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Posts posted by Eclipsiste.3251

  1. I'm not against stealth in the game, unlike the ridiculous mobility and all advantages willbenders have, being an efficient thief requires more than pressing one button to obtain powerful effects. I've never been able to be such an efficient thief though

    That said, there are a few problems with stealth that I think should get addressed...

    First a thief should not be able to bombard an opponent with condis, bringing said opponent in combat mode, without getting himself in combat or while staying stealthed. This is too powerful a mechanic. I've seen too many thieves playing like this: powerful perma condi on the enemy while staying stealthed almost all the time. Condis tics should count towards damaging the enemy and therefore remove stealth, at least at an interval.

    Stealthed stomp should be impossible. I know this won't be a popular suggestion, but again it is a too powerful and very unbalanced ability. Anet made the right move when removing the possibility to anti-tag while stealthed, to me this falls under the same category: an ability that has no real counter and from a balancing pov an ability without counter should not exist.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, BoAKaN.6052 said:

    Just tried to do Nabka for Kralk Aurene weapon variant collection but can't finish because portals not working...The portals to get INTO the tower work, but the ones inside do not seem to work.

    Same here. Horizontal portals not working properly, having to jump several times on them to pass through, and then exiting on the wrong side of the exit portal.

    Once inside one the portals just makes me exit inside a wall, from there I just can't progress anymore.

    12th runs for Kralk skins, first time having this problem

  3. It's all in the title.    [edit: my post was moved, the title was "Please Anet, consider bringing back all runes 6th level effects as relics"]

    I've lost all the fun I had in the game, playing builds I had loved for years. I do miss it, and seeing my characters amputated like this is kinda hard. I can't convince myself to play again. Call me crazy but I love my characters. I've spent  so much time with them, countless nights both in WvW and PVE.

    I understand the idea and will behind the relic system. It's a good idea. What I don't understand is removing contents and mechanics that were not source of problems or exploits. Even the Rune of the Trapper. I know haters kept whining about that one, but it was a very vocal minority compared to all players who enjoyed it. It was not unbalanced, nor unfair.

    No 6th level effect was so problematic it warranted removal like this. Even effects that were deemed "useless" were used by some players. What's the harm in letting people play "non-opti" or "non-meta" builds if they have fun with them?

    This is not a hate post, just a regret post. Like I said I miss the builds I enjoyed for thousand of hours, and I don't understand why you felt the need to remove effects that were sources of fun to players. 

    So please, just take time to think about it and don't dismiss the idea.


    [edit: Not a huge fan of having my post moved in another thread like this. It feels like Anet is making a dumpster for requests about relics 😞

    I guess I'm clinging to a GW2 that no longer exists. You know, the "have fun the way you like" GW2 that was so different from other games where devs needlessly restrict players or arbitrarily remove content without hearing their community. I've felt free to play as I wanted in GW2 for more than 10 years so I guess I should already feel lucky having had so many great moments in this game... ]

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  4. On 8/23/2023 at 12:39 AM, Buran.3796 said:

       To think? What we have "to think"?

       If you had trapper build based on stealth (Ranger, Dragon Huner) congratulations, that gameplay style now doesn't exist! is not like they nerfed it, they deleted it.

       If you had a build based on minions and you use Ogre/Golemancer/Privateer now that component doesn't exist, so the build is the same, just now is worse.

       If you did use Fireworks for 25% movement increase and the procs of might, fury and vigor cangrats, now you can use Traveler for the same speed with wasted stat points and no procs, or grind hundreds of tokens to get runes of surge for the same speed with decent stats but still no procs...

        EVERY relic is bland as hell which will end in 2-3 used across the whole game and dozen of fun builds removed.

       I'm happy about not having bought the expansion, and after the relic and dailie changes I doubt I'll spent a single dime in the game again.

          Enjoy the mess ANet, you reap what you sow...

    Yep. I loved roaming in WvW with my trapper ranger. It was not meta, it was outdated, but I loved it enough to play thousands of hours with my too-tall-to-roam-Norn-lady. Now gone.

