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Posts posted by Poki.8235

  1. I don't see how anything I listed as a QoL change is bad. The ones I marked with a ? are debatable, for sure. Some people might see phase skipping as something that's unintended and should be fixed, some might see it as reward for skilled play and make the encounters more interesting.

    IDK why you're saying mounts would break encounters since they're not usable in encounters. And WMPD is funcionally identical to Mesmer portals, so do you want to ban mesmers so they don't break encounters too? I really don't understand your objections there.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  2. With the announcement of a new Raid, I think this is the perfect time to look back on our existing raids and fix all the bugs in them and add some extra polish. To help with this I've compiled a list that includes bugs, quality of life changes and other suggestions.

    [Bug] - A clear bug with little room for interpretation that should be fixed.
    [QoL] - A quality of life suggestion, something that would improve the readability or enjoyment of the encounter or the flow of the raid.
    [?] - A suggestion that could go either way. It potentially changes how the encounter is played..


    • [QoL] Players should be able to open raid instances at any checkpoint, and not just at the state their account is at this week.
    • [?] Reconsider renaming Strikes to Raids. They are really not that different and all vary in difficulty a lot. I know people that do Strikes but don't want to do Raids and people that do Raids and don't want to do Strikes. As long as you find a good way to inform people about the difficulty of the encounter and make everything accessible from the Aerodrome you'd gain a lot by smashing these two groups together.
    • [Bug] Encounters can fail even though there are still people alive: Basically, for some reason, the game can think that there are only 9, 8 or less people in the fight and the fight will end in failure when there are still 1, 2 etc. people alive. This also happens in strikes.
    • [QoL] Emboldened enable/disable dialogue: The voting timer should be drastically reduced.
    • [QoL] If you activate a CM when emboldened is on and later want to activate Emboldened for the rest of the wing, you first have to disable emboldened at the mote and then enable it. It should be properly switched to disabled when activating a CM.
    • [QoL] Wings 1-4 don't allow mounts (debatable if they should or not) and don't allow novelties like chairs to be used, unlike wings 5-7.
    • [?] White Mantle Portal Device should be usable in raids. It's gotten from raids and used extensively in fractals. It feels really weird that it's not usable in raids.
    • [Bug] Foolproof phase transitions, so that if a bug happens again that allows players to heal enemies the encounters don't bug out.
    • [QoL] Raid Tokens are consumed slowly and don't have Consume All. I understand that this is because it goes from a character to a guild database, and that's slow, but it would be really, really nice if this could be improved.
    • [QoL] Raid Training Instance is now party only. It's good that people don't have to make a squad to enter it, but there should also be a squad version available.

    1, Spirit Vale:
    This wing has a lot of overlong and slow tutorializing that should be cut down.

    Coloured Guardians

    • [QoL] They should have lower HP by like 25/33%. Maybe even 50%.

    Vale Guardian

    • [Bug] The teleport range of "blues" is ever so slightly larger then the yellow border warning effect so you can think you're safe and you get ported.
    • [?] It's common to ignore the "green". Arguably the fight should be adjusted so that the green doesn't wipe, but punishes ignoring it in some form.

    Spirit Woods
    Oh boy... This thing... When there are people that play VG and Spirit Woods on an alt just to skip their raid group past it you know there's a problem.

    • [QoL] 21 Rifts should be like 7 rifts. Maybe less. Maybe open 2 at once after 2 or 3 singles. Maybe put a champ that needs to be killed to end the encounter instead of closing all the rifts and the rifts are just something you have to do to not die while doing it? Maybe have the first room just be like 5 rifts tops and put some rifts in the second room? There are plenty of ways to rework this encounter, and you really need to do something drastic.
    • [QoL] Add a checkpoint to near the balcony before the Spirit Race after opening the gate so anyone that's reviving doesn't have to run all the way from the Vale Guardian arena.

    I think the actual Spirit Race and the buttons go by very fast and don't really need a change.

