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Posts posted by Providence.7185

  1. 15 hours ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


    Or , hear me out , this is crazy idea I know - you just play the game as usual without paying ANY attention to this mechanic ?

    It's not like it's required for anything at all and absolutely doesn't matter unless you are tryharding some CM or something.


    Sure , it's a strange design decision to say the least and probably will be reworked in the next patch.

    First, I hope this new mess is removed in the future. Any reason why you believe this will be the case? Did the Devs say anything?

    Ignore the ironically named Mechanical Genius mechanic? How is that "play the game as usual"? The spec relies heavily on the Mech by design. The new mechanic is not meant to be ignored. It is meant to irritate Mechanist players to move onto other specs. If this move doesn't meet their goal, I shudder to think what the devs will dream up next.

    Do you play Mechanist? The Mech losing 50% of its stats for any amount of time is noticeable against anything other than trash mobs - even then that assumes the number of trash mobs is manageable. 

    By way of example, I have done the Verdant Brink night event a number of times on Mech. With the recent decrease in players doing the meta, I am at times solo. I can feel the nerf in terms of damage and survivability even with my best efforts to keep the Mech in range. 

    I don't mean to suggest Mech is trash. But this patch is a substantial nerf all the way around. And the baby-sit mechanic should meet the devs desire of annoying players away from the spec. Not a smart business decision. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

    After a year i joined the game to see every change, and i'm in love with engi mechanist, but after reading the forum (and the last change) i can see that this can change... so, worth it or should i just save my gold to build anything else? thanks everyone.

    If you like Mechanist, before investing too heavily I would try it out in the open world and in a meta event. If you are happy with the amount of focus required to try to keep the Mech in range (see the circle on the ground) then build it out fully. 

    The Mech is still a good and versatile spec and you may you like the new mechanic. Or not. The Lord Hizen build is solid. You can also find rifle (power oriented builds) to try.

    I just wanted to make the point that a condi build won't help much if at all with the nerf. 

    Other ranged pet classes to consider that I have found strong include Mirage, Scourge, Elementalist (I have only played Tempest). Ranger is another option as well but I have played little of that class to date.  Hope that helps.

  3. Thanks for the suggestion, I will give it a go later but have doubts.

    It won't solve the issue that it is impractical to keep the mech in range all the time. Even dodging a mechanic puts the Mech out of range. And they often run off. Once out of range it appears to take up to 3 seconds for it to register as back in range. This hits damage and survivability. How badly depends on the situation.

    Fun is subjective. While all pet classes require some attention, this is over the top baby sitting in my opinion. And I said, that is the point. Use a stick to annoy players to move to other specs/classes.

    It is a foolish business decision to nerf the most popular classes (today that is Mechanist and Firebrand) simply to achieve class representation parity.  Other games/choices exist and some % of GW2 players will make other choices. Doubly foolish with a new WoW expansion in play. 


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  4. I have played both the standard Rifle mech and Lord Hizens condi pistol-pistol / flamethrower build. 

    Question - how can one believe any Mech build which relies on the Mech (including condi builds) is not negatively affected by the mech nerf? It is meant as a serious question. 

    After playing with Mechanical Genius (the trait requiring us to be within 360 of the Mech) - it is a nerf of incalculable proportions in real world scenarios. I say incalculable because it depends on how often the Mech is out of range thus losing 50% of its stats. And this will happen despite all best efforts. How often the Mech is out of range is the incalculable part. Bear in mind this not only nerfs damage but survivability as well.

    The new Mechanical Genius trait applies to all builds, not just rifle. Thus all builds are affected.

    The whole point of the Mechanist changes is to lower the number of Mech players. The devs decided to annoy a large number of players creating this purposely inconvenient nerf/mess of baby sitting the Mech. That still leaves the purposely bad animation/sound changes to the rifle auto attack (which condi builds avoid).

    If someone sees a way for condi builds to avoid the Mechanical Genius nerf, please share. I am all ears.

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    • Confused 1
  5. Recently decided to try out Bladesworn and a few questions came up after playing the spec a bit in the Crystal Desert.

