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Posts posted by roederich.2716

  1. 19 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

    On Friday, three days from now Arena Net will destroy our comunites to reshuffle the servers and add forever beta aka World restruction. There is no alliances in play, so what we get is litterally a shuffle. Alliances would have made it possible to move comunties but World restructions will not. There is not enough slots to cover a whole comunites. So i will leave friends behind that i played with for 12 years. Most people i know and played and talked to every day, and many people i played along side with. I don't know them but i do know them as they know me. So many left behind.


    It is not unknown that i beeen sceptic to alliances and more so world restruction since it came up a decade ago. I said from the start it is a bad idea and most people agree with me on servers i play on, there are obviously also people that don't agree and that is fine. How ever what is not fine Arena Net is that it is THREE DAYS LEFT and you have not made a single post about WvW and World Restruction. We know NOTHING about how you are planning this, how it will play out, what will be, and what will come.

    And the tools, the tools i been told i am a idiot that dont understand that you guys are making amazing tools to make awsome matchups and i am just a moron that do not give you the time to show them. So are you? Is there new tools? How will they work? How do matchup works. What deterimine which worlds will fight eachother? What counts as a win? How do you win? Will a win get something? How to you determine that? How long will we stick with the people on our world that is not with our guild? I mean it is litterally like links but again people told me your tools will fix everything, will they?


    Where is the info? Why is there no info? We waited for a decade and a few days left and nothing is said.  TALK TO US!


    And to the people who will tell me about how wrong i am i am sorrby but today i dont care how you feel about it. We are there now, i want to know what is gonna happen. I want Anet to show that WvW IS a cornerstone. I want that info before we get tossed in to something we know nothing about. TALK TO US ARENA NET!

    what info do you still need?

    1. From next reset on there are no servers.

    2. Either you joined a guild and mark them in guild panel or not.

    a) you have a guild: you play with your friends who are in the same wvw guild and the rest of the people needed for the matchup are filled up by anet system.

    b) you have no guild; you are shuffled into a match randomly.


    thats it

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  2. it will sort itself.

    there are already some alliances who pickup people , some roamers will bound together at the start, some guilds just wait etc.

    it needs some time until everyone knows what happens where and then everything shuffles together.

    if you are not happy with your first choice you can change it later again.

    in the end, if you login, you will be able to play wvw.

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  3. 9 hours ago, niteskate.3641 said:

    It is a mistake to make World Restructuring perma-beta with the guild Alliances feature.

    People have set up discord servers and there is a community around the individual GW2 worlds which have grown over the years. People will inevitably lose the opportunity to play with some of their favorite mates and / or commanders.

    Anet Devs, please look into what currently happens in the discord forums / discussion forums and see the difficulties people have forming new meta guilds and how a lot of WvW players are desparately trying to organise, so they don't lose their peers.

    For example a meta guild immediately runs into the 500 people limit and also tends to draw people away from smaller active guilds. Currently there is no nice solution.

    The solution would be Alliances where guilds would keep their "character" and fight together with other guild - as was originally planned.

    I would postpone the World Restructuring until I had a minimum viable Alliance solution. For example give guild leader a comma-separated list of preferred guilds and let the World Restructuring algorithm put a heavy weight on the preferred guilds when deciding which guilds play together.

    As the *multi-player* game, you would honor the communities the players forge, not destroy them. 

    there are alliances discords for NA and EU which are player hubs. people can find or advert their alliances there. 

    you and your friends find a new alliance soon.


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  4. On 5/15/2024 at 4:23 AM, valakas.2376 said:

    Seriously, ANet? NOW you care about us? After 6 years of abandonment? After you let us down? After 99% of playerbase left? At this point this update is a waste of everyones time...

    You have to bring back real money tournaments, otherwise you will never recover playerbase.

    for what money tournament? cost money and noone wanted to view it in the past.  no interest = low viewers = no marketing partners who will pay for the money tournament.  

    anet is profit company no social welfare organisation to give cash to some pc gamer kids lol.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:


    or you write a bit of code that tracks your  inactivity at the player base and flags it, then removes the flag with a level of activity.  The main reason PVP struggles is bad behaviour that is that not punished, that results in a lower player base which any system including MMR cannot deal with.

    yeah agree. but I want to see how they do it at the moment. I mean for what is the report function? who gets the report, how is the case checked and how is it dealt with.

