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Everything posted by gashen.3874

  1. further to my comments of wednesday last, wvw is getting worse week by week,there is always one mob who are vastly superior to the other two. anet time to give up
  2. been away for 2 weeks, no difference totally unbalanced, needs scrapping asap.
  3. just been on ebg and surprise, surprise a new server has appeared, bloodstone gulch, who appears to be in the main, whiteside ridge. somethings never change, another week of pizzing in the wind
  4. to the two people that are confused, it is called SARCASM and not to be taken seriously or are you not English speaking
  5. what is the point in having skirmish score in this beta, it is totally pointless, there is one team(mirror of lyssa) who are so dominant it is stupid to score them or anyone else who are so dominant it becomes meaningless
  6. oops sorry about this mirror of lyssa have added another 100, and now stand at 2,000,0100
  7. mirror of lyssa: approx numbers 2,000,000 frost citadel and skrittsburgh numbers combined approx 7 the numbers may be slightly out, but you get my drift.
  8. how long does this fiasco continue for , theres no fun in 10 people up against 10 times that number, get rid of this beta asap
  9. this is a complete joke,anet you are making things worse not improving them. i think the time has come to admit defeat and scrap wvw immediately
  10. you are going backwards,a complete waste of time.
  11. you,ve just got more cheats than any one else, skill has nothing to do with it , just dishonesty
  12. are these the french wsr ???? OUI
  13. i am sick and tired of these overpopulated servers of which wsr are the biggest culprits, one way around this would be to handicap such servers. any server that has 10% more players than the lowest server should have all members deducted 5000 health and any server with 20% or over would lose 10000 health this being returned when things balance up. this would make it a more balanced affair, and not a complete FARCE as it is now.
  14. thanks to all for your comments regarding elementalist and dual staffs
  15. thanks for your reply,it seems a bit odd, at the end of the day they are different weapons and should be treated as such.... once again thx for your reply.
  16. i am trying to play a weaver in wvw, i have tried a few builds an am now trying staff/staff and my problem starts hare, when swapping staffs the skills on cooldown show the same on both staffs,now this seems wrong as they are 2 separate weapons. am i missing something or is this correct, any help would be welcome.
  17. if you think this is working you,ve got problems, its a complete mess.
  18. that is the whole problem, they just don,t know how to balance it up.
  19. What a mess, back to the drawing board for now
  20. for years i have been on sfr, now for some reason i,m with giants rise {whomever they might be}, and half of the people i knew are now with a mob called seven pines [what happened to the first six] all got confused i would think
  21. i have completed tier2 tier in new kaineng city on 4 occasions but have not received credit for doing so, is this bugged.
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