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Posts posted by TheArtOfMouts.7468

  1. 19 hours ago, neighto.7386 said:

    You can definitely get research notes from the ascended chests... I always pick Zojja's stat ones and have zero issues getting notes from them.. no need to mystic forge them at all.    works for both the armors and the weapons from the WV.  

    As someone pointed, isn't better to get the golds with the Astral Acclaim and then do the cheapest craft for Research Notes ?
    I did a super quick calculation, and it seem so.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Ascended from Vault chests are salvageable for research notes. You'd still get more research notes if you were to use those acclaims for gold, and go for some more economical methods of gold to research note conversion.

    Thx for this feedback.
    I was trying to find a way to spend those Astral Acclaims, beside the golds, which is boring for all the remaing 40 days until the reset 😄

    As for Salvagable Ascendeds from Chests, I was a bit confused, but I'm starting to understand.
    I have 2 type Ascended Armor Chest, with the same name, but different icons.
    The one that give Chests named as : Assaulter / Defender / Healer / Malicious : Aren't
    Research Notes Salvagable.
    The one that give Chests named with stats, such as : Wupwup / Occam / etc : Are Salvagable for Research Notes. 
    I though that ALL weren't Salvagable .. I mean, that a good news for me with my Bank holding a few Ascended Chests.


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  3. 56 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

    You can skip the Mystic forge step since the items are already the crafted one.

    But if I remember well, it's best to simply take gold for AA and use a better way for research note.

    Give it me wrong, Ascended from those Chests aren't Salvageable for Research Notes (Without Stats change) ?

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  4. Thx @Shane.6950 for those great feedback.
    I did tried the polarbear, the stun is fun with that infinite range, but otherwise for a Untamed (I'm Untamed atm) others skills have no help 😕
    Welll at least the polarbear is super resistant, I do really like the Wolf with the fear and knowdown, but he can't survive.

  5. On 8/25/2023 at 1:17 PM, CoyrmGreybeard.1746 said:

    First, this isn't a ragequit, GW2 is still worth playing, but the changes significantly reduced my enjoyment and the devs should know why. I'm a software developer with decades of experience and I know the value of well reasoned customer feedback. Here's mine to help a game I love.

    First, the new system has less choice. In the old system I could log on, and have a dozen things to choose from. I might not choose WvW as often as PvE, but I regularly did, and often ended up playing for a lot longer than I'd intended. The new system I have to pre-register for my "mode", and if I include one I play less frequently it comes at the expense of choices in a mode I'm more likely to play. So you penalize your players for keeping an open mind and trying new stuff, stuff they might discover they enjoy and give them another reason to log on.

    Second, I have purchased HoT, PoF, and EoD for myself and my entire family, and we play together. I also encourage friends to join, and help them to get established. In the old system we all got the same dailies and could do them together, in the new system we're getting different objectives in areas we both own and both have completed events in. I get how you wouldn't give an event in an expansion a player doesn't own, but if we own the same expansion give us both the same objective in it. If we can't do dailies together, there is less incentive to log on as a group. Research shows that today people log into games to play with people they know, why would you introduce a change that makes it harder to play with your friends?

    Third but related to the second, why exclude new players from the dailies? People without a level 80 character don't have access to dailies under the new system, while the old system gave them under-80 alternatives. It was a much better design. Why lock out new players, they are exactly who you should be giving the most encouragement to!

    Fourth, and also related to the second, don't give me a daily I cannot access. The old system was really good about offering things that might be difficult (i.e. many of the jumping puzzles) but at least I could get there. Yesterday I go an objective in an are you had to complete a collection to get into. I exited without doing my dailies. That's just frustrating.

    Fifth, the point system is confusing. I like the flexibility to choose more than just 2 gold, and I like that I don't get nothing if I complete 2 of the 3 dailies, but the old system gave strong and immediate reinforcement and did give you smaller rewards for each step. But the new system is at best poorly explained. Even after going to the wiki and reading the article, I feel a bit unsure about the new system. Do seasons reset my points? Do points expire? Are "legacy rewards" really going to stick around? Are the prices going to stay the same of go up after the honeymoon?

    Sixth, the new system feels like it rewards a lot less. The daily login gave nice stuff every week, just for logging in, and there was incentive to do more once you did log in. I haven't done the math, but it feels like the reward for just logging in is much less than the old rewards for just logging in every day. Again, I haven't done the math, but it feels like the reward for doing 3 dailies every day for a month is also a lot less. If I took my reward in gold for doing a login and 3 tasks on the list every day for 3 months, in the old system I'd have 180 gold, 60 mystic coins, 100 laurels, 6000 luck, a dozen gem store items, a dozen transmutation charges, 3 celebration boosters, 3 chests of loyalty, 6% gold find, and more. What would I have in the new one? Is it even close?

    And the proof is in the pudding. In the last few years I've missed only a couple dozen days of doing dailies, mostly because of vacations or computer problems. But I haven't finished my dailies even once since the expansion came live. I still like the game, and I still feel like logging in, but the desire to log in, and the sense that I'm missing something easy if I skip, is significantly reduced, and that can't be good for the game overall.

    I'd love to see an official response to this or to some of the similar posts I've seen, in many games I play or have played the feeling is the devs (or at least the decision makers) just don't care what the players think, and I'd love to see evidence to the contrary here.

    Thanks for your time!


    This is 100% the same feeling and experience I got with that new system.

    Seem they built it to screw up people with multi accounts, without thinking of other -normal- players.

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  6. I logged-in each day with the previous Dailies System.
    Now, I lost interest, with that new non-flexible system.
    I could pick a dialy from WvW / PVP / PVE from a bigger selection.
    Bring that huge point back please.
    Bonus point, to remove the forced going through the UI to click for the reward.
    And BTW, I got the Weekly today, And I don't think I receive the Celebration item.

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