    I know trapper runes have been gathering hate for years, but it's like Thief: the haters are mostly people who don't know how to handle an opponent using this kind of tricks.

    I have 42 toons. As of today 100% of them  are broken. I used lots of "non meta" effects and runes for builds that could fit me and give me fun. Now gone.

    Gone are the funny or improbable effects that people who don't necessarily think power creep liked playing.

    I have a bit more than 17K hours playing since 2012. I'm sad to see it ending like this, and how the "play the way you like" from the beginnings feels so far gone.

    I can't understand why they didn't simply transfer all of runes 6th effect to relics so we can keep playing what we like to play. After all these years I had found several builds I enjoyed for each and every class... They were not the best meta wise, but they were MY best. Destroying this is just destroying all the fun I was having playing this game. When they announced the relics system, while showing they clearly had forgotten about leg runes, I chose not to preorder the expansion. There's been a paradigm change within Anet for for the last year an a half... It feels like they're much more bent on monetizing and keeping players captive than listening to what people actually loved in GW2. So I stopped playing, and I'm going to miss the fun.

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  5. Well... I'm out.

    I stopped playing, waiting for how Anet were going to answer that legendary runes question they obviously overlooked during the relics creation process.

    Most of my builds rely on the 6th effect of equipped runes, especially roaming builds for WvW. Tomorrow I'll log in and those characters won't work anymore. I refuse to be forced to grind again only to regain full functionality of my toons.

    Such contempt for players who invested time in the game is really sad. They could at least give us the corresponding relic for each equipped build until legendary relic release.

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  6. 5 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    Literally every single major balancing update in every single MMO every made has resulted in some players having to redo hours of gameplay to re-gear toward the new meta.  It's unavoidable and part of the nature of MMOs.

    The whole idea of leg runes was to be rid of that need to re-grind.

    You're wrong when you say it's unavoidable : with the current set of leg runes and leg armor + leg weapons you don't have to do any new farm after a "balancing" or expansion release. You already have all you need.

    And obviously it's this absence of NEED to grind that bothers devs. 

    Anet provided players with the perfect flexibility and freedom to experiment any build, and now they're releasing a way to remove that perfect feature, only to force people to farm again.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Lycan Nibbler.1567 said:

    I have multiple older Tyria only accounts (paid for, not free to play) that I still play and have worked for legendary runes for.  My impression on this "update" is that my runes that Ive worked for are going to be devalued and a relic introduced that my Tyria only accounts wont be able to get, therefore being perm. penalized.

    This is what it feels... Anet so obsessed with bringing newbies up to speed to keep them playing that they keep punishing those who played the most since day 1... The more characters or accounts you have, the more this change will punish you. The more you supported the game by spending gems / coins on alt accounts or character slots, the more this change will punish you. This is an aberration.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Infinity.1087 said:

    Re-pinging this reply from ANet as it's pretty buried in this thread. I think most people on this thread would welcome this change but just want to ensure that it does NOT diminish the value of legendary runes that they spent so much time and effort crafting.

    Personally, I was so excited when the new expansion was announced but the new relic system just left a sour taste and is the only reason why I haven't pre-ordered SotO. 


    Same... Both my wife and I were happy to see it coming and ready to preorder 2 ultimate packs. Not any more. Putting it on hold as long as we don't have confirmation we'll keep the same freedom current leg runes provide us.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    (I'm going to quote myself from another thread...)

    Two things:

    1. Everyone will be affected, not just us owners of Legendary Runes. So don't feel overly entitled for a "full compensation".
    2. Ask yourself this: If the Relic system had been in place since release, wouldn't you still have acquired 7 Legendary Runes?

    I, too, hope that the new system will allow for an equivalent of Legendary Relics, so that we can have our fully customizable functionality back... But I don't feel "betrayed" in any way. It's a change, that's all.

    1. not asking for a "full compensation" , not interested in a "compensation".

