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Posts posted by divineDerivative.5194

  1. 8 minutes ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

    You can't collect the reward for doing all four dailies, though. And I'd assume it's the same if you complete the overall weekly one, as well.

    I doubt it, this is clearly just a rendering issue with the Chromium embedded framework. Just hover over stuff until you get the chest tooltip, then click.

  2. On 9/3/2023 at 10:27 AM, Kaliwenda.3428 said:

    I was in danger of going over the cap yesterday.  I held off clicking any of my AA daily/weekly chests until I used up enough of the AA I already had so that I wouldn't go over the cap when I claimed the latest chests. 

    I finally see why it was designed this way (making us click on each AA chest instead of automatically awarding them).   It's to give us a chance to spend what we have before getting any more if it would put us over the cap.

    There was no danger, clicking on the chest just does nothing if it would put you over the cap, with a message explaining why.

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  3. The way it was worded at the time was that HoT is now included for free when you buy PoF. So you're not really buying them both, you're buying PoF and if you didn't already have HoT you'd get that unlocked too. The important part is that the price is for one expansion.

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  4. I mostly love Taimi and will be sad to see her go, but I agree that it's time for her to die. You can't tell us she has a fatal illness and that there's definitely no cure and then she just keeps going for years with no noticeable deterioration. You made a promise, now it's time to keep it.

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  5. What frustrates me the most about jumping puzzles is the inconsistency. You can just tell that some JPs were made by different people with very different ideas about what a JP should be. There's some where you can pretty easily see where you're supposed to go next, the jumps are reasonable, and it's not too hard to restart if you mess up. Then there's some where the next step is not logical at all, like a blind jump around a corner, or the obvious path ends up being a dead end and you have to double back; jumps that have to be done exactly perfect, and god help you if you don't use the jump button in exactly the same way as the designer did; and if you fall off you just die, and have to run all the way back just to start over.

    The position rewinder is great, and I would recommend it to anyone who has trouble jumping sometimes, but then there's JPs that are designed so that you can't use them!

    To be clear, I'm not saying that hard jumping puzzles like Chalice of Tears shouldn't exist. There are people that enjoy the difficulty, and that's fine. But when you put something like that between me and a legendary, I start to get pissed. And to everyone saying, "you can pay someone to get you to the end," you're missing the point, which is that you shouldn't have to do that. There needs to be a distinction between difficult, potentially frustrating JPs that are entirely optional, and more standardized JPs that are required for some other content.

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  6. Until recently, adding an achievement to my watch list would put it at the top of the list, but now they seem to be sorted by % completed. Did I accidently change a setting somewhere or did this change for everyone? I like to track the dailies I want to do each day, but now they go below all the long term achievements and I can't see them without clicking on more, which honestly defeats the purpose.

  7. 8 hours ago, Naxos.2503 said:

    I'll equally draw attention to the fact that for literal years, they have been re-releasing living world seasons for free, periodically, to the point anyone investigating the game just a little bit can know that content will be made available to them down the line.

    This is incorrect. Each episode was free when it first released, and free a second time during the Return To event. That's it, and it's highly unlikely they'll do such an event again.

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  8. How is Canach subordinate to Sayida? It seemed obvious to me that they were friends and partners by the time we see them in EoD. She complained about him taking over the ship for his club, but she was the captain, she could have just said no or kicked him off if she really cared and was the one with more power. Instead she let him do it, either because she just really enjoys his company or because he's actually the one with more power in that relationship. He is extremely charismatic and good at getting his way.

    Anise not being more capable than Canach would have been extremely strange, given their respective ages and positions. Also, he was serving time for terrorism and was given to Anise as a way to work off his punishment. There would have been a power imbalance no matter who he was working for at that point.