    Gorseval the Multifarious

    • [?] Due to power creep and people getting better, pretty much every single group now skips the mechanic of destroying the wall and using updrafts to avoid the attack. Arguably, the fight should be reworked so that this mechanic is not skippable.

    Sabetha the Saboteur

    • [Bug] When a person gets launched to a cannon, other players sometimes don't see that. They just see the person standing there on the edge of the platform like nothing happened causing confusion.
    • [Bug] A currently active Flamewall doesn't disappear when Sabetha dies.

    2, Salvation Pass:


    • [?][Bug?] Before the fight, the player character goes "Was that supposed to happen?" and "Find an exit. And try not to annoy that monstrosity." I might be wrong here, but these lines always confused me and seemed like the end result of changes in development. It's as if there's some cave in that blocks our way out, but that only happens after the fight starts. It would be nice if those lines were recoded or new, more fitting lines were recorded next time the voice actors are available.
    • [?][QoL] People sometimes die after the fight ends due to condies, so it would be nice if Slothasors death cleansed some condies.

    Bandit Trio

    • [?] The partoling bandits outside the fort should run inside when the fight starts and the gates open.
    • [Bug] It's possible to push mobs into the cage where they can be unable to be damaged, but they are still attacking the cage.
    • [QoL] The Environmentaly Friendly achievement fails if anyone opens a cage (fine) or picks up a beehive or barrel. I think it should not fail on pickup, but upon using a beehive or barrel.

    Matthias Gabrel

    • [?] A very annoying, though pretty rare quirk of this fight is when one person gets "bullied" by getting several mechanics in a row. It might be a good idea to give a small grace period so that no one person can be targeted by 2 mechanics in a row.

    3, Stronghold of the Faithful:

    Siege the Stronghold

    • [Bug] If someone talks to Glenna to start the encounter, but everyone gg's before she finishes talking, the encounter can start with everyone dead and able to revive. If you do this then you can do the encounter without being forced to stay in combat.
    • [Bug] If the person who's supposed to reply to Glenna at the start of the instance /gg's, the instance can softlock.
    • [Bug] The achievement eligibility icons for "I Can Outrun A...Warg", "Love Is Bunny" and "Mine Control" are present even for people that already did those achievements. Additionally, the "Mine Control" effect often doesn't go away even after the requirements have been failed.
    • [Bug] The Rabbit (for the Love Is Bunny achievement) doesn't reset properly after a failed attempt.
    • [Bug] After McLeod the Silent spawn, players that were far enough away from his spawn point (usually the "Back Warg" player) will regain their ability to resurrect people, even though they are still in combat.
    • [QoL] Would be nice if a one-way portal opened somewhere near the "Back Warg" spawn so players could get to the boss fight easier.
    • [Bug] Doing enough burst damage to McLeod the Silent can skip one of his 3 phase transitions.
    • [Bug] After McLeod spawns, Glenna can no longer be attacked by White Mantle Seekers, but her indicator still changes to a fear icon. Either she should still be in danger of being attacked, or her Surveilled effect should go away.

    Keep Construct

    • [Bug] Since this was the first "CM", it's coded differently then others and should be standardized. Specifically, the state of the CM should persist between wipes and no be reset, and there should be a yellow notification to everyone that it has been enabled or disabled.
    • [?] Very high dps groups can do enough damage to skip having to do the Orb Pushing phase. Similarly to Gorseval, it should arguably not be a skippable mechanic.

    Twisted Castle

    • [Bug] The Statues sometimes move even when looking at them.
    • [?] There are two prominent "skips" to avoid parts of TC by launching themselves (The "druid skip") and by jumping down on the top of the door and taking fall damage. Arguably these skips could be patched out.


    • [?] The fact that the "laylines" during this encounter are just weird reskinned updrafts is kind of awkward, and it sucks loosing players to it because the next platform has a wall and the updraft didn't picking them up. I would like a redo of these "laylines" into actual laylines.


