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Everything posted by Caffeine.6724

  1. Sounds ignorant. Or am i the only person in the entire world that can play the game, while having twitch open on a second screen? And if you want me to be honest, i've had 5 people recently return and or buy the game. Thus the discussion. Perhaps read the entire post before actually replying.
  2. Exactly! take BDO for example. BDO promotes i think its ONE streamer a week or month or something along those lines. Does it give them a massive viewerbase? who knows, but it gives the streamer, who generally speaking spends 6+ hrs a day playing that game positive incentive to continue building. I did not bring up the idea for anything other than trying to benefit the player base as a whole. I would love to see ArenaNet look build off the positive player base rather than cater to those that instantly shut down an idea. The idea of the black lion chest key was just one of many. The idea is more eyes on the game, could and usually would equate to the possibility of more new players which as stated are the people that would in turn BUY PoF, gems, more bag space etc. MMO's are about the people you meet, the interactions and the relationships. Much like twitch people don't just watch streams to see people sit there silent, spamming 1. It's the interaction, the unique people, events that they create etc. Still i argue, what would it hurt to try this? try it for a month, if it fails. Pull the plug. ez pz
  3. You don't HAVE to watch twitch. Just like you don't have to brush your teeth, or do anything for that matter. It is a matter of how can we actively get more eyes on the game, and hopefully turn that into a few new players. No one is being forced, but having an OPTION never hurts. Much like how people have the option to log into a forum and base there view of a game solely on the opinions of those on the forums.
  4. If you have ever used twitch, you do not actually sit there and watch someone unless you want. you could have it on a second screen, in the background, and unmute when your waiting for a respawn, a boss spawn. Don't need twitch to help people, it is an idea to broaden the ideas of how to leverage getting more eyes on the game, and in a positive light.
  5. Well. considering i was specifically asked to post a separate post, thus i did so. Perhaps you did not read that part.
  6. So i was having a discussion on stream yesterday about the best way possible that not only i can help people, but new players in particular. First and foremost let me say that it was suggested by a dev that i was having a conversation with that i post here in regards to my thoughts to see how other's think and feel about it, so hear me out! I have been going out of my way the last few days as i have returned to gw2 about a week ago. There is nothing that makes me happier than helping someone new to a game. I've done it with any MMO i feel even remotely established in, and it truly makes the game more "fun" for all involved. New players are the future of the game, they are a large part of what will cause the game to grow etc. With the discussion of how to better help new players, we asked ourselves if the limitations to a new account are a bit to hidden. Perhaps make them more front and center so that anyone looking to try the game does not feel like they just spent money only to be held back if they decide to drop 40 hrs on the game in a few days. This discussion led me to thinking. Why does ArenaNet not partner with Twitch. I know what your going to say... gw2 players don't watch twitch. Wrong. Apparently people do, otherwise there would not be a category for it. But most of all? it is an easy opportunity for gw2 to grow THROUGH its streamers, and through twitch. Twitch drops is huge. Look at Elder Scrolls Online. It's general viewerbase doubles if not triples on fri/sat/sun when drops are active. Know what they are getting? a CHANCE at a free "crate" which 9 times out of 10 contains a bunch of potions and not much else. BUT it is more eyes on the game, a positive talking point, which i am sure turns into some sort of revenue for the company. To that i would propose ArenaNet take a good look at it. What about Twitch Drops for gw2? Let's say if you actively watch ANY gw2 stream for 2 or more hours, you have a chance to receive an in-game Black Lion Chest Key. yes. 1 (ONE) key, per day fri/sat/sun. I would argue this would easily double the gw2 viewship. It would also semi promote its streamers who are hopefully being positive about the game, and people who genuinely want to share there knowledge of the game and all there is to do. I for one stay positive. Are there things wrong with the game? yes. But there is in every MMO. Instead of taking the negative route, try and find ways we can influence the game ourselves. Gold giveaways, passing out bags to new players in the newbie zones. Meet a new player? Show them how to craft, something. What can WE do to help the game and each other? Just my 2 cents..
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