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Posts posted by Wraistlin.6072

  1. Okay so I feel like the orb projectiles need to be the focus of this spec.  It has been the most enjoyable part for me thus far.  Nix the Jade Sphere combo field nonsense.

    Add the hammer #3 skills to attunements instead (matching the proper attunements), while Catalyst is spec'd.  Make F5 the Grand Finale skill.  Then you can redesign the elite utility to refresh the duration of all active spheres, and apply the boons to 5 targets etc, based on the active orbs. 

    Change the utilities to do what they do, but also generate the orb projectile based on their element.  (Nix the Jade Sphere requirements)

    Redesign the hammer 3 skills or simply make Hammer#3 the Jade Sphere, that drops a field based on your current attunement, but doesn't switch as you change attunements, instead the sphere, and the field follow you for its duration.



    BOOM! Catalyst fixed.

    Your welcome!   >=)

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  2. Okay so I feel like the orb projectiles need to be the focus of this spec.  It has been the most enjoyable part for me thus far.  Nix the Jade Sphere combo field nonsense.

    Add the hammer #3 skills to attunements instead (matching the proper attunements), while Catalyst is spec'd.  Make F5 the Grand Finale skill.  Then you can redesign the elite utility to refresh the duration of all active spheres, and apply the boons to 5 targets etc, based on the active orbs. 

    Change the utilities to do what they do, but also generate the orb projectile based on their element.  (Nix the Jade Sphere requirements)

    Redesign the hammer 3 skills or simply make Hammer#3 the Jade Sphere, that drops a field based on your current attunement, but doesn't switch as you change attunements.


    BOOM! Catalyst fixed.

    Your welcome!   >=)

  3. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"Wraistlin.6072" said:Or recently there has been alot of complaining about downstate."alot" = a dozen vocal people fanatically repeating the same thing over and over in the hopes of forcing it onto the silent majority.

    True, but that is all everything is on these forums, the same thing repeated every month or so.

  4. I had posted this in a previous thread that didn't get much response, but adding more objectives would be fun imo if they had a purpose. I suggested something like stables, where you can only obtain a warclaw at the stables, and if you lose the stables and dismount on your current warclaw you no longer have it. Can do something similar with gliders. Would require some new map designs, but they could make it strategical if they had keeps or towers that could only be reached via glider, or mounts, etc.

    Or recently there has been alot of complaining about downstate. Maybe have some structure dedicated as a medical facility that if your server holds it you have downstate and the others do not, and if you really want to get wicked and actually have a tie in between WvW servers and the pve world, you can have it remove downstate in all modes if that server doesn't hold it :)

  5. It's pretty obvious what happened to this idea. I'm sure the developers at Anet have this system near finished, maybe even at the time of the original post. I'm sure Anet devs would love to distribute this to the players. However the accountants probably see all the money from server transfers and do not want to implement a system that from my understanding would eliminate server transferring, as it sounds like it wouldn't exist.

    So now you have just lost a revenue stream in a game that relies on players spending money on gems, as there is no subscription. I can't blame them for that, they are in the business to make games, and money, to continue to make games.

    I feel like this is why they locked the newest WvW track behind a money wall, in the hopes that it could potentially be used to generate revenue in the future, which might allow them to implement this new world restructuring and still have similar cash flow coming in.

  6. Was curious to see information on what is considered a WvW Season. I'm being told that at the end of the season is the best time to try and transfer servers. I have a friend coming back to the game that would like to join my WvW server, which is currently full. I'd hate to have him transfer to a linked server only for it to reset in a week. Can anyone direct me to season info? Thanks!

  7. My initial thought is the power reduction has worked to make fights last longer. I've quickly participated in a few roamer fights after patch and there wasn't instant downing which was great. Made the fighting much more interesting than just spamming all the big instant dmg skills as most roamers do. So far I'm enjoying the change.

    The tower and keep lord health though......that is amusing and was certainly missed, maybe they intended them to be raid boss fights :)

    I also think this will be good for new players, or old vets who haven't played in years. The fact that the fights last longer give more opportunity to learn counterplay. Hard to do when the game evolved to instant downing when caught unaware.

  8. @"MyPuppy.8970" said:To add what Auburner said:

    Ele's main mechanic is 4 attunements but they offer nothing more than twice as much weapon skills than other classes.Said skills are already balanced by having longer cd, much longer cast times, reduced effects and damage.Traiting those skills and mechanic is spread over 4 traitlines so you can trait at most only 75% of your arsenal and even then the effect kicks in only when you attune to a specific element. In practice that means even if you trait for 3 elements, you mostly play with only one traitline at a time. That's why Arcane is so forever mandatory (with being the only reliable source of protection) thus no one ever plays 3 elements.Ele's specific skills [auras] are spread over all weapon sets except for Sword and Scepter.[auras] traits are spread over all traitlines besides having already short duration + icd + consequent cd.

