for all types of people wether you work or in school or are busy this gives people that miss SAB more of an opportunity to play as an actual event. April is nothing special for most people. At least in summer most people can enjoy it more often.

  2. @Calvsie.3675 said:

    @Calvsie.3675 said:Wow, I get to use this twice in the same day!It's like Mcdonalds selling the Mcrib or shamrock shakes, they are only popular because of their limited time offering because they are not given a chance to become "Normalized"

    Lol, this is total bullcrap. I know a lot of people who don't buy these kinds of things out of principle for the same reason, further this isn't the same kind of "gimmick" as a "Shamrock Shake" at all. This is a dynamic component that, when poorly timed (as it has been for all of these years), creates RESENTMENT towards the game instead of excitement or patronage. Almost an entire treatise could be written to refute this logic.

    So no, no water held here - let's get SAB back for good and making money for ArenaNet!

    Denial is a powerful force I guess

    Its not denial, you are the one comparing apples to oranges with your "twice in one day" analogy...

    The Super Adventure box is nothing like the "Shamrock Shake" or Mcrib it it is a game in and of it's self. Some people don't have the chance to play in April. The Shamrock Shake is dessert that people some times want, people want the opportunity to play SAB all the time. We want to be able to spend time on it because it is so fun. The devs clearly spent a lot of time on it and it should not be for a limited time only. You can make a "Shamrock Shake" by yourself if you really want, You can look up the ingredients and make it the same way McDonalds makes it... You can't just program your own SAB in a snap. To make SAB alone, it would take at least 2 to 3 developers 6 to 12 months on the GW2 engine, just for the first version.

    I missed the SAB this year because I was busy with school and finals... I waited the whole year to play it and finally remembered it when it had just ended. SAB is a huge event it could be a whole game by itself.

    I think the Super Adventure Box should be year round and if the devs actually take this into consideration they could expand the game and maybe make it more difficult to get rewards and expand the levels and make more bosses. At least bring it around multiple times in a year...

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