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Posts posted by Cylent.6078

  1. I'm sorry to ask here, but I'm not sure where else to post this question: How can you tell who the guild originator is, or is it not important? My husband and I are trying to get something changed w/ one of our guilds, but we forgot which account started it. Would be so nice if it were a permanent first line in the "history", but the history page doesn't go back as far as we need it to. Thanks for your help!

  2. Kudos to Vayne for starting this thread. And kudos, also, for saying nearly everything that's been on my mind since the achievements for this chapter were released.

    What do we all have in common? We all want to play the game using the modes we enjoy most. Good intentions from ANet, but this is not the way. I want to see GW2 succeed, and I applaud every game mode that interests and challenges all players and prospective players. I like having an incentive to try new things. But making the Shadow In The Ice Mastery achievement reward dependent on mixing the modes (including strike missions) with no option of substituting an equivalent participation puts me, a loyal player, in a very negative space.

    I'll be honest and a bit selfish here...I like the varied game modes. It gives L33t and/or competitive players a source of enjoyment and reduces the negativity in my map chat.

    Please tell me, what category do I fit best? I log in every day (except a few maternity days off), do a few dailies (in different modes, mind you, but I prefer PvE). I have sunk some money into gems, and I love finishing collections & achievements, acquiring new skins, crafting, "fashion" wars, etc. I play the game to release a little steam, relax, and make some online friends. My screen time is limited (remember that maternity leave?), and I have a full time job. I play maybe 15-25 hours a week, across multiple accounts. I've never been good at jumping puzzles (however the light puzzles are much more fun for me). Maybe someone could offer a spiffy, stereotyped, category title for me? :)

    My interests have changed along with my time availability, among other things, and are different from when I began playing GW in 2005. I want to achieve goals, but my hands are tied when it comes to Shadow in the Ice, which saddens me a great deal. I don't enjoy Strike and Raids. Maybe I'm good enough, maybe not. I don't have time or patience, and it's not my thing. I'd rather grind than suffer the RNG of trying to land in a fun group to Strike or Raid with. Almost all attempts of mine have been fruitless so far. It's either toxic, or takes more time than I can commit to, to be successful.

    My husband and I have invested a great deal of time and money into this game, and we've also invested some hopes and dreams that when our little ones are old enough, this will be a source of entertainment for the whole family. We want to see it continue to succeed.

    As Vayne has said, if ANet continues this strategy of leading players towards raiding, they're going to lose player interest rather than increase it. I liked an excellent suggestion I read somewhere between page 2 and 5 of this thread...maybe add more achievements to old maps as new content is released, to allow players to earn the reward w/o doing strike missions?

    I have a lot less interest in the game when I am thinking ,"I'd like to, but..." Makes me want to channel my inner Sylvari...start a r.l. garden. My little ones are already mining precious ores (aka rocks) in our backyard. I have a kitchen and a sewing machine, and I'm pretty good a wielding a musical instrument, too. I suppose I have everything in r.l. that GW2 offers, except gliding, mounts, mobs of unfriendly creatures (perhaps bills, taxes, and traffic fit that description?), and large, shiny weapons. Don't take away my virtual rewards, ANet!

  3. "Casual" player here - skip this post if that makes you cringe. And please pardon any terms I use that aren't "exact".

    I like the variety of events, and the story line is good. I see the new map(s) being enjoyable with smaller populations after new content is introduced and the masses move forward. I am hoping the rewards will still seem worthwhile after all the achievements have been completed.

    Collectible rewards (read: armor sets) should not require both Strike Missions and Events. Can't we work towards them using one mode, or mix & match if we want to? Let the player choose. It just isn't fun for those who don't fit other player's idea of "correct" gaming--from either perspective. (E.g.: lots of people enjoy fruit salad, but some folks are allergic to strawberries, and those bananas get yucky after a while.) Would like a preview of what the armor I select from the Reliquary will look like, especially since we can only choose one item per account.

    I expect a story to have some dissonance, hopefully to be resolved later in very entertaining ways. Despite the frustrating twists and turns, it's interesting to watch Braham grow as he completes his rite(s) of passage. Like in real life, it isn't pretty. But his apparent size/age does make it awkward and difficult to relate to--like a 14-year old in the body of a grown man. What's up with the rest of our team??? Did they drop off the face of the earth? Loved seeing Aurene. I agree, would like more HOM connectivity to GW1. I think we would all like to see more connections with GW1 throughout. Love the idea of books returning to the game.

    The move towards more micro-transactions has been too heavy and too sudden. We've noticed the change, and it's a downer for us loyal players.Pegasus notes - would like more of a narwhal horn than...what it is. The beak mouth looks a little funky. Otherwise, kinda fun. I had been expecting more of a Greek mythology look, so I was taken aback at first. I'm hoping RNG gods allow me to get the whale glider someday. Will it be available for statuettes within the next couple of years?

    The RNG meter needs some balancing. "Rare" should not be "Never". I would expect a rare item to drop from a BL chest, bonus chest, or world boss at least once a month (playing daily for 1-3+ hours depending on the day), but that just isn't the case, even with fairly good Magic Find. Even the Enchanted chest in my home instance disappoints nearly half the time. Less stingy = happier players!

  4. I think there should be an LFG category for Guild activities.

    For example, Guild Rush requires 15 complete runs in order for success, but guilds are starting them and then abandoning them, or just running them for personal credit. Small guilds, or any-size guilds with few people who want to do the events, are missing out here.

    On a similar note, it would be nice to have an LFG tab for Guilds to recruit. I see many map chat messages from newer players who are looking for guilds to join, but a shout-out in map chat only speaks to people who are on that map at that moment.

    Guild Wars 2 can really improve this aspect of "community" within the game with a very simple addition to LFG.

    Category: GuildSubcategory: MissionsSubcategory: Recruiting

    I'm sorry if this is a repeat request. So many pages of posts, so little time!

  5. I agree with Seth. Where is my Glyph of Reaping useful now?I purchased it because my spouse and I complete dailies together - using the same home instance, of course.In the open world, other than a select few patches here and there, most nodes are not close enough to warrant the use of the Glyph of Reaping. (Or will that be changing? Hmmn?)It isn't working for guild halls, either--even for the "owner" of the guild hall.
    I'm hoping ArenaNet reconsiders their decision to disable use in others' instances. Otherwise, I may be requesting a refund.
    It was great while it lasted, though!

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