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A Clean Person.3970

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Posts posted by A Clean Person.3970

  1. One i thought of myself was a staff Warrior called a [Sentinel], themed to be a polearm combatant with a glaive.
    A sort of tanky daredevil, but with a focus on;

    1. Standing their ground with parry's, sweep attacks & knockbacks, to help hold an area alone, but better with allies, 'as a sentinel never guards alone'.
    2. Booning allies nearby with formations (an aoe that follows the sentinel that allies can benefit from staying close by, like stability or protection, but loose the boon soon as they leave the sentinels 'auea')
    3. Setting down 'Prepared Defences' (aoes that aesthetically show's 3x cheval de frise's inside) to apply cripple/bleed on enemies going inside & grant retaliation to your allies staying inside the aoe.

    Genuinely curious of what others have thought off as ideas, feel free to share!

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