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Posts posted by Atticus.7194

  1. 2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Cele build that wins against anything non-cele 1v1 and draws against cele, do you prefer this wording? Though this leaves the impression that there are condi builds that dont run cele. I guess there are a few, but they are bad.

    I honestly dont care if a build is power or condi, but it should die eventually. Cele does not die. You can watch 2 good players on cele builds fight indefinitely, more or less. This is not a question about tanks, supports and dps, this is about a build that does good dps and just doesnt die. A tank doesnt do this sort of dmg, neither does a support. If you want to not die you sacrifice dmg and that is all there is to it.  But not in this game, not with cele and that is why its broken.

    Have to roll my eyes on how to know what you are fighting. What else is it when you see it has toughness, high hp pool, boon vomit, high sustain, condi vomit and moderate strike dmg? Condi weapons, boon vomit utils, typical cele spec, gee, what could the used stats be? A mystery and a half. Maybe marauder?

    And I have to repeat myself, cele builds are not diversity. They all play out essentially the same. There is no "dodge/space/anticipate this high impact skill", there is only, run out of cleanses/defensives after 5 min of hitting a brick wall and die. The whole combat goes in the dumpster.

    You even got the ganker guilds coming from spvp mocking cele players at this point. No idea what more you need to know about the stat.

    I just want to say the hyperbole on this post is WILD. You are trying so hard to exaggerate for effect it's kind of astonishing. Half of the things you're saying are so problematic are in fact the benefits of runes and sigils giving wild synergy more than they are the effect of celestial gear but you haven't said a peep about those at all. You've just hyperfixated on this one thing that you have decided is the problem because its convenient and fairly accepted. 


    Is celestial gear a bit too forgiving in providing too much buffer in conjunction with the reworked runes and sigils and talents? Perhaps but nerfing celestial without carefully considering that it is the only thing that makes several specs viable at all will cause more harm than what it supposedly fixes. As to what fixes all of this I do not know aside from another pass over some of the more problematic runes and sigils that provide a bit too much synergy and some of the skills that provide a bit too many boons.


    Edit: Also no offense or anything but citing "ganker guilds" as a source to prove a point isn't really the something ArenaNet should be balancing around. 

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  2. On 3/19/2023 at 11:05 AM, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    I'm wondering. How long will anet wait until they nerf Harbinger? After everyone quits? Nobody wants to fight a build so abusively overpowered as the Curses/Death Magic/Harbinger build that so easily wins against every other build in the game. This build has a near-perfect defense against all power damage thanks to the high Weakness application, permanent Protection, and +600 Toughness from Death Magic, and the condition cleanses from Shrowded Removal and Spectral Walk when paired with Superior Rune of Anti-Toxin are off the charts. And that's just the defensive part of the build! The number of conditions harbingers apply is simply overkill. Especially considering they have access to permanent quickness allowing them to spam their skills at such a rate that you cannot get any skills off before being overloaded with conditions. This build is so broken that I'm getting farmed by brand-new WvW players while running some of the strongest builds other classes have and to be honest it's sapping the fun out of WvW and makes me want to quit (cept I won't because I enjoy the combat system too much so I'ma write a forum post instead).

    Edit: I should probably mention that in addition to all that Harbinger also has the choice to trait into -30% incoming condition damage (it stacks with Resolution btw).

    I often play harb and your gaslighting is wild instead of learning at all how to counterplay you come on the forums and scream and rant and rave about this build that has hard counters (a lot of them). You don't want to learn you want to rant and ask for a nerf out of spite and spurned anger. Do better and you will often win against harbs, wanna know how?? I'll give you a hint; kiting, knowing attack ranges, waiting for their stab to run out then CC, out sustaining them, stealth and strike burst. 


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  3. On 2/27/2023 at 2:33 PM, Orpheus.7891 said:

    Ugh, bad time to pick up Guardian?

