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Everything posted by Raz.6390

  1. Hi all, I finally decided to attempt gathering somewhat experienced people for raids. I am not looking for anything hardcore, and also NOT a training group. I hope for smooth clears without stop (maybe one break in between is fine) ——— The raid: Most probably Tuesday, starting at around GMT+8 9pm (CET 2pm). Can be a bit earlier or later. 3.5 hour max. W7 -> W1 (7-5 is a must, 4-1 is easy to pug, I’ll go to bed when we hit 3.5hr) CMs only for easy bosses like KC, Cairn. If the group is good, then we can do more. I do not have the time for wipes. I need to sleep 😵‍💫 Everyone is welcomed to swap roles ONLY if they are comfortable on it. Once again, I need sleep. ——— My hopes and wishes from the group: *We all have different expectations of performances so I’ll make mine clear. Hopefully it doesn’t intimidate newer people. I know it’s probably stressful for people who care about their performance but don’t have enough experience in the content* Have stable internet/PC Have done all bosses several times. It’s fine if there are 2 or 3 max bosses you’ve not killed yet but as long as you know mechanics and show that you have done your work on golem. (For reference, at least 80% benchmark for dps, close to 100% quick/alac uptime + other boons your class is supposed to give for supp). It’s honestly not that high of a requirement even for 200-300ping. Source: I have 200+.. ;_; Meta builds. Home baked is fine only if you can be on par with others. [If you do only 50% of others’ dps and then argue that your build is the best because you are the last one standing…. Please don’t join. I’m tired and too much of a scaredy cat to argue with you :( ] Able to stay for at least W7-5. Please respect others’ time. No excessive AFK Be open minded and relatively chill. What everyone else does is not necessarily the best for our group. I hate not having stability at boss like Gorseval but please don’t gg or rage when supp fails a stab/aegis lol. Discord for communication, at least to listen ——— What I can offer: I make sure I can do all that I expect of others. I’m not toxic at all I swear I can gear up anything if needed My kpme: advrz ——— *Please double check raid time as it is NOT usual EU active hour* Drop me a message here or discord: rz__ (2 underscores btw) or in game: Raz.6390. I’ll start running when we have at least 6. Thanks for reading my essay. 👍
  2. If you're a single player looking to do the same, welcome to message me too \o/
  3. Hi, My playtime is limited to the hours stated in title with a little flexibility but I come online almost everyday. I have been pugging CMs+T4 for a long time and now I'm just looking to do them in relaxed atmosphere. As for raid I usually join either mine or my friend's guild run because I'm kinda scared of pug but I had to stop since I started working. It would be nice if I can find a guild/group of people that I can join more frequently. I play ren or dh in fractals and for raids it's mainly dps. I have most meta roles geared but only play them with people I can derp around until I'm comfortable to play in proper groups. I'm really open to play any roles though. Please send me a message in game or on disc Rz#0775 if there's any group I can fit into o/ Thanks.
  4. Hi, Due to work I’m unable to commit to fixed schedule in game so I’m looking for some people to occasionally raid or even pug raid with. I’m usually online at around GMT 12-4pm. The group I’m looking for preferably has around similar experience as me (~500li+ld from w1-6, haven’t set foot in w7). Any less or more experienced are good too as long as the group is mature. Anyone interested can send me mail in game :D
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