    4, Bastion of the Penitent:

    Cairn the Indomitable

    • [Bug] If someone turns on the CM, the debuff forcing you to use the Special Action Key starts ticking when they land on the platform instead of when the fight starts.

    Mursaat Overseer

    • [Bug] Sometimes the fight doesn't reset properly after a wipe. The boss will be standing in the centre pulsing a high damage attack on the arena and can still be damaged. Killing the boss in this state softlocks the instance, but picking up all the Special Action Keys starts the fight properly without reseting MO's HP. This can lead to an easy kill.


    • [Bug] Sometimes, usually after killing Guldhem but before killing Rigom, Samarog can walk out of his alcove and start attacking, still invulnerable and with his big yellow bubble.
    • [Bug] Samarog sometimes is "late" on his CC phases. He should interrupt his current attack and do Brutalize, but sometimes he first finishes his current attack and then does Brutalize, and sometimes he interrupts his attack to do another attack and then Brutalize. This is bad cause a late CC puts a lot more pressure on the next CC phase when a lot of skills will still be on cooldown.

    5, Hall of Chains:

    River of Souls

    • [?] The most common tactic is to send most people ahead and leave just a few escorting Desmina. Should this be patched by making the road do more and more damage or is it a fine tactic?

    Broken King

    • [Bug] The Glaciate effect after getting 4 stacks of Frozen Wind doesn't do damage.
    • [Bug] After taking too many Frozen Wind stacks, often your mounts will T-pose and be unable to move, only jump. You need to leave the instance for this bug to fix itself.
    • [Bug] Taking the 4 Frozen Wind stack when in Specter Shroud or Harbringer Shroud will not freeze you.


    • [Bug] When you're in Specter Shroud or Harbringer Shroud and want to "take a green", you will not be picked up. (The Reaper will not die either)
    • [Bug] When the 10% HP phase starts, if you're in Specter Shroud or Harbringer Shroud you will not be picked up and will also not receive the damaging debuff. After the fight ends you will receive the damage debuff they avoided, causing them to die repeatedly until they leave the instance.
    • [Bug] If the tank "goes up", Dhuum often still follows them and walks all around the arena, or he randomly turns around to attack other players.
    • [Bug] The orb hitboxes in the air are super bad and don't align with the model.
    • [Bug] The Enforcer and Messenger that spawn on the north side of the room at the start of the fight swap their spawn positions at random.

    6, Mythwright Gambit:

    Twin Largos

    • [QoL] Unlike the previous dialog in the wing, the one before Twin Largos can't be skipped, but it would be really nice if it was.
    • [Bug] Kenut may occasionally spawn double the amount of waterspouts after teleporting to her third or final platform.
    • [Bug] Either one of the twins may occasionally bug out at 25%, being invulnerable and not moving to the next platform. This bug occurs when it coincides with a CC bar. The platform they are on continues to sink during this time, so it becomes near impossible to kill them before the platform sinks entirely under the water.


    • [Bug] Qadim doesn't trigger ranger traps (maybe some other enemy triggered things like marks too?) so they end up destroying the lamp when it spawns.
    • [Bug] Greater Magma Elemental's attacks don't stop when it dies. So it starts a swing, you see a circle on the ground, you kill the elemental before it finishes the swing and the attack still hits you and knocks you back.
    • [Bug] The Legendary Ice Elemental (mob you free from the second lamp) is scaled too small and uses the incorrect model.

    7, The Key of Ahdashim:

    • [Bug] Activating any CM completely removed the Emboldened Mote from the instance, so Emboldened can't be re-enabled.

    Gates of Ahdashim

    • [QoL] This is the other encounter that's highly disliked. Please make the capture points capture quicker, lower enemy health a little bit, make the NPCs move a bit faster and the last part of the defence event start a bit sooner.
    • [QoL] Please allow us to skip the dialog that happens after opening the gate, or have a way to make them open the gates to the Cardinals early.

