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Posts posted by SubZero.4319

  1. Amen! That would be SO cool. Guardians kick kitten, and basically are experts with burning and fire, so why not?! Personally after playing Willbender for a few hours I LOVED it. But the flames would make it even better. It seems like a lot of people don't like WB, but these same people probably think it's perfectly appropriate for a cloth-wearing Elementalist to wield a gigantic 2H warhammer lol! Not that I hate the new Ele spec, just saying. 😃

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  2. Hiya @Healix.5819 ! Yes, you are COMPLETELY correct. You just saved me SO many headaches you have no idea. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel like a kitten now lol! Such a simple solution. So I have been foolishly retyping in my password for two and a half years like a tool. I don't know how I can thank you! You rock!


    That said, they really should do something about that launcher UI, as it is somewhat confusing. I'm a software engineer. I write and debug code and design UI's/UX's for a living, and it had me fooled, and if others are complaining to, it might be worth ArenaNet's time and effort to redesign the launcher just a *bit*. Of course, it doesn't matter to me, as you were kind enough to save me future problems, but I'm just saying. x)


    Anyway, thanks again, Healix. You pwn. I love your name btw. And although it's unlikely, if there's ever anything I can do to repay your kindness, please don't hesitate to let me know. Hope you are doing well in all your Tyrian endeavors, and that you enjoy EoD when it comes out. I'm so excited! Well, have fun and I wish you excellent fortune, my friend!



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  3. Whether I have the "Remember Password" checkbox checked or not, I still have to type in my password every single time I want to log in. I also have the "Remember Account Name" checkbox checked and the launcher has no problem remembering it, but not the password. It hasn't remembered my password for the entire two and a half years I've played GW2. I thought it wasn't supposed to work and they just never bothered to remove the checkbox at first, but after talking with several people in map chat, they say that it works fine for them, and many even say they've forgotten their password because they never have to enter it any more. I would LOVE that lol. It's SO old entering it every single time I log out. It's been this way for me even after I bought an entirely new laptop, installed Wiindows 10, and then installed Guild Wars 2, so I don't know if it's an account issue or just a Guild Wars 2 bug that affects only certain accounts, but whatever it is it's VERY annoying. Any advice guys? Any help whatsoever would be appreciated, even if it's only to tell me that I'm not the only one with this "quality of life" bug/issue lol. Thanks in advance! 😃

  4. On 9/11/2021 at 10:25 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Isn't it forward slash  '/' ?

    Yeah '/' or ENTER. I have a habit of using ENTER since I type a LOT for my work (software engineering). But you're right it'd be easier probably to just use forward slash. And thanks. I tried when it happened again using forward slash instead of ENTER and it worked to fix it, but still only temporarily unfortunately. It's gotta be some kind of bug. On another note, an even more obnoxious "bug" is the "Remember Password" checkbox on the launcher. I have to type the same long password every single time I start the launcher because the remember password feature doesn't work. I thought maybe it wasn't supposed to, but after talking in map chat to a lot of different people they say it works fine for them (i.e., they don't have to enter their password to sign into the launcher). Go figure. O.o Thanks for your tip though. 🙂

  5. The Issue:


    Hi! Every now and then* when I activate the chat panel, either by clicking in the chat box or pressing the hotkey (backslash '\'), there are several issues with various inputs, as described in the list below. It seems to effect them equally. That is, when one issue occurs, the others in the list occur as well. This happens after pressing ENTER to send a message in the chat panel:




    • * The spacebar stops responding--pressing it does not allow my character to jump.
    • * On the world map screen (accessed with hotkey 'M' or by clicking on the world map button at the top left of the screen), when scrolling with the mouse wheel, doesn't zoom in or out as usual, but rather changes the layer of the map (e.g., top level, middle, lower level, etc.).
    • * I am unable to use the keyboard (with ENTER or another key) to re-enter the chat panel and type another message. In order to do so, I have to (left-)click inside the chat panel's input box.