    I also very much disagree with your characterization of Gorrik. He and Taimi are partners when it comes to the high level magic/science, right from the get go. We never would have defeated the scarab plague without his expertise, and he and Blish were instrumental in trapping Kralkatorrik. In EoD he really came into his own as a member of Dragon's Watch. He decided to take a more proactive role in the group and actually accomplishes that, while still performing on the spot tech support. And while it was played for laughs occasionally, only the player was laughing at him. The other characters, his colleagues, respect and appreciate him. He's not just Taimi's friend anymore, he's a member of the guild. He even gets invited to the engagement party and he's joining the detective agency!

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  9. 4 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    No it's not. Because, get this, the skyscale, griffon and roller beetle have been in the game in some cases now for years and the community itself has expectations of a mount.  Anet's biggest issue was not explaining up front it would be a challenge to get it, because in one stream they said it would be about has hard to get as the roller beetle and that's just wrong.  However, I got it as fast as I got the roller beetle.  It was just much harder.

    The expectations for how hard it is to get mounts was set by Anet and this mount was harder to get.  One you have harder to get mounts in the game, the expectations change. But there's one other difference. The optional mounts (and the turtle is optional because it's required for exactly zero content) is in fact not easy to get. The raptor you need to get around HoT. The bunny too. You need the skimmer to get to at least one story and the jackal to get through jackal portals, but you can live in this game without a griffon, roller beetle and skyscale. You can also live quite easily without a turtle. I have one and I don't use it as often as any other mount.

    The point you're missing is that the optional mounts either come from LW episodes, which is optional content, or in the case of the griffon, were secret until the expansion came out. The way the siege turtle was advertised, I fully expected to get an egg early in the story and have the mount unlocked towards the middle/end, where it might be required to progress the story. I just watched the feature video for the turtles again and all it says about getting one is, "Now, you can raise your own turtle from an adorable hatchling, to a cannon carrying mount." If they had just added, "But be warned, outfitting your turtle for battle won't be easy," or something along those lines, that would have completely changed the expectations.

    Anet failed to set expectations appropriately, via their advertising, so some people are rightfully upset that they didn't get what they expected. Personally, I don't think the siege turtle is all that hard to get. If you look at it from the dev's point of view, it is very similar to the roller beetle. They obviously want everyone to be doing strike missions regularly, and while they have been making changes to the Dragon's End meta, they clearly think that even casual players should be able to complete it. They are wrong about both of those things, which also adds to the frustration from certain players.

    Ultimately the frustration comes from expectations versus reality, not whether the reality of the turtle is justified or comparable to other mounts.

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  10. 7 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    We were forced to do something for the Skyscale, the Griffon, the Roller Beetle. How can anyone think we wouldn't have to do something for the turtle?

    The skyscale, griffon, and roller beetle were not advertised as being main components of a paid expansion. With the siege turtle being advertised the way it was, it was perfectly reasonable to expect that acquisition would more in line with raptor, springer, jackal, and skimmer from PoF, which only required completion of a renown heart and a small purchase from the vendor.

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  11. If you pick up a fish, you have the option to throw it. Other players can catch it. The distance you can throw it is such that I was able to catch fish that I had thrown and complete the event by myself.

    You're delivering fish to a merchant who had ordered specific fish from a known supplier. They're not going to want a random fish you just caught that hasn't been inspected.

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  12. It depends on how long you were dead before the end of the fight. If you died within a few minutes of the fight ending, it is really weird for no one to res you. But if you died earlier and stayed dead without waypointing, I would probably not res you since you broke etiquette first. "WP if dead" is standard procedure for open world content. If an event is far from a WP and you think you might die, use a personal WP or bring revive orbs.

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  13. 11 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

    Its good they are telling us as they are fixing things sure but there no info on what they did to the elite spec and they did a good bit. That a real problem for adding something so big to the game as elite spec that we are getting no info on what they did.

    Are you aware that you can just log into the game and look at the elite specs to see "what they did"? Snarkiness aside, the most likely reason they didn't include change notes on the elite specs is because they weren't making changes to established game mechanics. This was the official release of the new elite specs. The beta events were, you know, betas, subject to change. The only things set in stone were the officially released descriptions of what the specs were going to be like thematically, not the exact details of how each skill/trait worked.

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