    Cardinal Adina

    • [Bug] Sometimes a single pillar can protect more then 2 people.

    Cardinal Sabir

    • [Bug] Before the patch that fixed the bug that allowed you to stop mechanics by portaling (I think it was the May 10, 2022 patch), every single one of Sabir's attacks had a specific voice line that would play. After the patch, Sabir, while on the 3rd and last platform, sometimes says voice lines without using an attack and sometimes does attacks without voice lines.

    Qadim the Peerless

    • [QoL] Please allow us to skip the dialog after killing the second Cardinal.
    • [Bug] If you /gg at the wrong time in an attempt to skip the dialog after killing the second Cardinal, you can softlock the instance, or, more commonly, end up waiting in silence since the voices and text stops plaing, but the character still go through their animations normally.
    • [Bug] The Force of Havoc's "road" becomes invisible soon after spawning, only reappearing briefly for its despawn animation. Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVkfHArQLxc
    • [Bug] When Qadim destroys everyone's Special Action Key at the start of the last phase, the person that's "up" during the CM can also have their SAK destroyed if the energy is collected very fast. The person cannot do their mechanic and has to /gg or everyone will die.
    • [Bug] Ever since the August 22, 2023 patch that added the round indicator around you for Toxic Sickness (Fractal Instability), most round indicators are bugged and start their animations at random times. This includes the Toxic Sickness indicator, but also Qadim's indicator at the start of the fight.
    • [Bug] Qadim can sometimes fire his pushback shockwave after destroying the pylon too early. Sadly it seems random, but it's deadly on CM cause it takes you by surprise, likely before everyone is even grouped up, and can not only push you into a tornado, but even if you're lucky it pushes you out of the safe zone and you die anyway.
    • [Bug] If the group GG's when one person is "up" during Qadim's CM mechanic after he destroys the Pylons, the hidden timer that kills everyone if they fail to get the person down can stay active and will kill everyone even if the fight already reset.
    • [?] I always felt that the "triple lightning" damage hit strikes too soon, before the indicator is completely filled up, but maybe that's just me?
    • Sad 1
  3. For month, years now even, the "carpet" of Qadim disappears incorrectly. It spawns, stays there, then it does it's animation to go away... but it doesn't actually go away. It becomes an invisible damage field for several more seconds, and then it instantly pops back in to play it's disappearing animation again.

    I don't know if the field lasts too long or the animation happens too soon, but I'll take either as long as I can see the thing that kills.

    And while I'm here, 3 other bugs:

    - Qadim can sometimes fire his pushback shockwave after destroying the pylon too early. Sadly it seems random, but it's deadly on CM cause it takes you by surprise, likely before everyone is even grouped up, and can not only push you into a tornado, but even if you're lucky it pushes you out of the safe zone and you die anyway.

    - Ever since the August 22, 2023 patch that added the round indicator around you for Toxic Sickness, most round indicators are bugged and start their animations at random times. This includes the Toxic Sickness indicator, but also Qadim's indicator at the start of the fight.

    - If the group GG's when one person is "up" during Qadim's CM mechanic after he destroys the Pylons, the hidden timer that kills everyone if they fail to get the person down stays active and will kill everyone regardless, even if the fight already reset.

    • Sad 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Asra.8746 said:

    There's no reason for them to touch M7 since M7 is not the problem with the benchmark.

    I don't think you know what's you're talking about. M7 is an incredibly powerful crutch trait that several deadeye weapons have to be balanced around, ergo the axe nerfs from the beta.

    Is there any other PvE build that uses axe, riffle or (power) d/d that's not a M7 Deadeye? Do you not wonder why that is and that's the connecting tissue in these builds?

    M7 Should be removed so that other things can be buffed. M7 is also the cause of incredibly annoying and unflexible rotations that fall apart whenever you stop hitting a golem.