    Not really mantras nerf hurts in pve but you're still playable in pvp and wvw you still have some very very good specs. Honestly I think the spec that needs love the most imo right now is DH which isnt to say the mantra changes aren't annoying and bad

    • Confused 3
  4. 2 hours ago, Sholagar.8352 said:

    Wow aren’t you a nice poster!  I hardly consider 3 legendaries a flex, I asked because I didn’t want to lose them if I transferred, but apparently everything transfers regardless so no problems there, and they are account bound anyways, which I stated in my original post “they are account bound anyways, correct?”.  So dunno where you get off thinking I’m flexing… they are a huge investment so I’d be very careful not to lose them.

    and my solution is to simply wait out my server match with Maguuma, and hopefully they’ll fix server imbalances with Alliances some day.  But you’d know that if you had read the entire thread instead of just replying to what I opened with some super snide reply.  I thank everyone who has replied.  

    I'm extremely nice that's why I gave you a helpful suggestion on how to be a better player but sure go off on my inference rather than the substance of what I said so you can find a reason to be upset. 

    Also I'm not reading your whole character arc thanks but you can go ahead and edit your original post if you want to stop this from happening in the future its easy and free. See more helpful advice in fact you can just call me Mr Rogers if you like. 

    HFGL out there

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  5. On 2/3/2023 at 9:16 AM, Sholagar.8352 said:

    So I play on Fort Aspenwood, and I am considering transferring to Maguuma.  I don’t want to get into a long story on why, I think thats

    obvious…. But considering I am fairly new, are there any glaring reasons why I shouldn’t?  I have 3 legendaries, they are account wide, correct?  Is it just everything on one character and their inventory that would transfer?  So basically load

    up one character and their inventory to maximize what transfers?  I’d appreciate any suggestions, thanks

    You literally can't transfer to Mag it's sitting full and has been for forever and just cause I'm confused what in the world do your legendaries have to do with anything? They're irrelevant in wvw outside of flexing and just for the record they're account wide so your characters always have access to them no matter where they are. 


    Also do yourself a favor don't try to just hop on a server so you can just bandwagon to easy WvW wins that won't make you a better player, get a tag and try leading and learning how to improve your server even a little bit it'll be better for you in the long run rather than just taking the easy way out. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, Piney.3076 said:

    Guessing that wvw participation is down. There was that panic wvw patch hoping to fix... something. Feels like that didn't work. 


    PROBABLE CAUSE: toxic play. "I want them to quit and never play again!" drools one fanatic. Real quote, got an alt on a demented server and read that. That is the intent, and unfortunately it does seem to work. Groups do need a place and some time to form (look at every meta mechanic). Denying that time and place discourages that formation. I know for a fact, my server is split 50/50 on how to avoid a toxic server. It is a terrible long term idea, because participation dries up and then wvw dies. 

    MECHANISM: toxic play is accomplished by leveraging superior numbers to take and fully fortify every objective, then using that siege to spawn camp. Every wvw is specifically designed to make this very, very easy. There is no home advantage. Each side does not have a secret entrance to their own home territory. Outnumbered gives no tactical advantage. Siegerazor and Siegecrusher are jokes, they don't last a second. And! The spawn of the struggling team cannot even deploy siege. It is all specifically designed to give an even stronger advantage to greater numbers. There is no point to adding rewards if one of the sides cannot leave spawn to obtain those rewards. That was a pointless change.

    SOLUTION: just tone it down a bit. Add a home advantage to literally any, maybe all of the mechanisms of toxic play. Have outnumbered pulse buffs and a damage bonus. Give fk lord level cc abilities to siegecrusher and siege razor. Allow siege deployment in spawn (not so far it can be used to defend). Limit siege deployment in objectives when not owned by their "home" server. Make a secret entrance to garrison and home towers that only the home team can use. 

    Basically add "scaling". Add a range of fortification difficulty. Then let the teams naturally move to a more even fight. Make home garrison the toughest. Home ebg keep 2nd toughest. Think fk lord cc, more. Leave the rest, the fight will settle where it may.

    With a more even fight and rewards to be had, more should play.

    While you are onto something and better ways to unseat entrenched servers would be fantastic it ultimately wouldn't be needed if ArenaNet had a better mechanism of balancing the absolutely absurd population participation imbalances. How some of these servers get matched against each other is beyond me.  If we had proper match making so things never got to the point where one server is blowing out the others (not just talking about Mag this seems to happen to at least one server in every matchup each week) none of this would even need to be fixed.


    Honestly hope ArenaNet gets a better way to survey who is playing when so they can actually balance things out properly. 

