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  1. No need to prove you wrong, it's already been confirmed that's the problem. No one understands how it could have happened either because nothing should have had to change by making HoT free this way, the PoF purchase would normally just be treated like a bundle that gave both but for some reason only the activation keys given out since the day of the new season announcement are busted like this. But yes, there is more broken than just the gem store in my experience. HoT recipes also are not appearing on recipe vendors like in WvW, while PoF recipes are. So it's not JUST a gem shop problem. I've had my ticket responded to and the only update is "we're working on it." Which after two weeks of an expansion being broken for no discernible reason is pretty much unacceptable. Communication is necessary for an issue like this, ANET. What changed with Heart of Thorns when you made it free? What changed about the Gem Store? I get why it might be taking so long to fix what with the loss of staff but what kind of problem is it that requires this much time to fix? At this point I'm more upset that I went for PoF Ultimate. HoT going free made no difference in the price for that bundle, but I actively ended up paying the same price for less content and functionality than I would've had if I did it one day sooner.
  2. A little over a day ago someone in support tried to tweak my account manually to see if whatever they did would fix it that way and it didn't work. So it sounds like there was some kind of massive oversight with the Free version that can't be easily fixed. I bought PoF Ultimate so I didn't even get it for free, same price as before. I only waited because a friend strongly insisted that I should in case the expansions themselves saw a discount and not just their deluxes, so really I blame my friend for this more than ANET. It still would've been smarter for ANET to make the announcement that HoT would go free with PoF purchases BEFORE pushing it live exactly so they'd have some time to deal with issues like this, as well as giving us time to make an informed purchase beforehand. The person working on my ticket did say they (ANET, not just the individual responding) are working to fix it, but didn't mention an ETA or anything like that. But if this is going to take much more time than next Tuesday they should probably just give us the prior paid version. Then the Veteran's package with an extended HoT Deluxe / Living World Season 3 discount could be our compensation considering for a lot of people I imagine the difference between having the package and not having it is less than 12 hours. For people that got the free version more than a day later, there's been almost no official communication of this issue like there has been with the Mastery boost buff, so if they don't watch these forums like a hawk they don't even know what they're stepping into.
  3. Glint's Gaze would be cool. I was too broke to afford it when it was new and I've managed to miss it ever since, even when it was 40% off around my birthday earlier this year. I also wouldn't mind all three of the Cosmic gathering tools to get bundled together for a sale like the Unbound and Volatile Magic tool sets are getting this week. Looks like I missed a sale on the Cosmic tools about the same time as the last time Glint's Gaze was around. My timing is terrible. The Shrine Guardian pack also, though that was just recently rotated through the Anniversary sales right before I could come back to the game so I don't realistically expect that to reappear soon.
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