    There may be other minor issues as well, but I haven't noticed them. These are the most prominent, as well as annoying, problems I've encountered. Again, it happens after I type a message and send it by pressing ENTER to any chat channel, and it only occurs sometimes, in a seemingly random way; not every time. It's not that often, but I've been playing over 2 years now and have noticed it even on my new laptop and new OS (Windows 10 instead of 8.1), even in an entirely different state (Utah instead of California)! đŸ€” It doesn't have a *huge* impact on my ability to play and enjoy Guild Wars 2, but it is somewhat of a "quality of life" issue, and it is pretty annoying, especially if it happens during a fight with a bandit leader or in a raid/fractal lol!


    Temporary Fix:


    Now here's the funny thing. I can get the client to resume normal functioning and the issues to stop, but only temporarily. This is accomplished by left-clicking (i.e., selecting) the chat panel box and then pressing ESC with or without entering any text. It doesn't work if I click the chat box and then press ENTER. In order for it to fix things (temporarily 😒, of course), I have to select the chat box (left-click) and then press ESC.


    In Summation:


    Anyway, it might seem like a small problem not worth bothering with, but given the fact that it occurs regardless of the PC or even operating system I am using (regardless of the account--I have experienced it on both of my Arena.net accounts), logic dictates it must be a problem with the client itself or the server. And it does interfere with my ability to play and enjoy the game, albeit not in a huge way. Any help from anyone or input by anyone else who has had this or similar issues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and happy Festival of the Four Winds btw!



    *I apologize that I can't be more specific as to when it occurs or what factors cause it to occur. It seems like it is just at random, occasionally. If I had a client log or something I could perhaps offer more insight, but since players aren't given access to the game's inner workings it's not possible.

  6. On 1/13/2021 at 10:57 AM, Chris.2183 said:

    First off, i get that the average bob highly dislikes to be outplayed and iced by a thief (when i say thief, im talking power and melee), i also get that average bob makes up the majority of the player base and we need to keep em happy with flashy lights and big bangs followed by the success experience of a kill, while having to put in mininal brain power, so they keep playing.

    So i get why thief keeps getting nerfed and nerfed and is now limited to 2 braindead meta builds which could be played by a bot.

    But i cant be the only one that loves to play fragile AF tricky builds which can be super effectiv but one small misstep and u are toast, thats my whole incentive to play, right on the edge always having one foot in the crave.

    Been playing since gw1 and going to uninstall gw2 now,its just super no fun, the last nail in the coffin are the 8 ini for Inf Shot, so u as a thief have 1 single 900 range port, which nowadays pretty much every single class has and more and after u use it u are pretty much out, because your total ini is to low to get in the fight and do anything and even have a chance of getting back out, being hammered by random target seeking aoe condi stuff, that just dont give a kitten about stealth.

    To me its kind of a bad joke but have fun ppls,over n out,see u in gw 3...

    P.S. Zeus, u can keep the 150g, dont give a kitten 😉


    Wow. Someone's PMS schedule is out of whack, obviously. I mean, no offense, but I've got the same amount of experience as you time-wise, and don't know what you're talking about. Thief was pretty good power-wise before, but since the balance update the other day, it's finally viable to make a condi build for thief as well, which HASN'T been possible. The point is, nearly all the changes they made in this patch make sense and improve the game in terms of profession balance and character customization. I understand that there will always be people who don't like the changes that are necessary for a game to evolve over time, and I've certainly done my share of complaining. I don't like all the changes that happen either. But the *real* reason that people get upset is because they will have to adjust their play style and/or relearn some mechanics or skills, at least with relation to THIS update, which is one of the very BEST MMO balance updates of any game I've ever played (and I've been playing games since Atari, Colecovision and the Commodore 64 were popular high tech products, so . . .) Naturally, it takes some adjustment, but it's SO worth it.