    I want to keep the same level of functionality, in other words keep an account wide feature to use any 6th level rune effect available on any alt at any time. That feature basically enables testing any build at any time. NOTHING can compensate for  losing that. I'm not interested in gold or any phoney compensation for my time or whatever.

    I've done my share of grinding and calculating, I didn't mind going through this because I knew once I'd crafted these leg runes I'd be FREE OF THAT. This is one of the best features in this game. I spent time and gold to obtain it for this ultimate freedom and QoL.

    The leg armory was perfect. Freedom for long-time players to enjoy the game and easily gear new alts...

    To me it's the same as if they removed mounts. It's a dealkiller. Removing one of my favorites features, forcing me to farm again to re-obtain it. It's not fun, it's a chore. I have a job for this.

    It's even worse if you have lots of alts. I have 40+ characters. If you have 3 or 4 char that change doesn't feel so bad... What, you're going to farm for 4 relics? maybe 8 or 10 for alternate builds? Not that bad. Try multiplying that farm by 10 or 15... Still feels fun? Right now all my alts are full leg except for aqua breather. The breather is easily bought from Bitterfrost vendor and its importance can't begin to compare with the 6th effect of runes. So I'm going to need what... 80 or 100 relics? Are you kidding me? Me buying character slots and other QoL in gems was a way of supporting the game, and now I'm getting punished for being supportive and playing a lot?

    That's the main feature leg runes owners are going to lose. Classic runes owners are not concerned by this specific loss. They will be concerned by the change, but not to the same extent. If you start building characters right now a classic runes user is even going to benefit from this change, whereas when you have leg runes it's a massive loss of flexibility, freedom to play how you want and fun. It kills one of the most interesting part of the game: testing all the builds yourself instead of relying on a website to tell you what to equip.

    2. Without a leg relic, no. With a leg relic, yes but only if the cost and time required was 25% what it is now. 6th effect of the set is the most important reason to craft leg runes.


    On a side note, WvWers and pve - haters should start to worry about how they're going to obtain the relics they need...

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  10. 2 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

    How would you compensate for time spent grinding? I understand you can easily compensate the gold spent, but it's our time that's most precious. I think Leg Runes should become Relics: 6 runes = 6 Relics.

    Very bad idea... It would be only 6 of the unique effects, among several dozens, and without account wide use. We need all unique effects and the possibility to use them on all alts, the ways it is right now with leg runes.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Meva.8327 said:

    I agree.

    When I said "quick access" I meant it to be done without any grinding or time gates.

    I am perfectly fine with INSTANT access: in the end, if you have 6-7 runes you already have access to the second perk of the 6th rune (aka the special effect). If ANet steals that from you that is super bad, Destiny 2 levels of robbery of content.

    But I am a bit flexible. For example, I would find acceptable a couple hours completing a certain quest to get the Legendary Relic, which could be as a pretext to introduce lore and important NPCs.

    Or a token to redeem a legendary relic from an important NPC. That'd be fine. I'm not opposed to a lore-tied solution, like having a chat with a few NPCs while having the full set of runes equipped to unlock a legendary relic. No long grind or time-gated crap though...

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  12. 3 hours ago, Meva.8327 said:

    Wishful thinking, but I do hope it is the case.

    IF there is a legendary Relic at lauch AND IF those players who have crafted 6 Legendary Runes have quick access to this Legendary Relic then it is perfectly fine.

    Very big IFs, I am afraid. But we can dream.

    Access should not be quick, but AUTOMATIC. Once again: for every current AND future relics.

    The relic idea is great, don't get me wrong, but should not be imposed to the detriment of players who trusted the leg runes system.

    It would be a very bad sign if Anet engaged on the road of making people farm again to re-obtain a feature that already needed months of grinding in the first place. That would mean every single piece of gear could be randomly split / modified to force players to farm again.... It's a cheap tactic and the sign of a studio that can't find any other mean to keep their base audience playing...