  7. This is the most egregiously overpowered spec that any particular mode has been graced with in a long long time and whatever designer allowed for this is not allowed to ever touch elementalist again. Nothing should have this much sustain, boons, cleanses, damage and mobility. Right now and this is not an exaggeration if you are playing anything other than a catalyst in pvp you are farmed, straight up. Winning comps are determined by who has more catalysts.


    This specs sustain in particular is the issue, the access to the amount of active and passive healing coupled with a huge amount of condi cleanse, boon spam and "oh shoot" buttons is just wild and should not be or rather it shouldn't be with the amount of damage sphere's and scepter does. You want to leave the damage intact? Fine make them glass canons and make it a trade off I'm sure most of us would be fine with that they just can't continue to to have EVERYTHING.


    Edit: Sorry but yea just getting salty and its getting old none of us can play the specs we want anymore cause we are instantly deleted by one spec of one class that's on a whole other level.

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  8. It's  already annoying there are forever animations on casting wells but now like 50% of the time if you try to quickly back to back cast them to get alac up one casts and the rest are unresponsive until you leave the instance and reload back in. Really great fun stuff no wonder no one plays this spec. 

    Edit: also seems like a animation issue as my character model will sometimes remain in "ready" animation when autoattacking after trying to triple cast walls and encountering this bug

  9. On 9/19/2022 at 2:39 AM, Mell.4873 said:

    Its not in the patch notes but it was mentioned on the livestream as late changes that could make it into the patch.
    Here is what they said:

    1) Aim assisted rocket will no longer be triggered by Mech, regardless of the trait equipped
    This means a nerf to this trait  "Mech Arms: Jade Cannons: Melee attacks become ranged, have an increased chance to critically hit, and apply vulnerability. Unlocks the Mech Command skill Spark Revolver. If you have the Explosives trait Aim-Assisted Rocket, your mech also gains the effect of that trait."

    2) No bonus Ferocity on Mech Frames
    Basically no ferocity on this trait "Mech Frame: Variable Mass Distributor: Unlocks the Mech Command skill Core Reactor Shot. Your mech gains a greater percentage of your own precision and ferocity stats."


    This does seem like just the beginning to so more changes (nerfs) of the way

    Nice but no where near enough the mech needs much larger nerfs it basically plays the game for you.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    If that's what you want, you can still play it that way. There are still builds that require skill to play on engi. People need to stop pretending that they are pre-destined to play mech and somehow that is as a reason to change it ... because that's obviously not real. Use your choices. 

    Not taking into consideration other players bias towards any specs outside of "meta specs" it's super frustrating and fun killing to want to play a spec that you like the complexity of and constantly be questioned about the possible effectiveness of your choices given the overwhelming crushing preponderance a brain dead but effective spec that players know is going to be decent as it actually takes 1 button to play. 


    In a perfect world with a perfect world everyone would let actions spec louder than stigma but that's not reality most players just want the safe route they know is going to provide the highest chance of just getting content done and right now that is power rifle mech smothering any build diversity. 

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  11. On 9/11/2022 at 1:34 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

    In WvW the nerfs have meant it's barely even seen anymore, lol.

    You must not be playing the same wvw as me, it's still prevalent especially in roaming just because its absolute bottom of the floor into the basement pulled to the center of the planet due to its sheer ease level of skill required. Is it killable with the right specs and understanding how it works? Totally however it is still doing way too much damage with too much survability with the ease in which its played. It's 2 buttons to play and that's not an exaggeration it shouldn't really be as good as it is even after the nerfs.

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  12. 17 hours ago, Flowerpot.6025 said:


    That's what bothers me the most, tbh. I've been playing Engi since release. I never complained about how other classes felt better in pretty much every single aspect of the game. I just kept playing because I liked my class even though I knew I'd never reach the DPS output or supportability of other classes.


    Came back recently and I've been really happy to see that the newest elite spec is what I've always wanted. A fun summoner/pet class with good DPS where I don't have to do finger gymnastics to do decent. And it's just really annoying to see so many people complain about it. And I don't even understand why. Yes, it's easy to play, yes it deals good damage. Now, what's the problem exactly? Where were your complaints when we had to manage multiple skill kits to do half the dmg other classes did? Most people never really cared about the class, only now since it's a top/good DPS class.

