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Posts posted by RenneBright.2473

  1. Guild Hall's mats deposit in treasury work like 50/50 at the moment: sometimes your mats disappear from your inventory without appearing in treasury, you need to relog & do the process again.So it's half-bugged for now, & the problem doesn't seem to be only about the TP :/

  2. @binx.6983 said:

    @binx.6983 said:almost 24 hours, without any news whatsoever, an ETA would be really nice

    Last update was posted around 6h ago.

    i said news and ETA thats not news already saw that, like progres and stuff

    And they told you in the 2nd post they didn't have an ETA. Anyway, it just ended 1 min ago (according to the post Stéphanie just made).

    @"Dami.5046" saidI didn't even read your post, btw to start.shrugsPeople like me? You mean calm individuals who probably understand no game is 100% and the company concerned are doing all they can.They probably aren't even reading the posts anyway.

    No offense but I don't see how a biased thinking like yours is "calm" in any way at all. This doesn't apply only to that rollback issue but also to PvP/Raids pugs/LoL's ranked criticism from both sides etc.

  3. @Nokomis.5076 said:

    @"LaWyer.2796" said:Also, companies like this live almost exclusively from marketing and do you think today’s event is a real marketing breakthrough for GW2 and Anet?Of course it's not. But a little bit common sense would people not causing going all crazy just because of two days of work gone. Work they're not going to be paid for. And it seems most people assume that ArenaNet will not correct anything at all from the start but just complain how THEY lost everything from the last two days insted of just give the devs a chance to say something.-> Words got a meaning... For some people, 2 days of farming/grind, map completion, harder achievements or anything similar aren't "just" (or RnG loots). Also, ANet lack of presence in the forum isn't something new born from the rollback issue. I used to play an older but more boring MMO (NosTale), but at least the active forum staff was here and not "invisible" in the eyes of the players.

    @"Liquid Storm.8097" said:I honestly don't understand what exactly are you people trying to achieve with posts like this? A pat on the back from the devs? A medal? Recognition from the community? Seriously, I'm confused.I don't expect anything, not even that a single dev would even take a look at this thread. And if they look at all those other threads, they might just think "Why am I doing this again?", at least I would do so.The guys replying to you explicitly say that the paragraph you quoted is irrelevant to the rollback issue, as it was unintended & not at all an update, patch or whatever you call it at the beginning.

    @MarkoGold.7126 said:they need to apologise.Yes, they need to. They must not, as much as they must not give any compensation. It also could be very much a failure of the server itself so not a single human could be responsible for this at all.I don't care about compensation personally as long as they bring things as they were this morning (i.e. hot fix as there have been quite a number of those since the last update) :)

  4. Hi, so it seems we just got rollback to 1-2 days ago (i.e. progress lost for today & yesterday late)... If we can have some heads-up about or any fix against it, we'd appreciate it... :)Though this rollback kinda mixed everything up: - We went lvl 14 in our guild hall 1 day ago -> Server kept it that way.

    • I unlocked my Aurora collection 2 days ago -> it didn't keep it up
    • I bought my mystic coins (328g -> 39g), I got rolled back to having 328g again.
  5. Greetings :) Zeroboros guild [ZBR] is a newly founded small-sized guild & we're looking for friendly players to fill in at least a little more than a raid squad's size (slightly over 10 but staying small-sized) in order to get started in raids (in our case, HoT's ones for now).We expect you to know at least the bosses' mechanics, as we don't necessarily ask you to have any experience yet.We just have a few requirements you have to respect for you to join:

    • Being friendly, mature & respectful.
    • Meta-obsessed/submitted, sectarian players aren't welcome (including those who want to impose their meta-build or specific specialization on others).
    • We don't care about your kp, anyone who wants to get started & want to learn can join.As long as you have a kit & gears that fit the squad's needs depending on your role, we don't force you into playing a specific specialization.If you need help for that, we can help you in widening your knowledge :)

    We got a Discord server for our guild, & to contact us in-game, you can send an in-game mail to me (Thel.9087)

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