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Posts posted by Custodio.6134

  1. On 6/8/2024 at 4:46 PM, Morvran.8265 said:

    I'm betting one the opposite.

    As a guildless player you'll be gatekept and flamed for taking up space, not allowed to join zergs. And as a roamer you'll constantly be reshuffled, never really establishing any connections to your team.

    on my team (Temple of Febe), it´s the entire opposite. 

    - the probably biggest "alliance" on our team even consists of not only guilds, but also a lot of players that are not affiliated with any guild (other than the big alliance-guild, which technically doesn´t count as it is not structured like a "typical" WvW-raiding-guild)
    - we have NEVER had a tag that gatekept guildless players based on the fact that they are guildless (including auto-sorted players from outside of the alliance-guild)
    - Everyone on the team is allowed to join zergs. In most cases, joining the discord (Note: these publics happen on the, open for everyone, EU Alliance discord -voice) is the only requirement. Nobody cares about who you are, or where you come from. If you´re in one of the main guilds of the alliance, a "pug" from the alliance, or a completely randomly assigned player. Everyone is welcomed, as long as they bring what the commander asks for (aka, viable zerg-classes, and in most cases being in public voice) 

    I have NEVER seen a player being gatekept in a public or "semi-closed" public just because of their guild (or them not being in a guild) since WR started. It´s entirely irrelevant on our side. 

    So, the only reason for someone not being able to establish a connection to other players, is that they don´t reach out to those communities (including those "alliances", that from my experience are always open for guildless players). In other words: those unaffiliated players are effectively gatekeeping themselves, simply by not taking even basic action/interaction with other players. You can´t blame this on anyone but those players themselves. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, LeiserTot.3648 said:

    okay got it i will try that, then since this post is not allowed do i delete it myself or will some admin do it later?

    shouldn´t be necessary, since your post did not include anything that can actually be tracked back to a specific player. As i said before, your post is too vague to do anything, and at wors it will just get closed by a moderator

  3. if you have an NVIDA-GPU, it´s very easy to provide the evidence needed (dunno about other manufaturers though): 

    NVIDIA GeForce Experience allows to automatically record a set amount of time constantly, and save it as a replay if necessary. this allows to provide any evidence needed, as long as you also show the account-names involved via the method i explained before

  4. 1 minute ago, LeiserTot.3648 said:

    i can't identify the players in any way shape for form,

    block the player(s), then check your block-list for the newly added accounts. You can also just empty your block-list beforehand and note down the players you had blocked before to get their account-names. So while it´s a bit more complicated, it IS possible to exactly identify the accounts involved. 



    2 minutes ago, LeiserTot.3648 said:

    it is still impossible to post screenshots in the forums without external help

    this is irrelevant, because the forums are not the right place to report players. 

    From the Forums Code of conduct ( https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/the-forums-code-of-conduct/ ): 


    We prohibit posts or comments that fall into the following general categories:

    Hacks, Cheats, Exploits, or Malicious Programs

    • promote the use of hacks, cheats, or exploits
    • link to sites that offer hacks, cheats, or exploits
    • expose forum members, directly or indirectly, to malicious viruses / programs
    • Note: Please report exploits, cheats, or hacks to ArenaNet via an e-mail to Exploits@Arena.Net. Do not post such information on the forums.


    • Like 1
  5. first: a message in the forums will accomplish nothing, especially with the lack of information required. 

    second: we´ve had this in our guild very recently, where one of our mates also contacted support about similar issues/exploits. The response is simple: 
    Without any clear information, there is nothing that can be done. They need AT LEAST the account-names of the people involved, as well as concrete evidence about what happened (in other words: video evidence, since that´s basically the only form of media you can provide that shows exactly what´s going on). 

    Also, just to note: "all from the guild [SA]" doesn´t allow to find those players AT ALL. because guild-tags are NOT unique. We don´t even know which megaserver your are on. which team. when it happened. what players (accounts) were involved. And the most critical part: you provided ZERO evidence that this actually happened. 

    I don´t doubt that what you said is true, but neither are the forums the right place, nor are you providing anything substantial that may lead to consequences for the exploits

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    37 minutes ago, DoctorOverlord.8620 said:

    I also think it's way too early to be passing any real judgments, and we'll need a couple of weeks to really see how things shake out, but early polls are still fun lol    

    Exactly. This team creation is bound to be inaccurate, because 

    1. It's based on player data from the old servers, which does not fully reflect the way people play now (only to a certain degree) 

    2. We don't have any data to adjust post-WR balancing yet. It will take at least until next team creation to fully take the intended effect (perhaps even longer) 

    3. Players most likely are also playing differently than usual due to the system being new. Meaning: previously more active players that dislike wr probably become less active, while previously less active players that are excited about it play more

    4. There even may be some bugs that didn't show up in the betas (but at least not a single player from the "alliance" I am in got placed wrong, so that's at least looking good)

    5. Also, people that were used to steamrolling enemies will now face more resistance on average, which may frustrate them to the point of stopping to play. Which further distorts the balancing


    A good indicator of the current population being unusual is the fact that both, NA and EU each got an additional tier of matches. So we have an unusual high amount of players, if the system judges additional tiers to be necessary.

