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Posts posted by WillPaharu.4837

  1. @Krysard.1364 said:

    @"WillPaharu.4837" said:I just don't see how nerfing poor little decap druid was called for at all. some one explain logic of this. you can't. it wasn't even close to great. leave the "good" builds alone. only worry about the meta stuff. that's where the broken is.

    Because decap builds should not exist

    why not?( says i have to make it longer so here is more words haha)

  2. I just don't see how nerfing poor little decap druid was called for at all. some one explain logic of this. you can't. it wasn't even close to great. leave the "good" builds alone. only worry about the meta stuff. that's where the broken is.

  3. Why would you nerf a build that is only ranked "good" (decap druid)? please refer to metabattle.com before nerfing anything. The only classes and builds that should be nerfed are the ones ranked "Meta". Meta means over powered. "Good" means it's not very effective unless played very well. Please undo the nerfs on Decap druid. It is the only druid build and one of the few ranger builds viable in conquest.

    Were people actually complaining about decap druid or something??? If so that is hilarious, feel free to ignore them. Play decap druid yourself and see how not overpowered it is.

    Again, please undo these nerfs to decap druid. Nerf Dragon hunters instead.

    Ideally there would be no meta builds. Just all good and great, so that it comes down to skill and knowing your class and role. When there are meta builds, people flock to them because they are easier to win with. Which is cheap. I digress, as there will always be meta builds I reckon. But pls leave the "good" builds alone. They aren't the imbalance.

  4. @"Zephire.8049" said:That won't happen since the Shimmerwing is a premium skin and they don't reuse premium skin models. They occasionally tweak/reuse RNG models outside of the base ones, but it can be assumed that premium skins are a one-off and the only time they may get reused is in another premium skin. Otherwise it lessens the "exclusiveness" of premium skins if people know that "free" players will have access to the same model in the future even if the dye channels and/or textures differ.

    Mounts aren't offered to free players....cuz they don't have the expansions. so they wouldn't buy skins. I see what you saying. but i still say they should. cuz star mount still costs money to adopt! and it would be awesoooome

  5. For the Star Skyscale skin, that I'm sure is forth coming as the star version of all mounts has been released, it would be better if you made it off the Shimmerwing model rather than the base Skyscale model. I am telling you. imagine it. imaaaggine the glorryyyyyy.

    Shimmerwing is masterpiece. let us all have a moment of silence in respect of this.

  6. I really love the variety we are seeing in builds now. I feel like there's no stupid class to bring to PvP anymore. We aren't just seeing the same 5 builds over and over again. Really fun, really appreciate the changes that made this possible.

    Renegade's DPS is stupid high. Needs nerfing. I got these fire balls flung at me and I was dead in 0.2 seconds. Had full health 0.2 seconds before that. The combination with their stuns and the barrage of hits, it's hard to dodge it all. Please devs, hear the cries of the people. help us. Renegade's are taking over!!!

    It's fun to see them in the arena's more and a more relevant class, but they need off the steroids. They need to be taken down from their godly pedestal, lowered to the level of the rest of us mere mortals. They are Balthazar in their current state.

  7. The game is a blast and you just keep making it better. Anyway. 600 range is shorter range than all of a daredevils ranged attacks like pistol and short bow. To have swipe be shorter range than a short bow is not intuitive. Having swipe match the range of other skills will be a balanced improvement . While we are on the topic. With all the changes making builds less spammy, I think we should increase the cool down of smokescreen to 40-45 seconds versus the even slighter purposed increase in the upcoming patch.

    I really love what you're doing and where things are going with this next balance patch!

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