    I want to see it. I think they dont do anythig just close the cases every now and then. The report function is there so people believe something is done while its not.

    • Confused 1
  6. i would like to get a stream with CMC showing us how a player report is actually worked down.

    "hey guys today we streaming from our external callcenter who work the reports and support tickets. Im here with Mark Roy who works here for many years and Mark now shows you how he handles a report for inactivity in spvp".

    "Hey guys its Mark, here you see my software tool, this is how i open the case and how I check what happened....   .... as you see we could find out this player went inactive after the first encounter and now I ban him for 3 month." 


    i want to see how the cases are handled. because i beleive nothing happens at all. twice a year some anet admin closes all reports. thats it.

    in a healthy ban system the same players wouldnt do the same kitten everyday several times.

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  7. i dont think the op means that the matchmaking is bad but that new players seem not to prepare themselfes at all before joining combat gamemodes these days.


    - people dont know how to play thier class and builds = could be solved with preparing before just clicking queue.

    - people dont know what other classes will do or try or what is even the role inside a match of the classes. = could be solved with preparing before just clicking the queue.

     - people dont know the map mechanics and objectives = could be solved with preparing before just clicking queue.

    you can keep clicking the queue as much as you want you will not improve if you dont make the theory homework. doing the same thing every match and expecting a different outcome is just highly uneducated and unpolite towards other players.

    this is not something anet can solve, this is responsibility of the individual player.


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  8. you need significant amount of lifetime if you want to play pvp in guildwars2. its not for the casual player by now anymore. tons of specs , tons of weapons per spec... the possibilities are so step you need to ofc know all of it or are likely to get wiped.  then you have arenanet who is designing this game solely after their own purpose. that means if there are new specs or weapons inside a payed expansion these are superior to make people buy them regardless if there is any fun with it.

    alot player usually quit the game after they finish their university cause real life, having a job, making a family, taking care for assets and gw2 pvp is not compatible.

    also experienced players who have quit told exactly that their real life dont allow to play the game at a top level. so judge for youself if its fun for you. if its no fun consider leaving it cause you will not change the thight business fist anet holds on to since years. noone changed it and it will stay like it is.

  9. the top players earn their ranks by wintrading already. you know what happens if there be an official surrender function? they will queue snipe their matches even more and surrender for their friends on the other side.

    as long as anet is (for whatever reason) not willing to perma exclude team usa, ice cream  and other cheaters from the game forever dont even think to suppor them with such function.

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  10. if they make gw3 i hope they dont make the same error of creating specialisations again. 1-2 new classes every expansion is the way to go cause regarding competitive pvp/wvw this game is just a mess.  the streamers words "more more more more more is better better better better"  did not acknowledge.

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  11. it's the average daily maker veteran typing "fight on point"  causes new players just push into every damage there can be inside the node and die.

    teammate 3 posting "GG" after first engage and stays at spawn. teammate 4 still typing "fight on point and get out the damage!11 11111!11 !" 

    teammate 5 (the new guy) is now confused "how shall i fight on the point and not be in damage?" 

    teammate 1 ALT+F4 

    • Like 4
  12. 3 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    We have a lot of variety of players. Be that Roamer, Havoc, Small Scale, Large Scale and Zerg.  With the various server linkings it adds more chaos even before we get to the WR. Different guilds use disparate voices and even existing servers via for what voice is what. Should Anet try and create the voice domains via Discord and apply admin? I am asking while being in a guild voice most of the time. But for those that jump about more would a common neutral voice that already had server rules in place have more of an appeal?

    tbh i dont see any of this "chaos" and also dont see people fighting each others in discord so the officials would need to rule it.

    i dont think we have any demand to set up preassure so people have to behave different than they do atm.

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  13. On 4/2/2024 at 8:02 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

    Whilst no exact list exists to my knowledge, they advertise 16 million players


    16 million registered accounts maybe. we had a survey once where over 50% admitted to have more than 1 account.

    We can only hope for a GW3 community wakes up and uses their brains again. GW2 had a playerbase with a horrible consumer behaviour. no wonder nothing moved and changed for the good if anyone just buys whatever comes on their plate...

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