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Posts posted by paper.6230

  1. This weapon is so unimaginatively designed, I hate it.

    I've expressed my feedback here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/140597-expanded-weapon-proficiencies-beta-feedback-thief/page/5/#comment-2040639
    The weapon lacks complexity and synergy, as I said there, and I explained the reasons.

    For competitive modes it will always be a never-ending source of problems. It encourages passive, yet bullying and annoying gameplay, and this is always going to be frustrating on the receiving end (to an average player).

    The weapon only does damage, and if (or when) the damage gets nerfed, then nobody will play it, because it doesn't have anything to justify using it. So what's the next step? Start adding utility to it? How much dev time and money will it cost, how many iterations?

    ArenaNet would do everyone a favor if they just got back to the drawing board with Axe and started over. I believe the design is irredeemable at very core idea of it. There's easily 50 different and better ways to make it.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 4
  2. Why is axe a projectile-based, mid-ranged, main-hand weapon to begin with?
    The limits of the game engine when it comes to projectiles are well-known after all these years the game has been out. A weapon that fully relies on projectiles is inherently worse. That's why scepter/dagger doesn't see play, and scepter/pistol does. Speaking of scepter, it's the last weapon thief received, and it's mid-ranged, (mostly) projectile-based, and main-hand too. Considering that Thief has had same two off-hand weapons since the release of core game, an off-hand axe would have been a much better investment.

    Thoughts on the current design
    It's been mostly said by others in this thread, but I'm going to write it anyway:

    • projectiles can miss any moving target, and increasing projectile speed might still not be enough (target under swiftness, superspeed, or target about-facing)
    • on some terrain axes will go to Narnia and cannot be pulled back
    • this is the first Thief weapon that builds damage potential when staying in a place, and drops damage potential when moving away from the place
    • this is the first Thief weapon you hardly can burst with (in competitive)
    • there is no impactful soft CC in the kit (compare it to scepter/pistol, how it can immobilize before main damage and apply slow, or chill with off-hand dagger)
    • there is no hard CC in the kit
    • there is no boonrip in the kit
    • the only defensive resource is 0.5s evade on #3 (which is there mostly to prevent getting interrupted during 0.5s cast), and the evade is stationary
    • there are no other resources that help with survival (no cleanse, block, reflect, shadowstep, leap, blast, or movement skill)
    • lack of aforementioned defensive resources doesn't fit the playstyle where you are meant to maintain range and kite
    • #3 is not piercing, easy for it to be body-blocked. If cleave is the idea, this doesn't match it. EDIT: my bad, it does pierce, just missing in tooltip
    • #3 is clearly telegraphed, easy to evade or block it (more about this below)
    • hardly a viable option for Specter

    Pointless split between damage types
    Condition damage with dagger, power damage with pistol. So if I don't enjoy playing one damage type, and I want maximum potential out of a damage type, I'm locked into playing with a specific off-hand weapon? I find this extremely irritating.

    Lack of synergy (especially with off-hand pistol)
    With axe/pistol you can't blast, you can't leap, you can't reliably blind. Skill #3 with either off-hand weapon has such a clear tell that every enemy can avoid it as long as their monitor is plugged in. There is nothing on the kit to bait the resources of the enemy. There is nothing on the kit to increase the chances of landing #3, even if the projectiles were faster. Initiative costs are high as well - #3 costs 5 initiative in PvP, #5 costs 6. You're out of initiative almost instantly, all while you're very likely to miss #3, and that's assuming you had enough initiative before. Moreover, using #3 consumes your axe stacks, so it's easy to tell what thief is going to do next in close range: either follow up with #2, or try to stealth with #5.

    Suggestions/Ideas for rework
    Expanding on the idea of redirectable spinning axes (if you must), to provide defense, axes could spin around Thief, but they could be used offensively, so by throwing them towards target or pulling them back a Thief would exchange defense for damage or vice versa. Optionally, while the axes are spinning around the Thief, they could do cleave damage in melee range. Another idea for defense could be picking the spinning axes up from ground, which would give you an evade frame, just like Mirage's Mirrors. For damage, perhaps you could move spinning axes like Ventari's Tablet.
    A simple solution for increasing momentum in current implementation could be to lower the maximum amount of stackable axes, but increase the damage. Alternatively make the autoattack throw multiple axes instead.

    As a closing note
    For me Thief encompasses movement, speed, timing, high risk and high reward, manipulation of momentum in competitive setting. I don't see it as an annoying mosquito, bullying enemies, I wish it to be a force to be reckoned with. This weapon doesn't feel like Thief to me. It doesn't fit the playstyle and identity. Personally, I dreamed of playing dual axe in melee range, blending in a playstyle of a bruiser. Ranger's dual maces come to mind. I don't expect my vision to match anyone else's, of course.

    Anyway, I only hope that whoever has worked on this weapon for Thief, or will be working on any future ones, has "fun to play" and "fun to play against" on top of their priority list.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 3
  3. To become eligible to the Community Goal Rewards you need to contribute towards the Community Goal, that seems to be obvious.

    Here is a quote from the official blog post:

    Trade your trophies in to Fractal Researchers outside asura gates leading to the Mists to contribute to the community goal. Participants will receive more Bonus Boxes of Goods for progressing the goal to higher tiers.Source: https://guildwars2.com/en/news/weeklong-bonus-event-fractal-rush/

    Based on that quote, you can conclude that if you didn't receive your Community Goal rewards, you didn't trade trophies at the vendor. Unfortunately, this is not exactly true.

    Here is what I understand out of the quote:

    • You contribute towards the Community Goal by trading in trophies at the vendor. (first sentence of the quote)
    • You should receive Bonus Boxes of Goods as a part of Community Goal rewards (keyword "more" in the second sentence)

    First of all, there were no Bonus Boxes of Goods in the Community Goal rewards.Secondly, it was found by players that they had to exchange trophies for at least one Bonus Box of Goods in order to receive the Community Goal rewards. So, if you didn't receive your Community Goal rewards, but you traded in trophies, you must have traded them only for the novelties.Source: https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/j6cvwo/havent_received_a_single_fractal_rush_reward_only/

    Some of you may be in luck and have a few trophies left in your inventory. You have until 2020.10.13 to exchange them for a Bonus Box of Goods to receive all the Community Goal rewards.

    If you're one of the not-so-lucky players who traded trophies only for the novelties, I strongly believe that you should write a support ticket and/or reply below. You definitely traded in trophies, which I have no doubt, should have made you eligible to the Community Goal rewards.

  4. I can press either of the queue buttons but nothing happens. I can click them repeatedly and the queue just doesn't start for me. People who are in party with me can't queue either. When I leave party - queue works for them. Please fix before Sunday, 7 June 2020, if possible. I wanna play before 3v3 season ends.

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