    "Decent damage" uh me thinks you're intentionally downplaying the amount and ease of pMechs do "decent damage". That's like 30k where you're not blowing up the meters but you're not being ostracized but pMechs do more than that incredibly easily which brings me to what the "problem" is, it's that it's so much easier to achieve high DPS with pMechs compared to other classes and specs that overwhelmingly players choose this spec over everything else. It stifles player diversity which is key to this game continuing to be fun creating an environment where everyone isn't the same thing. 


    Also spare me the "engi's had it so hard for so long" sobstory I've played holo for years and we dont have a right to a persecution complex to the determent of the whole game. I don't want to be "better" than any other class I want a fun class that's comparable and rewards effort with effectiveness and there's no reason pMech can't become just that. 

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  13. 18 minutes ago, Jerus.4350 said:

    Not really.  It performs amazingly well while being played brainless but to get the bench numbers right now it’s far from easy.  Pretty sure it’s higher APM than sword Holo.  Not that I want Mech higher or really even competing with Holo for bench numbers. I just don’t like downplaying a 90APM rotation because the build performs so well without it.

    I mean last I checked it was 32k with autoattack and auto mech skills engaged sooo

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  14. On 7/28/2022 at 2:12 PM, raubvogel.5071 said:

    Well if necs and rangers camp afk with their pets to farm thats also how braindead and broken the game is. Or those chest beamers that stuck half in the ground. Or a rev ghost spammer. Spam ghost -> kill everything -> move on


    It is good if the mech is more powerful then the other pets because that what makes it unique to other professions. And if you want to press more buttons you can always use a kit or disable autoattack an press 1.


    I like easier builds so I'm happy with it. And i still use the other skills except rifle 5.

    Yea no to all of this you're entirely missing the point. It's fine that the spec is very easy that's fine and not the issue the issue is the build is very easy AND does just as much if not more damage than than other builds that have to micromanage and work much harder to achieve half of what it so easily does.


    Also being overpowered isn't a unique spec design that should be encouraged, there's a reason class changes are called balance patches not unbalanced patches. Also implying that people should just intentionally nerf their class fundamentally if they have issue with it being too easy and want to make it more difficult is just silly and disingenuous.


    And I'm glad you like easier builds you should have them available to you however they should reward you the base amount of damage and effectiveness, enough so you're not ostracized from content but you're also not blowing it up. High skill should always reward high damage and high effectiveness it's a reward system for playing well and that's not happening with pMech right now thus everyone's issue with it.  

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  15. 13 hours ago, Xyonon.3987 said:

    I think it needs a small nerf only. The reason why it stands out so much right now isn't because it would be strong - it's because 90% of the alternatives are utter garbage since the big balance patch, which partially will be addressed next week. For Engineer specifically, Holosmith is way too weak, while pMech is only a very small amount too strong:


    As of now: pMech 36.5k, Holo 32k

    Post patch: pMech 37.5k, Holo 35k.

    These numbers should be the other way around.

    pMech should be 32k it's incredibly absurdly brainless Holo actually requires active input and thought so it should be rewarded

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  16. On 8/13/2022 at 7:35 AM, Treacy.4067 said:

     Balance is an ongoing process. People will continue to sound the alarm about the afk automated high dps and rightly so.  Give it time.

    Tbf we have a massive overwhelming balance patch coming and 2 of the 3 most egregious specs are being balanced but conspicuously the one that is overwhelmingly (rightfully so) talked about and agreed to be overperforming is omitted from any meaningful adjustment. This coming after the class got an indirect buff and was given a way to be even more brainless and afk it's kinda... weird. In fact it's very very weird, I cannot for the life of me think that ArenaNet doesn't hear us and seems to be doing nothing or the outright opposite of what the vast majority agree needs to be done. 


    Please ArenaNet if you read this stuff at all, listen to us I know power mechanist is your golden child and you want to protect it but for the sake of the game and our sanity you need to tone it down while it requires borderline zero skill, risk or investment. It's making all the rest of us on other classes feel extremely bad about its diamond encrusted platinum plated silver spoon you insist on leaving in its mouth. This is a perfect time just pull it back, drop power mechs coefficients, reduce rocket punch, lower aim assisted rocket and increase CD's just a bit and everyone will be happier in the long run.