    In other news, still waiting for a Bounding Dodger buff.


    • Confused 2
  5. 43 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

    I agree, I much preferred the old traps. "Set and forget" sure beats "set and watch to trigger!"

    I have to disagree. I use the portal often. I set the Pitfall trap beforehand and wait for a CC bar before I activate it (and have it cool down before the next one specifically because I placed it earlier). Heck, I even used the condi trap once to remotely destroy the lamp on Qadim once.

    I understand that it's a bit of an annoyance for most day to day stuff, but manual activation has it's fair share of perks too.

    • Like 3
  6. 14 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Whilst I’m not disagreeing with anything, for those who lack a use for them, don’t forget guild halls take them as decorations for scribes to use.

    I only mention it because I forgot until last month and it has given me a place to dump my excess until they either change things or lunar swings back round

    Ah yeah, they are used for Guild Upgrades, but that can be done by requiring a token item that you buy from an NPC for luck instead. I don't see any scribe stuff requiring luck though.

    • Confused 1
  7. The current luck system, as it stands, needs adjustments since it's not ideal for anyone. Not for new players, not for experienced players, not for players with maxed Magic Find.

    For most it's unnecessary trash to doubleclick. For some it's a really annoying resource to manage. Now more then ever with the new PvE Legendary armor. Optimally, you spend bag and bank slots on stocking up essences of various rarities so that you can later go on your artificer to rank them up to exotic. And then there are Legendary quality Essences that can't be crafted and are used as currency for a different event. It's all kind of a mess.

    Here are my suggestions:

    - Essences of Luck should be auto-consumed. There's no good reason why you should have to click them aside from keeping them for crafting or currency, which I'll address later. There is an argument to be had about telling new players about the luck system, so this might be a Core Tyria mastery unlock.

    - Luck should go into the wallet. There are more elegant ways to do this then just use the wallet system, but this way requires the least amount of new coding. All luck that players consumed, but that does not contribute to +1% Magic Find gets moved to the wallet.

    - All crafting recipes that use Luck will not use the wallet luck. This shouldn't be a problem I think since there are already recipes that use Research Notes directly from the wallet, so this is not new tech I'm asking for.

    - Add a new item or two to Master Crafter NPCs / Myiani / Mystic Forge Attendants / Lhyr that costs Essences of Luck so that it's used as a replacement for Mystic Forge recipes. As far as I can tell it's just the New year backpacks, mini Lucky lantern upgrades, two Grow Lamps, the Gift of Research, and for some crazy reason a recipe to turn a Bloodstone Brick back to Bloodstone dust that costs a MYSTIC COIN?!?!

    - Add an NPC (easier) or a button on the achievement panel next to Magic Find (harder) to convert Luck from the wallet into a permanent +1% Magic Find. This basically keeps the current magic find system intact. There are items for +1% Gold Find from old login rewards and the Wizard's Vault, so you could make the same item but have it give +1% Magic Find. There are already NPCs that can increase the price of an item the more you buy it and have limits on it so I don't think the NPC approach would be hard to implement, even though it would be a bit clunky. Having a button in the UI would be much nicer, but requires some code time (less if you go half way and make it just open a merchant window or something).

    - Convert Legendary Essences of Luck into a separate event item. Go through the ways that people can acquire it and turn it into normal luck for everything except the Lucky Envelopes, Shining Aureate Weapon Chest and the (Weekly) Lunar Festivities, OR Turn everything into wallet luck and just have the New Year NPCs accept wallet luck as currency.


    I think that covers everything. If I missed something please point it out. For my part, I'm currently sitting on +300% Magic Find, with enough consumed luck to have multiple stack of Exotic luck and I can't do anything with it. Since then I decided to waste half of an entire bank tab on hoarding luck I get from salvaging, that I need to keep depositing into the bank so that I can craft them into Exotics on a different character. It's very silly and I want it improved.

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