    Bottom line: go ahead and uninstall. It's too bad the player base will shrink by one (or two if someone else decides to), but over all, at least from the comments I've read and heard in-game, the majority of people are very happy with this balance update, and the bottom line is we, Guild Wars 2 community, don't want to share Tyria with people that act as immature and stubborn as your comment shows you act. There are enough stressful problems in real life, and we play video games to unwind and forget our troubles, so having people like you ooze puddles of negative, cynical, pessimistic energy wherever you go, tend to make things MORE stressful.


    Again, I've been guilty of the same thing you are, but as I grew up and *matured*, I realized tiny issues like the ones you're complaining about aren't worth a coronary. Thus, feel free to uninstall GW2 and you're welcome to "not give a fuc*", if you want. Just realize that nobody else cares, and that you are in the tiniest minority as far as your complaints about Thief go. Thief is improving, NOT getting worse.


    PS: Btw, as far as the title of this topic goes ("Why bother"), for the majority of people, it DOESN'T bother us. So we don't bother; we just play and enjoy Thief. x)

    • Like 1
  7. @"Kichwas.7152" said:"With a lot of characters . . . To that end, which professions have the best 'toolkits' for Condition builds that are both strong and engaging to play?"

    I just came here to get advice myself on the same topic. I've been playing for about 1 and 1/2 years and have a few level 80's, but don't have much experience in the way of my post-level-80 game or any aspects besides PvE, and then only with power builds. But I find that for the playstyle, skills and other aspects, I prefer the idea of condi builds. It's too bad it seems that the mechanics of GW2 seem to favor power over condition, in that sense, but that's another story. I found my answers. Thanks to everyone for that! <3

    So the reason I'm adding my two cents is because sadly I have no advice to contribute to the discussion myself. I do have some input that should help clarify the OP's original intent and make more clear their question, as it appears that several people have misread or misunderstood the question. I've noticed several posts that say things to the effect that "any class can make a condition build". But the OP obviously already knows that. The question is which professions have specs that provide for feasible, effective condi builds, not just any condi build. For example, someone said:

    "Well... all classes have condi builds. That is not a category."

    There's nothing wrong with this, of course. It's just that this person apparently misread the question to be "which professions can create (ANY) condi build?" or "which professions are in the 'condi' category?" when the actual question is completely different. It's worth noting, of course, that this person did provide some useful info on which specs are usable/feasible, though.

    Anyway, that's my two cents. I hope if anyone adds some helpful information that these two cents will make it easier to answer. Happy travels everyone, and be blessed! =)

  8. @"Michael Conrad.6704" said:My apologies.

    No need to apologize. You did nothing wrong imo. If you weren't supposed to "necropost" you shouldn't be allowed to. There are actually benefits to so-called posts on forums in general, from a data and knowledge management standpoint, at least, and many sites have been enriched by such activity. It is good to be aware of updates, and dates (and figs). I agree with KrHome.1920 that most of the time posting over a year after a post was made, unless there has been a regular and natural continuance of the conversation throughout, is likely not very likely to add to the discussion, as most people won't adopt the advice given, due to updates and changes. This only applies to forums and Websites related to online video games (especially constantly-evolving ones like GW2) and other software/technology sites, of course. For most Q&A or general advice forums, there is no such thing as "necroposting". But I'm making this into a wall of text. Now it's my turn to apologize, if only for that.

    As I said, KrHome.1920 does make a fairly good point or two about the dangers of doing such a thing. And they were even kind enough to include a hurried "please" in their Commandment to you. Then again, the apparent attitude he/she seemed to adopt while making it nearly invalidated any reason to pay attention to it. They are clearly capable of common courtesy and abstract, intellectual thought, but the context of their reply and the language they chose to use was pretty rude, if not disrespectful, unless you're speaking German, for example, where simple imperatives (even with exclamation points) are not considered to be rude, unlike English, Japanese and many other languages. I mean no offense to them, and certainly none to you. I just wanted to say I thought it was awesome how politely you responded to such a disrespectful direct order from a complete stranger. Idk if they think since it's online and not in real life it's ok to talk/type like that, or if they are rude enough to talk that way in real life too, but when most people are given such an abrupt, forceful "request" (to use a euphemism) it makes them want to do the opposite lol.