    - Why does Dragon slash - force miss certain enemy types in melee? Whenever I had sand lions or scarabs bunched in front of me and used Dragon Slash - force a number of "miss" would appear on screen. To be clear such misses did not happen with most mob types, just these two. After a while I figured out that Dragon Slash - boost one shot them, including vets. But until I made the switch it was easier to defeat hero points and groups of vets than trash sand lions/scarabs. Am I missing something? Is there a way to know in advance against which mobs DS - force will miss?


    - Do you bother to use Dragon Trigger in meta/group events with other players around? I found that trash mobs would be defeated before getting the skill off. Only against vets and up was Dragon Trigger helpful with other players around.



  6. 24 minutes ago, Elazul.6495 said:

    Do we need a special build? I've been using my regular Reaper build tagging things with my axe while roaming and switching to Greatsword/Shroud for doors to cleave everything. Seems to work fine.

    Builds designed for farming, and the Halloween Lab in particular, do exist. See the fast-farming website for examples. Being unfamiliar with core Necro I am hoping for ideas or a build best suited to the purpose.

  7. Could you recommend a Necro leveling build for the Halloween Lab?

    Many say the Halloween Lab is a great place to level and I have a free character slot and no Necro in my account. Looking for a good tagging core build with as much run speed as possible to keep up with the group. Would also appreciate some ideas to be able to contribute against bosses.

    I do have a mastered out raptor (hoping not to use, certainly not for damage) and played the Lab for about 4 hours on a Mirage to get the basics down.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. My play is PVE. In GW2 I have yet to play any instanced content as I am gearing a few classes. Played OW including metas so far.

    I do play alone. In OW usually other people are around. On occasion not.

    I have only soloed a few champs on core maps while leveling. No idea if I can in expansion content. It is something I have done in other MMO's.

    Weapon choice is best tool for the job. I have played both ranged and melee. Looks to me like Bladesworn is melee.

    Survival over damage - hate downstate. Unless the dps is so poor that it induces downstate.

    My understanding is that Bladesworn is a dps class in instanced content so my need a second gear set eventually unless one will suffice.

    Thanks for your help.

  9. What build works best for Bladesworn in pve - especially open world? Is the spec solid in this content? It looks fun.

    Most seem to suggest Cavalier gear with Arms, Strength and Bladesworn traits. For example, Nike! has such a build.

    Lord Hizen went with Assassin gear using Strength, Defense (in part for Condi cleanse) and Bladesworn. He stated that with Bladesworn and Defense healing toughness was not necessary.

    Both went with strength runes and axe/pistol.

    I did try Bladesworn in the PvP area against the NPCs and was underwhelmed. My focus bar filled up quite slowly relative to Youtube vids with much lower damage/healing. But my gear was subpar.

    How would you suggest building a Bladesworn? Thanks.

  10. Thank you. I saw that post. According to the accompanying video that is a Raid build dependent on others bringing regeneration. Or did I misunderstand something?

    Is there a way to adjust that build to make it more solo friendly and survivable?

  11. Would you suggest a low intensity build or two?

    Game mode is mostly solo in open world jumping into various events often. Looking for a survivable class that is either a) low click per second or b) requires little movement.

    The rotation can be longish. While I am a causal player now in years past complicated specs and I got along. I have all expansions.

    Like many my recent game play has mostly been on power/rifle Mech for obvious reasons. That spec is expected to be once again hit with the DPS nerf bat in the next patch. (please don't focus this thread on the wisdom of the nerfs).

    So I am looking for a new spec.

    Can you suggest a new easy to play build? 

    Thanks in advance.



  12. @Buran.3796 said:My advice would be to go with Renegade. The Renegade can fight both at range or mele, using either power or condition stats, staying in short bow 90% of the time, and kill well both single targets and small packs of enemies. The powe Herald is pure mele and albeit very competent at single target damage, loses a lot of efficiency when has to tag multiple foes at the same time. The condition Herald is mele/short range AoE, much better against small packs, but a bit slower vs single targets. To me soloing hero points/bosses with power Herald is faster but more risky, with condi Herald a bit slower but way tankier. Herald has the quality of life of having perma-swiftness (Facet of Elements) without relying in traits or runes, but Renegade has the quality of life of being able to kill everything below champs without even being touched (short bow).