    I've been enjoying GW2 since year 1... My wife is playing too. We both have 16K+ hours playing (granted some players have much more, but we both do have jobs 😄). We're also supporting the game, buying gems on a regular basis, pre-ordering all expansions... So believe me, what I'm writing here are the thoughts of 2 long-time players and GW2 lovers, not random raging. And we're both holding pre-ordering this one until we have a clear answer by Anet about this leg runes possible ruining.

    The fact is legendary armory is PERFECT. It's one of the most awesome features I've seen in all my gaming years, every games included. I can play whatever I want, whenever I want. Isn't this the "awesom-est" feature?

    I've been having a blast since the leg armory release, testing lots of builds on the fly, changing gear... Playing random non-viable builds just for fun, swapping runes, confirming after a couple of hours that they were really terrible 😆 ... Changing stats and build to fit the needs of my squad in WvW... It's perfect FREEDOM and FUN.

    My point: this ultimate flexibility made playing GW2 a 100% fun experience. Why take the risk to ruin this now?

    I'm not against farming and grinding, it is at the core of any MMO gameplay, but Anet had been cleverer than competitors 'til now. It's OK when peeps have to farm for something new, not to compensate for being robbed of something we already had. That would basically feel like a punishment for believing in what was said years ago about the endgame nature of the leg armory.

    Years after years leading to more account based and less character tied gear was a great idea. The leg armory is the pinnacle of this.... Yet they seem to want to ruin it. Jade Bot was already a chip in the building... Back to character-tied items so close to leg armory release... WHY?

    Anet, please don't go this way. We play GW2 because it's beautiful and, most of all, FUN. We're OK with dealing with the less fun parts because in the end there's the satisfaction of reaching goals, achievements, the ultimate gear. Legendary runes were the ultimate QoL part of completing builds. We trusted the fact that this would not change and invested a lot of our time in not-so-fun grinding for this. Finishing the set is such a satisfaction. Please don't ruin this, and don't betray our trust in the fact that making the game great and fun is your prime objective.

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  13. 27 minutes ago, Vidit.7108 said:

    IMO it goes a step beyond rune reworking if an entirely new item replaces the functionality of runes AND you have to go and re-earn that functionality through new content. If they aren't giving players boxes with relics in them equal to the number of 6 runes they have then for the first time since the game came out invalidated pieces of player gear. There has been 6 tier slot reworks that changed what the rune did but this is like replacing the 6th slot with basically nothing. Even if the 6th slot were given new stats that isn't why anyone made or obtained the runes in the first place in most cases. 
    Monk and rebirth runes are basically the same stats but I specifically earned one over another for it's 6th tier effect. This isn't really like when they added infusion slots because this is a totally different equipment slot. Also what is exactly the point of having infusions with stats if runes do the same thing now?

    A complete set of leg runes gives you access to all runes. Current and future ones. It's going to need much more than 6 boxes of relics to compensate for what they're going to take away from us. It needs to have the same end result: have access to all relics, current and future, WITHOUT needing to craft or farm. The grinding part was done when we crafted those legendary runes that were supposed to be the ultimate QoL in this game.


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  14. I hope people will refrain from preordering the new expansion... Anet seems more and more to have nothing but contempt regarding long time players. Newcomers are provided every possible shortcuts to access endgame contents while those who were here from the start now should have to re-farm to re-obtain already unlocked content?

    Legendary runes owners should have every relics unlocked by default.

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  15. This is a move that could definitely convince me to give up on GW2... The really bad idea of removing something to force players to grind even more.

    Crafting legendary runes is already a chore. A long and costly one. And now I should take like an upgrade the fact that I'll have to grind again to craft the right relic for every character? And only to get back what I had that devs arbitrarily decided to remove? Hell NO.

    I crafted legendary runes, and all the legendary gear I needed,  to be rid of this pain of having to grind for every single character. The legendary armory is a blessing they're going to ruin by adding new character-bound items.

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  16. On 3/11/2023 at 6:56 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    Whatever benefits newer players is whats more important for the long-term survival of the game mode.