    So, at least 20% of things that may look bad at first could just be caused by the players, and the majority of issues left may even sort itself out naturally. Which makes any judgement at this point in time completely pointless 

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  7. 3 hours ago, Burial.1958 said:

    Also not true. At the beginning it was about Alliance. Anet changed it midway to WR because they have problems to make a real alliance system. They did go on the WR route at September 2023 so that is not long ago.

    Yes, they said they were attempting to DEVELOP alliances, this is true. but at no point did they say they would RELEASE alliances. 

    development =/= releases 

    all announcements of anything being launched (be it in temporary beta-state, permanent beta-state or permanent full release) have been about world restructuring WITHOUT alliances

    • Confused 3
  8. 1 hour ago, SnowPumpkin.1809 said:

    I get it. Not everyone watches the schedule or knows there is a beta coming

    This only shows how disconnected people are from their WvW-communities.
    We have known for YEARS now that it will eventually come

    And we have known for over half a year (shortly before the previous temporary beta in January) that WR would come this year. 
    We´ve also been told in March that the next beta is intended to be permanent
    And finally, we got noticed in May, that WR is coming with the exact date of yesterday. 

    So, you had over a month to prepare from the last anouncement. This was also constantly discussed every time new info dropped within the WvW-communities. Don´t pretend there was no way for preparation, because.... there was FAR more than enough time and opportunity to prepare. If there weren't, all those "alliances" that exist now and are properly organized couldn´t exist (and there are quite a lot of them actually). 

    Don´t blame your inability, des-interest or laziness to organize with other people on anyone else than yourself. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, Morvran.8265 said:

    Guilds die and fracture all the time. Servers didn't, even with transfers.

    I've seen servers die, revive and die again an uncountable number of times over the course of the years, so that's factually false. 

    Yes, the server still exists, even if it dies out. But even with linking, it was regularily obvious that some servers are straight up dead (in those cases, being linked with one of the dead servers, or not being linked at all literally made zero difference in the amount of people you met in those linkings).

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  10. 2 hours ago, keramatzmode.1906 said:

    have yet to see a tyranical WvW guild leaders... yet, from your description they sound like a Disney Villain rubbing hands and throwing guild members into the dungeon once every few weeks. Drama happens sure, but you're overblowing it as if every guild leaders a bunch of schemy dictator who kick people out on a whim.

    playing since release, i have experienced this exactly ONCE in a community-guild. However: that was not exactly a single person (despite the, at that time, the "owner" of the community-guild being involved), but rather a bunch of guilds. So what happened was effectively: owner of the voice-server and the community-organizers in the comm-guild transferred with a bunch of guilds, kicking everyone from the community-guild that didn´t go with them, and then shut down voice right before the reset they mass-transferred. 

    again, in my 7 years that i played actively (technically since release, but with a big break inbetween) i have experienced this exactly ONCE. Despite there being drama every now and then, and the players on the server frequently not being in aggreement with each other. and yet, nothing drastically has ever taken place (and despite some people potentially attempting this, they never succeeded). 

    I´m not saying that it cannot happen, and it probably WILL happen in a guild at some point. But this ALSO can totally happen in a server-system (considering this already HAS happened before)

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  11. 20 minutes ago, urd.8306 said:

    This whole bunker boon kitten and not being able to defend a keep vs a blob made this game mode the mess it is.

    That is a Game-Balance issue, not a world-structure one, so WR doesn't change anything (and it's also not supposed to, since that's a totally different dev team and system responsible for that).

    21 minutes ago, urd.8306 said:

    This game mode always was a PUG mode. You saw a pin, joined on whatever class you liked to play and did stuff on the map to upgrade your side of the borderland and after started sieging (means preparing positions, building siege and fighting off other servers meanwhile) keeps so in the end you could have a nice fight in that keep with two other servers.

    Again, a general Game-System issue that is unaffected by WR 

    25 minutes ago, urd.8306 said:

    because what destroyed WvW is the ever transfering GvG crowd and elitists that tried to stack servers so they could roll over any opposition and the very fitting meta we got for this.

    And WR is limiting this, creating an overall better population balancing due to limits in guild size (and potentially limiting transfers in general, because we don't even know if ANet will allow mid-season transfers. So far we only know that ANet is considering it, but we have no confirmation if it actually will be a thing or not).

    Currently a world consists of a lot more players (presumably between 1000-1500 players if not more, considering inactive players are not accounted for, yet are still assigned to servers). With WR you're limited to stacking 500 players max, hard capping how much you can overstock a single team (it will probably still be possible in some way, but it cannot be abused even remotely as much as with servers, considering transfers before relink, but after new links were already decided is simple to abuse)

  12. 15 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    The groups that organize more will do better adjusting their mixes of various types of WvW.