    Thanks. Would you suggest power or condi Renegade? Any suggestions for inexpensive starter gear while I build up the gold account?

  13. Just leveled my core Revenant to 80. I saved up 220 points so need another 30 for an elite spec.

    Would you suggest opening Herald or Renegade first? And would you aim at a condition or power build?

    Renegade appears to have a large variety of builds - power, conditions, Alac, healing. Comments here suggest Herald is more tanky and I prefer self sufficient builds over glass cannons. Feeling powerful to me comes more from a full health bar then kill speed. As to the type of content I play. All Open World Pve thus far.

    Going forward content selection is largely dependent on getting more Points and making gold. Will likely need to go into PoF for collecting points to fill out the core traits - HoT sounds more difficult. Also need to learn the best way to make gold which I assume I need to buy strong gear/weapons. Currently I have less than 15 gold.

    What path would you suggest going forward?Thanks

  14. In general I agree with the OP. For a NEW player the game can be difficult. When I first started playing it took me some time to get used to the fast pace of the combat. I still have much room for improvement. Naturally the more one plays the game the easier it becomes.

    A possible suggestion for the OP. Try the Scrapper Juggernaut flame thrower build you can find on Metabattle. It has 100% or near 100% stability. I tried it in the PvP lounge against various classes NPC and the crowd control reduction is very noticeable and satisfying. Hardly a top DPS build but relaxing and sturdy. Perhaps there are ways to improve the build as you get more game experience and play more offensively.

  15. Can you suggest a survivable core Ranger build and some rotation tips?

    My situation is this - Boosted a Ranger to 80. Bad idea. My thought was to go through the normal leveling areas as a Soulbeast to learn that spec. I was unaware I needed to earn the SLB points in POF. I am not new to MMO's but POF on (to me) a new class is less than ideal. But what is done is done.

    In any case I do just fine in many situations. But poorly in AOE situations. So I suspect it is my inexperience with the class and likely poor build. Goal is to finish obtaining the necessary points (already have some) and then run thru a healthy portion of the normal leveling process.

    Build / Rotation suggestions would be appreciated.Thanks in advance

  16. Thanks for the info.

    Apologies if my post suggested I am testing build to theory-craft - which I understand to mean creating my own builds. The builds I am testing are builds mostly provided by others here either in the forums or to me personally. The purpose is as stated in the OP "to see which classes I find fun and effective." I have more than enough time in MMO's for such a purpose.

    Other than Mirage one other issue I have run into in the PvP lobby - unless I misunderstand something - is missing runes. One in particular is the Tormenting runes for which a number of builds find notable importance.

    Am I correct that the Rune of Tormenting is unavailable in the PvP lobby?

  17. Is there a way to test builds - both core and elite specs - in PVE before leveling the character to 80 and getting the necessary hero points?

    Currently, I am testing various builds to see which classes I find fun and effective. The PvP lobby has been very helpful. However, there are a number of builds I cannot properly test. Some runes are not available (e.g. Tormenting) and a number of skills work differently in PvP vs. PvE - e.g. only one dodge on Mesmer.

    Since I will spend more time in PvE it would be helpful to test certain builds and skills in a PvE setting. Is there anyway to do this? Is there for example a PvE equivalent of the PvP lobby?


  18. @Voltekka.2375 said:And why would anyone wanna buy expansions, in that case?Edit: the fact that you cant play guard healer isnt druid. Its firebrand.

    You raise a good point. However, it goes beyond what you stated. Buying the expansions is not enough to get the elite specs. It simply makes them available.

    To get use the elite specs a new player must 1) purchase the expansions as you stated, 2) get the necessary glider / mounts for step #3, and level up said mounts and 3) get the hero points in expansion content - all this on an under powered (in most cases) core spec.

    Even the above fails to mention that following the typical game path the new player still will spend 80 levels and much of the Personal story on a - typically - less interesting/fun core spec.

