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Posts posted by Copestetic.5174

  1. @Poohinagi San.7619 said:

    However ,some part of the game (HoT,PoF and LWS2-4) are extremely hard to play and I catch myself that enjoyment of playing the game is replaced by being boring ,because my character has to defend against 20+ characters,which makes it extremely difficult in some parts.For example,how do you expect one person to do Repel the Branded invasion and close the rifts fro 15 min . I am alone against more than 20 brandeds. Or ,escape in the end of Storm tracking in the time for the achievement.

    My friend started the game about three months ago and I have to remind him from time to time that a lot of the Events he does in HoT and PoF are group-based content. That being the reason he can’t just go in there and fight off an army of Awakened or Mordrem. It’s frustrating for not only him, but me as well as someone who’s played since 2013 and remember how fun these Events were when their content was being run. It does get pretty hilarious in Discord though when he’s getting steam rolled.

    The sad truth is, is that this is the case for most MMO’s: New content drops and players funnel to it leaving the old to rot. It’s a shame though that new(er) players will never get that game experience we had. I really wish ANet would implement some rotating 3-day or weekly system that boosted EXP, drops, Karma, something to Core GW2 maps and get players visiting there again.

  2. @Croc.1978 said:

    @kharmin.7683 said:With the availability of shared inventory slots, which really don't take any significant time to use to swap tools around characters, I'm surprised that this is even a request.

    For extended gathering sessions I agree. But this is not viable for all situations. For instance, I have 3 alts parked at the Rich Quartz Crystal node in Crystal Oasis right now. Every day, each of them picks up their 10 Quartz Crystal. It just takes a couple of seconds and then I switch character. Though I have a spare set of unlimited gathering tools available, I just can't bring myself to use it for that. Instead, I use the normal Orichalcum mining picks.

    Would be way too much micromanagement for me to equip tool, gather, unequip and then put it back into the shared slot again if I had to do it multiple times every day.

    It’s literally three to four extra seconds to drag them to Shared Inventory. That’s 9-12 seconds total. Good Lord, people.

    • Confused 2
  3. The Ebonhawke Treaty.

    As someone who's been killing Charr since 2006, one of my main gripes with GW2 is how everyone's holding hands singing Kumbaya. Specifically the Charr. They were a badass enemy in GW1 that I loved to fight. No other enemy type in any game since has given me that same feeling as fighting Charr. They were awesome. GW2 really neutered them, and put them on leashes to the point where they don't ( to me ) resemble those in the first game outside of cosmetically. I honestly think that introducing them as a playable race and implementing the Ebonhawke Treaty really takes away a great side enemy for the Humans in core Tyria. In a way it feels wrong for them not to be enemies due to the history of their wars.

    Rytlock Brimstone: You lost this war long ago, and we'll kill you until you get the point!Rytlock Brimstone: We burned down his kingdom and buried the ashes! Make him remember that day.Rytlock Brimstone: Forward, legions! Finish him.

    Very few things in video games give me chills, but when Rytlock says the above in the first story instance for Charr characters, I feel actual emotion when hearing it. Sympathy for Baradin and Ascalonians, and anger towards the Charr. It's very powerful I think, for those of us who's been here since GW1. But now that Charr-ness from GW1's been replaced by a bromance with Logan, fanfiction, and a Charr who writes about Charr/Human sex. I hate it.

  4. Probably a question that’s been answered already, but didn’t find anything with the Google man. Just curious if they have some form of afterlife. I know there was a Charr Shaman in the Realm of Torment in GW1.


  5. @"cloudsareyum.8120" said:

    • Schoolgirl outfit YES PLEASE. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/School_Uniform (I know at least 5 confirmed people excluding me that would buy this in a heartbeat, just talking about it randomly in a group.)They look SO AMAZING ON CHARR AND ALL THE RACES. IT IS SO RARE TO HAVE SOMETHING LOOK GOOD ON CHARR. AN ACTUAL DRESS THAT LOOKS DECENT ON LADY CHARR ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. IT LOOKS GOOD ON EVERYBODY. I think also it genuinely looks like how adventurers would look if there was some kind of human fantasy private school in kryta (The Queen's school of how to wield magic or something? I mean it's never explained how many of the adventurers themselves learned it, even if it is with the npcs- tired with your day job?! become an adventurer!)

    Disagree with the rest tho except for https://www.bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Chartelier-Courent.jpg. Bikinis are not necessary. Even if we want to dress like lord faren i feel like it may be a bit much even with all the other sexualized outfits.Human females don't even have a fancy skirt, masquerade is just fancy underwear and unwearable. I would love a masquerade skirt that isn't open in the front...T_T.

    You realize schoolgirl outfits are in and of themselves, a fetish about 99% of the time? It's been a kink of people at least since Brittney Spears came strolling down a hallway in the 90's. So your fetish is completely okay, while others wanting bathing suits ( there's a fetish for that? ) is not. You must write for Kotaku.

  6. Guild Wars: Prophecies Armor Skin request.

    Given the latest update to the Icebrood Saga, I'd like to see a return of the Warrior armor "Charr Hide" or "Elite Charr Hide". I think it'd be a great addition given that the Charr are going through a civil war with an abundance of Charr...corpses lying about perfect for skinning! This would be amazing for Human players who chose Ascalonian descent and may have some resentment lingering towards the Charr. Please though, armor. Not an outfit.

    Also, Luxon Ritualist Armor back in the Gem Store. I had just started working again when it released, so didn't have any extra cash to make the purchase.

    Thank you.

  7. @"Supreme.3164" said:Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of New World and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.

    You're implying that at one time in the past everything was rainbows and unicorns, everyone got along perfectly fine, and when a TA group stomped a PUG that was on a winning streak they were all like "Whoa! GG guys, we all learned something valuable today! Thanks for beating us!". Even back in GW1, we shit-talked each other. I remember the first time I brought my PvE ALT Monk ( Mo/A with a meta PvP build ) into RA sometime back in 2006, this one Assassin in our team just kept straight trashing me for being bad, not knowing what my build does ( standard WoH build ), and for spamming my skill bar on our allies in an effort to keep them topped-off ( which is bad, just need to keep them alive ). We got 3 wins, but I was so mad that I...went online and looked up how to play Monk in PvP, learned from the experience, watched some archaic videos at that time, made some PvP friends, and continued practicing. By the time I left GW1 in 2011 or 2012, I was a half-decent healer across the PvP content; low-level GvG's included.

    And you know what? To this day I main healers/supports in games outside of GW2 because of that one incident 14-years ago. If someone's being an asshole, just call them an asshole. But if they have a point, or make you remotely question your decision(s), you should at least look to see if they were correct post-match. I do this all the time because I'm not perfect. I still make mistakes in game and in life. I learn from it, and try to become better in the future. I would still be a really, really, horrible healer had I just clammed-up and ignored that "toxic" Assassin all those years ago. You don't learn anything if you think you're right all the time, and everyone else around you is wrong.

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