    Exactly. And that has always been the case, but the players themselves had far less ways to actually influence that. With the new system, you have the choice. You can choose to find any type of guild/"alliance" (and if you actively look for one you WILL find one that suits you). Or you choose not to do, then you need.to live with the consequences 

    • Like 2
  13. Well, I can only speak for the "alliance" we found during the betas, and this shows an entirely different picture, despite not even being a "stacked" (500 players) guild. 


    In February we had 

    ~300 members total out of which are

    ~8 guilds accounting for 200 members

    ~ 100 non-guilded players, including public zerglings and roamers

    11 commanders that were willing to tag up public (but even more "non-stablished" commanders actually tagged up)


    Total numbers have increase a bit since then (but not by much) and during the beta we had a blast. Plenty of publics, guilds working together with pugs, good general activity with everyone, roamers, small-scale, guilds and zergs.

    The MAIN problem is not WR, but the unwillingness of players to organize themselves with anyone else (the people of their server that they "value" so "highly", quotation marks intended)

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  14. Boons in competitive are a delicate balance and you can't serve everyone.


    However: as a primarily medium to large scale player (~15/20 -50) at certain sizes especially defensive boons become more important. Since with every player added, the ability to apply CC increases more than the ability to stun break/apply stability. 

    The problem here is not necessarily the amount of boons or the lack of boon rip (ofc they play a big part in it) but the fact that most defensive boons can effectively be kept up permanently. 

    So, while I certainly love to have my boons, it may be beneficial to go back to the initial idea ANet had for boons (temporary buffs that increase your strength). 


    Boons getting drastically reduced in duration could potentially make more tactical gameplay possible, IF (important) all related skills and counterparts are adjusted as well. If you don't reduce boonstrip as well, boons become useless. If you don't adjust damage, everyone may end up as a paper-bag that dies immediately. If you don't reduce CC as well, it's going to be hell to play. 


    Basically, it would require a massive reduce in "Skill Bloat"

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  15. 14 hours ago, bq pd.2148 said:

    (there are some bugs that make them disappear tho)

    Those "bugs" you mean are probably actually intended behavior, but people tend to forget that it's a thing.


    Whenever you change a gear- or equipment- template to a different one (or in build specifically, a copy of the build- template that is not identical in traits specifically), all persisting effects are forcibly removed. 

    This was as changed due to bugs related to certain traits not losing their effect on swapping them out (so you could have a trait active that was not actually in your build anymore).

    This "skill-cleanup" removes not only currently active, but not finished abilities (e.g. an engineers "Big 'Ol Bomb" that hasnt detonated yet, but it also removes placed traps (both skills from e.g.DH AND target painters/supply removal traps). 


    Also (this should be obvious), when you leave the map, all placed entities (food, traps, skills etc) are also removed

  16. 1 hour ago, TexZero.7910 said:

    Isn't it missing something important like bases with arrowcarts and airships ?

    well, uncaptured bases do have enemy arrowcarts and oil. heck you even have flame rams, catapults, ballistas and arrowcarts that you can place, which the enemy NPC's also use. So even the Siege-weapon portion is already covered. 

    You also have reward-tracks (although they work a bit differently), and you have capture- and defense-events, as well as some open-field skirmishes. 
    You can also run around alone and still do events, or gather a large group and do stuff in large scale. Even the distiction between random pugs and an actually organized squad is there. 

    so yeah, drizzlewood-coast is effectively: WvW, but without PvP but NPC's and automated events instead. 

    The only thing it doesnt do is: provide Gift of Battle. And we all know that GoB will ALWAYS stay locked behind actual WvW (the same way that Gift of Exploration will ALWAYS stay locked behind core-game completion, aka PvE)

    • Like 6
  17. 1 hour ago, ChrisWhitey.9076 said:

    I believe someone mentioned that the WvW population was not that big and around 1,500-3,000. Having an alliance or guild capacity over 500 members makes no sense if that is the case.

    We don´t have any data about WvW-population in terms of player-numbers. So all of that is pure speculation. However: they used to aim for alliance-sizes of:


    somewhere between 500-1000 members

    Source: one of the earlier posts from back in 2018 

    which would mean either a maxiumum of one or two full guilds. Also, since the member-limit of a single guild is 500, it also only makes sense to put the alliance-cap to a multiplicative of 500. however: we don´t even know how big a full team is intended to be (but considering the old post, it´s probably at least 1000 active players). And tbh: the lower the player-cap for an alliance the easier it becomes to distribute everyone equally. 

    keep in mind: this is 6 years old by now, and IF alliances ever come, it´s probably subject to change. 

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  18. 9 hours ago, Jeydra.4386 said:

    you are giving the blob free alacrity" is not the right way to think about it. Yes condition cleanse exists, but it doesn't mean you should stop using conditions entirely. If you don't overload their condition cleanse, they're probably not dying anyway.

    Exactly. Additionally condition convert (especially purity of purpose) got nerfed quite a bit a while ago, and on top of that renegade is becoming a thing recently. So not only is that conversion not a big deal anymore, alacrity is atm a thing in many comps either way

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