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  1. Pretty frustrated with the templates and I want to add my reasoning to the pile: Legendary ArmorI take breaks from the game every so often (usually a few months or so at a time) and when I come back the PvE Raid and WvW metas have often changed. That's fine, though it can sometimes be expensive to keep up. I have Heavy legendary armor so since my most recent return I'd enjoyed focusing on Revenant (Alacrity Renegade, Heal Renegade, Power Herald), Warrior (Condi DPS, Condi BS, Power BS, Spellbreaker), and Guardian (Celestial FB, Minstrel FB, Power DH) across my two preferred game modes (Raids and WvW). This was great because I could, using the previously available ArcDPS Build Templates, keep common trinkets on each of the characters (Diviner/Harrier/Berserker on Rev, Viper/Berserker on Warrior, and Cele/Minstrel/Berserker on DH) and could save a lot on making new armor sets by sharing the legendary armor between them. This was as simple as unequipping, tossing the 6 armor pieces in the bank, swapping characters, re-requipping and then loading my build. Even though I've moved GW2 to my HDD from my SSD this process was generally about a minute of time. With the new system if I want to share my legendary armor across characters I literally can't use equipment templates because I have to remove the save customization from the armor to get it back into my inventory so I can put it on another character. So now I have to choose between using equipment templates and shelling out a bunch of gold/resources to make a bunch of new ascended heavy sets or just keep going as I have been since October 15th and doing it all by hand. I'll probably go with the latter - so having legendary armor is a disincentive me to pay into the new system (which is overpriced and shouldn't be character-level unlocks). Not TemplatesThe equipment templates are...not templates. Any small change I make is automatically applied to the template and not just to my current gear. If I want to tank and need to swap one pieces to a toughness piece that permanently changes whatever tab I'm currently on. And because I have to be on a tab that means I can't just reload my original build when I'm done tanking (or whatever the reason is I needed to make a change). Please add a save/load button for each template so I can make small changes and not have them persist. I shouldn't have to have a whole separate build for a single weapon or stat swap on a single item, and a "template" system shouldn't automatically adjust the template because I made an in-the-moment change. Saved SpaceFor those of us with enough different items for various builds that we get notable amounts of saved space from this system, we've already paid you to deal with that. My Elementalist carries three armor sets, two staffs, dagger, warhorn, and three sets of trinkets. I paid for extra bag space to accommodate this mess of items in the 7 years it took for build templates to be introduced to the game. Now the pricing model for equipment templates is based on the space it saves me, but I don't need that extra space because the only reason I paid for the bag slots was because of the extra equipment. I doubt I'll ever fill all that extra space because I bought enough that I was only rarely encountering "inventory full" issues before build templates were announced (or, at least, before there was any indication of when they'd ever be released). So now I paid once to have the space to carry this extra stuff and now I'm paying again to have a bunch of extra space. I appreciate the intention here - but I think pricing these template expansions as if they're a major convenience to the people most likely to use them is basically just gouging us. The End
  2. I think Shampanix hit the nail on the head. I feel for the devs, I really do, with what the studio has gone through lately. But I think the way the announcement was revealed, hyped up, and executed was obviously going to lead to a let down. I don't know whose idea it was to run things like this (possibly higher-ups at NCSoft) but it was not a good one. I watched the whole thing and felt just sort of empty afterwards. I wvw, pvp, and raid weekly and I bet I'll like the new LS as well...but the way this announcement was teased made me expect a lot more than just some notes about episodes 1/2 (and the prologue). Best of luck going forward, ANet.
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