    Can you see a pattern?Everything about ele is diluted. From the micro level of the skills themselves to the macro level of your build.No wonder the profession feels inefficient, no skill feels impactful.

    Maybe that's why it's fun playing it. It's all about giving everything you have.

    Edit: And to spice it up you also have to build for your survivability. Because why not having lowest stats of all professions since we're at it.

    Edit 2 : Oh and let's also make the weapons do hybrid damage so it's neither good at power nor condi.

    Good general summary. The only other "con" I think you could add to the list is the locking into a specific range via weapons. Most classes can weapon swap from melee to a ranged weapon. Elementalists have to decided on one or the other generally speaking (since most of the conjures are fairly weak in their current state and mechanic).

  9. @"Megs.2986" said:While I know in the past the devs have wanted to stay away from making skills unique per gamemode, I do believe that having 10-man skills is not a good idea in WvW, especially when it is only some skills that work this way.

    While I understand the need for 10 man skills in PvE, 10 man skills in WvW create a lot of unneeded boons/damage/healing when most groups run in parties of five. (Also creating issues between party and squad composition such as 10 man stab but only 5 man cleanses)

    Part of the reason many WvWers love the gamemode so much is the synergy needed between classes to get things right when zerging. Many of us miss blasting fire and water fields, believe it or not! I believe removing 10 man skills will help bring back the synergy between classes that many of us miss so deeply!

    I just wanted to comment that getting away from the fields has hurt the "uniqueness" of the game overall. Really wish they would go back to a lot of the boons having to be combo'd in some regard. Especially the power creep of 25 might stacking that everyone can seem to do solo now. Make GW2 great again, lets get back to combo fields!

  10. I'm curious on the opinion of the community if we were to take gliding and warclaws out of WvW as a personal skill, and attach them to objectives.

    For example making some new objectives like a stables, and once held players can claim a warclaw until the objective is lost and the player is dismounted. And something similar for gliders.....

    Just some ideas if the WvW devs ever decided to make some new maps.

  11. I thought I'd add my two cents to this discussion, even though I've seen many threads like this since the launch of GW2, and things have not seemed to change for the better of Elementalist. This is a view based on PvP/WvW, in truth there has always been strong PvE builds for just about any class.

    I feel that the elementalist has just fallen behind the curve when it comes to updates to the game. Core GW2 they were very versatlile, you typically had more access to a variety of boons and conditions that, at the time, the other classes didn't have as much access too. Which is why the D/D builds were so much fun, you didn't have any real power creep until you started pulling of blasts to buff yourself up. However update after update through this game elementalists keep getting nerfed, and the other classes now have access to everything an elementalist could achieve. Except for that fact that an elementalist had to work for those things through rotation and combos. These days Anet just chucks 10 might on an ability for everyone else and calls it a day.


    The above thread is the real reason why the elementalist feel so far behind. The rampant use of stacking boons and conditions that once use to be a feature of the specific classes is now everywhere, and without any complicated combos.

    I don't think there is a quick fix to elementalists; I guess a list of bandaids would look something like this:

    1. The core trait lines need new mechanics. Just one example why do we not have more barrier, or resistance in the earth trait line? In truth the trait lines themselves need to have versatility. I understand from a lore perspective that water is generally viewed as a healing element, but not having any real sustain in other trait lines seems to lock everyone into some forum of build with water in it, when it comes to PvP/WvW.

    2. I also never understood how elementalist have the lowest health pool of the cloth classes, imo the mesmer with the built in defensive mechanic of clones should have the lowest cloth health pool, however if we are to keep sitting in the crap HP arena as Elementalist then there needs to be more focus on traitline bonuses to other stats based off of vitality percentages.

    3. It seems again that updates have dated this classes abilities. To many skills root the elementalist in place. If you have a low hp / low toughness class, this shouldn't be the case.

    About all I have. In truth it really is just the power creep of boons and conditions that HoT unleashed on this game that is killing it. If boons and conditions have such emphasis, then the hybrid classes should be the ones with access to most of these things, while other specific classes only have access to a few. That's how I visualize the different classes. Elementalist and Engineers seem like logical choices for varieties in boon and conditions based on their mechanics. Mesmers had their confusion, and misdirections. Guardians always had burning in their mechanics (cleanse and condition). Necros where almost always the condition masters, not so much on the boon side. Thieves should be crit based, but not stacking so much power on their own. Warriors power based. Rangers with range and movement. Some kind of balance like the above. The fact that everyone can now stack 25 stacks of might and or (add high damage condition here), is just a joke. Because of this and the lack of updating defenses on Elementalist you have the current state of the game.

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