    Making all long-term goals easier or short -term won't do any good to the the survival of the game mode.

    People will come, play, get everything they wanted 12 times faster than before, have no reason to stay for the super boring zerg-oriented gameplay Anet has been pushing, and leave.

    Every game mode needs long-term goals to keep players motivated. Anet is going full on easy mode for newbies in WvW since the Steam release, and the major effect I've seen is lots of experienced WvWers getting fed up and leaving...

    Other game modes don't get dumbed down like WvW has been

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  17. Could we please have WvW goals for vets players who have already completed ranks and achievs? Real goals, not something everybody can easily get?

    All I see are "improvements" making WvW an easy mode for new players...

    All achievs and the few side goals we had were made worthless and super easy to get. With the current wxp orgy everybody's going to be 10K by the end of the year. A still useless 10K by the way, how long since the last "new" WvW skill?

    Remember WvWers kept the game alive when it was at its lowest? WvWers are amongts the most faithful to GW2, playing week after week since day one.  So why the disregard?

    For every other aspects of GW2 (PVP, raids, fracs...) there are contents and rewards that are hard to get, and feel really rewarding at the end. A tangible way to show you're an endgame player in that particular part of the game.

    WvW armor felt that way at first. Why do you think you can cheapen WvW contents and leave nothing for vets to show they invested a lot of time and effort?

    If you divided by 4 or 5 the time and effort required for PVE legendary armor tomorrow, or if you made the God of Fractals achievable in less than a year by casual players, don't you think long time players would feel cheated?

    We need to have long-term goals for WvW , like in every other part of GW2. We need them to stay long-term and not cheapened year after year because of frustrated forum whiners who don't have the motivation to practice, persevere and get better at WvW.

    Please stop transposing PVE event-farming mechanics into WvW. We need mechanics specific to WvW instead of draining it of its nature. With the current path you're going to see the most patient and long time players leave, for good this time.

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  18. Lots of changes to make WvW easier for new players: faster progression , easier access to WvW armor, etc., etc...

    Setting aside the fact that all these changes tend to make all the time put in playing WvW feel a bit worthless...

    When do you actually plan to add new contents for old timers who don't have need for this anymore? New ways to use tickets? New WvW skills? Ideas have been fed to you for years on this forums, and some players really have great improvement ideas, so why are we still waiting for the tiniest bit of innovation?

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  19. Hi,

    First as a staff tempest lover the last update gave me some hope to see my favorite class shine again 🥰

    Now I have a small QOL suggestion about Transcendent Tempest: I'd very much like to have a buff icon with a timer. I don't know if that would be a lot of work, but as an aging player it feelss easier to keep a good rotation when you can have an eye on your buffs duration. For example quickness and alac have a timer, so why this buff doesn't?

    I also have a suggestion about Magma orb. Last update is cute but feels meh since the attack is still utterly useless against moving targets. Please remove the explosion delay. Engi has explosive 1 skill underwater that explodes on impact and at least it's usable. Magma Orb is slow and clearly doesn't fit a range weapon. If you keep it that slow it needs a serious damage buff to compensate.

    That's all. Still having a lot of fun with this awesome game, so thanks a lot guys, and I hope you'll find these ideas interesting 😉

  20. Hi,

    I need to submit a ticket because I'm unable to redeem a Gem card and I'm confronted to another problem.: the request form requires my game serial code.

    It's never been mandatory in the past for my previous tickets, and the form still says " If you don't know this information, please leave this field blank."

    But I have an error message "Guild Wars 2 Serial Code cannot be blank 🤔



  21. 2 hours ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

    Well, 5 explorable mode path is 500 token which is the price for legendary gift, seems fair. 

    Oh, and it's supposed to be retroactive, every thing was unlocked on my side, if you did the requirements and it's not unlocked, I suggest you send a ticket to the support, that's not normal

    I submitted a ticket and the only reply I got was "sorry, you need to redo the dungeons"...

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