    I would argue that the requirement for unlocking the elite specs - beyond purchasing the expansions - hurts the Devs business model substantially. Too many roadblocks are placed between the new/ish player and the coveted elite specs and all those fun looking game play videos he sees.

  19. @TheAgedGnome.7520 said:

    @"Providence.7185" said:As a result, I am looking for a build that can trivialize Open World and story content. The build does not necessarily need to excel in Fractals/Raids since in a game in which most items earned are account wide I am fine with a handful of specialists as opposed to only one generalist.

    Hizen has some great OW builds. I like the mesmer (mirage) build, but you might like the warrior (Part I video) better.

    Thanks for the link.

    Looking around I found a number of mirage build very similar in concept to the one put out by Lord Hizen. Here is one thread with such a mirage build.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/30394/open-world-domination-mirage

    Please note that I have not tried these builds but the gameplay video in the link looks very promising. I am a bit concerned as to whether core Mesmer has what it takes to get the hero points to unlock the Mirage elite spec. My initial attempts with core Mesmer in Silverwastes were less than encouraging.

  20. @Teratus.2859 said:

    That's likely because of your builds and playstles.. Personally I never found HoT overly hard when everyone was complaining about mordrem being OP.I always attributed that to Mordrem being designed to steamroll your typical pure melee glass canon zerker players which was the meta at the time HoT came out and a meta I to this day am not a fan of.PoF was the same.. forged are a joke to my builds although Awakened annoy me pretty good, not because they're hard to kill though but because I detest the slow condition and those stupid smelley skeletons love nothing more than to spam the ever loving hell out of attacks that inflict slow.Slow makes me waste my time and I can't stand annoying mechanics like that which drag out fights just to annoy people, horrible condition with no place in PvE imo.

    Would you mind sharing a minion build that you find strong?

    It is true that I am not fond of the appearance of Necro minions. But you have stated a long history of success with minion builds and many players might benefit from your build/experience. As to myself, this thread has benefited from a shared Scourge and Reaper (non-minion) build. I might be inclined to try the minion variety to see how it compares to the non-minion varieties.

  21. @"Ayakaru.6583" said:How to beat the game:

    • Roll a warrior.
    • Get into berserker gear.
    • Get a greatsword, two axes, and a hammer.
    • Get some fancy skins that say "don't f* with me".
    • Find Balthazar. Show that quaggan of fire and war you are not to be trifled with.
    • ???
    • You became the god of war as soon as you rolled a warrior. What did you think killing Balthazar would do?
    • no, seriously, there's nothing else. You rolled a warrior, you won.

    Do you play core Warrior or an elite spec? Do you have a build link handy?

    Also how do you make use of all those weapons? Would the 4 weapons mentioned not require 3 weapon sets?

  22. @thepenmonster.3621 said:

    As a result, I am looking for a build that can trivialize Open World and story content.

    Are you saying you want brain-dead play that makes trash mobs a speed bump more than anything? Level 1- 80? Have you considered grenadier engineer? You can toss grenades over your shoulder as you run away from the small army of centaurs. It's fun and only requires being able to reach the 1-5 keys.

    I stated clearly my thoughts. Your re-statement misses the mark.

    I had not considered grenadier engineer so thanks for the thought. If memory serves, Wooden Potato on youtube has a video with such a build. Is that the sort of build you have in mind?

  23. @"Alexa Scorpionwitch.8567" said:My main is a GS Power Reaper. I've soloed core and both expansions and haven't run into much that's given me any problems. As others have stated here, pair it up with a staff for when you need to back off for a quick break. I run Marauder and a few Soldier for the extra vitality and toughness. She's my absolute "go to" for story and open world.

    Thank you to yourself and all others writing in the thread.

    A number of people have suggested Power Reaper as a very strong option. As mentioned above I am not opposed to Necro (and elites) generally but simply don't care for the look of the minions. Does your build rely on minions?

    Do you or anyone else know of a no-minion Reaper build (we have a Scourge above) that can easily handle open world and story without breaking a sweat? Or do all strong open world Reaper builds rely on the minions?

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