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  1. I forgot to note in my little rant on Crippling throw being removed from Ranger Greatsword one specific thing; Ranger all a sudden losing part of its identity and losing ability to use the trait [Predator's Onslaught] Effectively. didnt realize until now that self sufficient usage of this trait goes down quite a bit with the loss of crippling throw also. I guess the shining part to this however is it shifts people to using sword more but thats kind of restricting...
  2. I can't say I have ever had a reason to log in to actually comment on changes, but i think the ranger changes has finally forced my hand. I will first say that i dont have anything against the Long Ranger shot damage decrease. I can live with this as its not something too crippling, although It is still more than i expected. Sword changes are also rather strange and I feel this would be a net loss on the PvE side and only benefit WvW/PvP players in the grand scheme. However its very much liveable if the leap has a pretty decent starting animation speed. However, the change to Greatsword hurts more than anything. I can see how powerstabs change may be healthier for the game in the long run, but I feel that it should have some kind of other compensation for this change outside 15 endurance. I also fel the change to counterattack is rather rough for everyone across the board. The Crippling Throw follow-up was pretty good in keep Greatsword in feeling like a decent weapon. It allowed for trait synergies and also was pretty good damage for PvE side and helpful in actually getting to targets in PvP/WvW when combined with Swoop. As silly as it sounds, I think it would be a big mistake to get rid of such an iconic skill for the sake of simplifying the Counterattack. If the damage needed to be decreased on Crippling Throw, so be it, but I would be sad to see the follow-up just vanish along with the condition application. Sorry if I am rather rash about this, I just think this weapon got hit a bit harder than it deserved even if it looks a bit less worrisome on paper.
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