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hoLy.4906's Achievements

  1. Okay guys, 1v1 tournament this time around, we are trying for a bigger price pool, news in discord :) 10th August 19:00 CEST , discord link https://discord.gg/jHU3tu3 RULES -Best of 5 -Two minute time limit -The map is Hall of the Mists -Trait change IS aloud -If you want to, you can change class ONCE during each best of 5 but you have to start with a chosen class, example, if you choose warrior, you always start a fight Vs each person with warrior and can proceed to change if you lose a round. -Chaos Interruption, Menders and Knights amulet are BANNED. As always, 10g per person to join, winner gets the loot, if enough teams there will be more prize money. Add your account name and chosen class to the #registration tab.
  2. Hey Marmatt,the idea behind any stealth class is more than 6 seconds of stealth. This is the amount of stealth a Holo gets from his toolkit and thats the maximum amount we wanna see. So mainly, this is focussed on Stealth Gyro and Perma stealth DE.Demolisher is a nice amulet yes, but it is not 100% evolving around being tanky. Knights only is there to make u tanky, but dont give u any dps oriented stats, thats why we dont want these kind of amulets:Support builds are pretty easy to see, basically, with FB banned only 3, maybe 4 remain which are, support ele, scrapper, core guardian and maybe revenant
  3. Hey Stand The Wall, same thing for you. Firebrand is a banned spec for this tournament.
  4. Hey Gamble, as u can see in the rules, Firebrand is a banned spec. Also, there is no class stacking allowed, so no 2 necros :)
  5. Hey, so far the pay in money of all teams will be part of the price pool. We are already in touch with a sponsor. For the last tournament that i organized first place got 1,750g, second place got 850g and third place got 340g.
  6. Welcome to the 3v3 VIP Tournament! Discord : https://discord.gg/jHU3tu3 This will be a 3v3 in the PvP map Courtyard, best of 5 (Check #3v3-tournament to see the map on a short trailer) Seeing as this is a new game mode for Gw2, i will give you the run down of the idea of it. Each team will have a VIP, keep your VIP alive and kill the enemy VIP, the first to kill the VIP in the opposite team wins the match, you can also kill the whole team to win! Support builds WILL be allowed but there will be certain handicaps! There will only be one support build which is banned, Firebrand Support. Core Guardian Support is allowed. No class stacking, Example: No double/triple Necromancer. Trait switching will be allowed but not class switching. No amulet stacking, Example: No double/triple Menders. The VIP rules:VIP cannot be your support class if you choose to have one.VIP cannot use Menders or Knight.VIP cannot be a high stealth class/build.VIP cannot be Staff Thief. BANNED SKILLS-Rampage-Elixir X-Signet of Humility BANNED TRAITS-Chaotic Interruption from the Mesmer trait line Chaos. Tournament starts August the 3rd at 19:00 CEST! and the last registration date is August 2nd 22:00 CEST on EU Servers. To sign up please use the channel #registration it will be 10g per player to register.
  7. I like that Arenanet tries to distinguish between the shatters of core/chrono and maybe mirage in the future. But, i see a problem of putting f4 and f5 together for chrono. Since F5 was most of the time used for aggressive plays. Having f4+f5 together now, i think it will be much harder to survive on chrono, even tho it is harder already, compared to Mirage.
  8. Yes, it will be EU only unfortunatly, since we are ourself EU players.
  9. @DoomNexus.5324 For organisation issues having a discord where people register for the tournament is much much helpful.Even tho I think you are right and I will post all the relevant rules here in the forum as well. Thanks for the headsup: BEHOLD THE COMMUNITY 2V2 TOURNAMENT! 12.07.2019 at 7pm CEST, please register till 11.07.2019 10pm CEST so we can do roster. Choose your duo partner and prepare to win some free gold! The tournament will be a 2v2 in a PvP setting using the PvP 2v2 map, Asura Arena. For registration, each player will pay 10g into the bucket, winner gets it all. Certain classes and skills will not be allowed which I will note below. CERTAIN BUILDS WILL BE NOT ALLOWED-Support Firebrand-Support Scrapper-Tempest Support BANNED ELITE SKILLS AND TRAITS-Elixir X-Rampage-Signet of Humility-Chaotic Interruption (Chaos Traitline Mesmer) BANNED AMULETS-Knight-Mender-Avatar-Marshal-Harrier-Sage Rules: -Kill the enemy team as fast as possible.-2 minute time limit.~Best of 5-Cannot have two classes on the same team, example: No duo Necro.-Cannot have both players using the same amulet Bring skill and not power-creep specs, the rules have been made specifically for that reason
  10. Hey GW2 Community, we from BHDA want to do some fun PvP stuff for the community. We are organizing a 2v2 Tournament on the 12.07.2019. There are certain rules for the tournament, because we want to make it about skill and fun. We want to see many creative builds!!! For questions and more info /whisper me (hoLy.4906) and i will invite you to the discord where you can read the rules and register.
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