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  17. On 8/4/2022 at 8:37 PM, Kuma.1503 said:


    So for people who want Mech nerfed, ask yourself, are you so upset about it because an easy build is outperforming a harder build? Or is it because you're upset that YOUR build isn't able to be top dog on the DPS charts as often as you'd like? 

    I want it nerfed because the game should have a baseline for easy and still decent and beyond that reward high skill with high damage. Mech is able to do top tier damage with borderline zero input, risk or attention and all that does is trivialize other classes and specs that have to put in much much more care and effort to achieve what mech does while auto attacking. I don't care about topping the charts I just want to not see 50% of the player population playing mechs running the same dumb mech build cause it's brainless and stupidly effective.

    I also have fully geared specs for every last type of mech and have played them from CM Fractals/Strikes and into raids and I would be more than happy if they were nerfed. Don't buff anything else, don't need to blow up any meters just remove the afk automech builds and make them require some kitten effort. 

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  18. On 7/19/2022 at 12:04 AM, Fwog.9387 said:

    Oh don't worry. If you saw *that which cannot be mentioned here* which was posted to the forums, reddit ect last month. A build is not gonna be punished for lack of complexity. That is not the current design philosophy. Its apparently fine for a build with 200 APM to have the same or comparable dps to a build with 20 apm. 

    This. I don't care if power rifle mech stays unnerfed but other infinitely more complex specs need a large buff then since there really isn't any point to playing higher APM builds when you can ez-mode it on rifle mech with auto and F1-3 and be as if not more effective than a much more complex build on another class. I get that many classes can and maybe should have an ez intro spec but it's just not fair that a falling asleep at the wheel spec is on par or better than a higher APM maximum effort build and is in fact incredibly deincentivizing to other specs that have to try much much harder to achieve what a power rifle mech effortlessly does. Higher skill should equal higher reward and that's just not the case right now with too many specs. 


    I have every single mech spec and have played them in basically every mode from pvp to raids and even I gotta admit they either need a nerf or everything else needs a buff cause jeez these feel a bit unfair atm.

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  19. On 7/5/2022 at 4:13 AM, Freezem.9270 said:

    Hello Anet,


    so... mechanist is the new "BEAST MASTER"  because of that HUGE mech DMG.. OK, why not. BUT... a mechanist who is not able to change the way his/her mech looks?! Asura is dealing with that tech for ages, they even have their own "IRONMAN" suits yet somehow Canthan tech is so much better and different?


    let us have mech customization so it can at least fit some cultural skins (maybe not for all races... but Char, Asura mech skins are perfectly reasonable)




    Just no. 

    You guys are spoiled absolutely rotten with 3 of the most egregiously overtuned specs in the game atm and an incredibly flashy mech so if rangers cant customize their pets and warriors their banners and necros their minions you do not get to have special treatment to be the only class in the game that can customize their little AI follower.

    Here's my solution, all mechs are automatically desummoned outside of combat and they only appear to you in combat. There solved you dont have to worry about showing off your mech to anyone else /s

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  20. 14 hours ago, Kahrtolann.1926 said:

    Hello, I've been enjoying the Heal/Alac build of the Mechanist recently. The gameplay is nice, it has good healing capabilities, barrier, some boons and all... But...

    But there is one thing that the Mechanist is really not good at : Giving Stability !

    With the base build you can give one stack of Stability every 24 seconds and that's pretty much it. You have not really any other way to give some stability and in some case it hurts like hell. I believe that Healer archetype should be able to provide at least some Stability.


    Thus I would like to request a bit more Stability for the Mechanist. Some ideas I had for that included : A new turret that would give Stability with the Experimental Turret trait, a new Elixir or a new Utility Skill to give some stack of stability, or some trait modification to include Stability generation.


    Thanks for your time.

    You can't have everything jfc HAM's already basically do everything on autopilot in every mode but extremely directed healing situations you cant ask to have everything. No you do not get more stability you already have it on F2 stop asking for everything in already grossly overtuned spec.


    Hell give stability to some other healers I want to see druids and tempests and spectres on occasion instead of just HAMs and just HBs.

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  21. On 6/29/2022 at 1:07 AM, Alec B.8905 said:


    I am in love with the new way to mess around with rifle. It's got it's flaws but still really solid and the most fun I've had on mechanist! Hope you enjoy the video!

    Incredibly toxic but still a fun video. I'm astonished this hasn't already been nerfed

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