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Posts posted by Grishnaakh.2143

  1. Just now, Farohna.6247 said:

    Maybe there will be a rush events, otherwise try doing a few a day ..like flip a camp or two and kill guards.   Break it down into a small amount.  Definitely use xp boosters, guild hall boosters, etc.  

    I'll see about it sooner or later. I know on the weekends there is a queue and I'm not sitting in a queue. I also need to join a guild. Ten years of being a casual and I can't seem to stay in a guild long lol.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    Yay!   Glad you finished that step!   

    Yeah and now I get to sit on a precursor for who knows how long before I ever get around to going into WvW for a Gift of Battle. I'm not a fan of WvW, never have been, doubt I ever will be. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    Now is a GREAT time to do them.  There is the fractal rush going and people would be happy to help.  Have no fear in Tier 1 (I seldom do fractals either), and simply don't be afraid to say hey, I'm not familiar with them.  Yes, they are easy enough to do, just takes a little time.  Might be surprised also how many others might need the same collection.

    Oh I forgot about the Fractal Rush thing going on, thanks for reminding me of that.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, daninumbers.4036 said:

    Well in the end all you'd be missing is skins. It doesn't prevent you from playing other things or getting some mechanic like a mastery or mount. Wvw was pretty much promoted with the warclaw. It had a couple weeks of massive queues I hadn't seen before and then things went back to normal, some probably staying. You got exclusive things in pvp and wvw like their legendary armor, backpacks and trinkets. Even promoting them with the announcements of extra exp, magic find and such doesn't really work if people aren't forced into it.

    Also this is a set of achievements about the whole game, so it makes sense all gamemodes are in there, just pve is way bigger and has more representation.

    Still would have made sense to include Dungeons, Strikes, Fractal, and Raids.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Null Hypothesis.5374 said:

    Yeah, not everybody appreciates being forced into PvP.  I don't understand why there aren't other options available. Please reconsider, Anet.  These are fun achievements, but PvP isn't for everybody

    Not to mention those who enjoy PvP having to be forced to deal with a bunch of people who just join PvP to die and do nothing else. It's not fair to those players at all.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Shena Fu.5792 said:

    PvP is a part of this game, whether you like it or not. So ANet has the duty to promote that part of the game.


    Actually the worst part of this whole Decade achievement is that one must own all three expansions to complete. 

    PvP being part of the game is fine, but they could have at least had more options for the players who don't want to join PvP because they don't enjoy it or because they don't want to go into a match and just do nothing ten times, ruining the fun for the PvP crowd.


    Having Dungeon, Strike, and Fractal avenues to earn the Cape would have made just as much sense as having WvW and PvP avenues. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Alik.9651 said:

    So, the achievement need to do 20 sub-achievement out of 20

    that's means I am forced to do PvP (which I am not good at and not like to) if I want that cape.

    Hey Anet, do you really think it is a good idea to ruining other 9 player's game for PvP newbie like me to just want to get the cape?

    Shame they didn't include Dungeons, Strike Missions, and Fractals as a way for PvE only players to earn the Cape.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Peterson.5172 said:

    as someone who does advocate for easier meta, and no strike, i don't think anet will remove it any time soon, if at all.

    anet sees the new strikes a fresh chance at getting people into instanced content, first normal version, then cm, and their hope is, eventually into raids


    and as someone who won't touch raids with a ten foot pole, i can honestly say the new strikes are quite do-able with (mostly) random groups.

    I was trying out a new elite spec and went with a non-meta group, took about 30mins but we did it in one go

    generally a meta group with your alac/quick/heal will do it in 10-15mins

    That's great to know, still not going to bother. I don't think the mount should have been walled off in the manner it was walled off. Everything else that I experienced with EoD was great, aside from the Meta being a tad bit much. Then finding out that even if I had managed to complete the Meta I would still be forced into content I have zero interest in just really killed it for me. I'll just not have the secondary reason I purchased the expansion, at least I got the enjoy the primary reason for the purchase.

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  9. @Healix.5819 said:

    @Grishnaakh.2143 said:It apparently installed to the temp folder. I am never asked where I want to install the game. How do I remedy this?

    If you have GW2 installed to your %temp% folder, simply move it elsewhere. Specifically, you want to move Gw2-64.exe and Gw2.dat to somewhere like C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\

    If you don't have a Gw2-64.exe, look for a ~34 MB Gw2-64.tmp or Gw2-64.### in the same folder as Gw2.dat and rename it back to Gw2-64.exe. If no such file exists, you can download Gw2Setup-64.exe and simply rename it to Gw2-64.exe.

    Good deal, thank you.

  10. This has happened twice now. Sometimes last month, I didn't record the dated, and yesterday sometime before midnight central time. Game is just gone, game folder has a few items in it but when I double click on the exe I get a prompt telling me the app can't run on PC and I need to contact the creator for a PC version. Downloading the whole thing again currently.

  11. @"Eros.6801" said:

    • If you just want a build for running around the world alone, doing stuff with your own pace then i suggest look up Lord Hizen One Man Army build for spellbreaker, it works perfectly fine even with exotic and you can't go wrong with that amount of toughness and power.
    • The build is still seem to be in good shape after balance patch, still using this one as my "slacking" build for one in a while.

    I'm using a build by Lord Hizen and while it's nice I think I lack the gear to utilize it correctly.

  12. @"powetng.1024" said:Hello everyone! This has probably being brought up before but with the new balancing patch is here. What is the better suit openworld/solo content build for Warrior to run through the world just for stories, exploration and etc? I find my Warrior die easily so would like to see what's your build to make it more sustainable and able to dish certain DPS.


    So I found this video showing off the "Best" warrior set up. It's old and I took the leap and have been playing around with it now and it seems to be pretty nice but it's really dependent on gear. I have nothing compared to this guys gear but so far I seem to hold my own against a lot. Unless I stand in stupid for too long or I get cocky and draw in more than I should.https://youtu.be/4L9MiBuJgjY

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