  9. @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Gulbasaur/Things_I_Wish_Someone_Told_Me_-_A_new_player_guide#At_level_80 is a guide I wrote with a bit about what to do at 80.

    And a perfect guide it is. I'd recommend it to anyone. It's helped me a lot. When I first hit 80 I was a little depressed because I thought the game was "over" and I had experienced it all, like WoW was for me. But I'm just starting to realize that in Guild Wars 2, the game doesn't even begin UNTIL you get to level 80. Or rather, getting to 80 is just like an "introduction". There is SO much to do I'm overwhelmed, but in a good way. I can see myself playing for years, if it keeps going, and it's starting to get really popular again. I started just a year ago, and in the last three or four months I've seen SO many new people, and I still see a lot of "old" people, too. It's encouraging. Anyway, that was off topic. But seriously, check out this guide if anyone is new to GW2 and just got to 80 or used their free character boost. I ended up deleting my boosted toon because I'm a fool—and because I wanted the experience of working hard from 1-80 and not being overwhelmed with a bunch of abilities I'm unfamiliar with. But I should've saved him lol.

  10. I started playing GW2 last year around Halloween, so I'm not exactly a newb anymore, but as a Guardian fanatic. The Pally/Guardian/Knight/etc.-type class/profession has consistently been my favorite class in almost any MMO I have played for as long as I can remember. When Diablo III came out I was pissed because in D2 the Paladin had been my favorite class, for example. (side note: I promptly forgave them once the expansion was announced xP).

    I like everything about this class "archetype" out of all the major ones. Don't get me wrong, I'm a hardcore gamer, and have OCD, so I love pretty much any class, but if I could only play one, it would be this kind. And I know I'm not alone, too. Just looking at this post (or the several others with the same topic—I was originally going to make an original post myself before a simple search of the word Reatreat on the forums search box brought me to the conclusion that the situation is much, much worse than I had feared.

    You see, I'm a hopeless optimist, and I had mistakenly held up hopes that we could use reason or even some simple scurr tactics to convince ArenaNet to change the name of this brutally awesome skill with something else. It shouldn't be that hard, right? I mean literally ANYTHING would be acceptable. Naturally, some of the above-mentioned names would be best, but I repeat, at this point, ANYTHING would be acceptable. I personallyh like the "Shields Up" or "Incoming" suggestions from @hatsamu.4327. So much so, ,in fact, that they inspired me to try my own hand and come up with a couple: (1) "Fall Back!" and (2) **"

    Fall Back! is a little tricky to explain. Ask the meaning of the command will probably get you a different answer for every person you ask, but in my experience and what I was trained (Disclaimer: don't quote me—it's been about 18 years since I was in SOI so...) was that the phrase, like all military verbal commands, has a specific meaning that is clear has a distinct purpose. Perhaps if ArenaNet's profession designer for the Guardian researched or looked up what their skills' name's actually meant, this outstanding ability would not have such a sad, tragic name. Thus, it may differ a bit from one "army" to the next, "fall back!" basically means a unit is being ordered to stop what they are currently doing and, while continuing to engage the enemy as much as is possible, move backward or away from them, usually towards a specific, often nearby position that is somehow more advantageous or defensible, where they will likely continue fighting and hopefully be able to once again advance.

    Now the problem with ArenaNet's name is obvious, but I've put two important parts of this definition in bold, because these parts are specifically at odds with the meaning of the command "Retreat!" Retreat literally mean just get away from the enemy. In some forces it's OK or required to continue fighting, but the ultimate objective is no longer to displace (move) yourself to a better fighting position or "rearrange" your forces. The purpose is just to run away so you can fight again, basically. And that's not what the "Retreat!" command seems to be for, imho. Besides, and probably more importantly, it just plain sounds stupid. I hardly ever use it just because it really is just too embarrassing to have your avatar basically shouting "Run away!" all the time like Monty Python lol. (No offense to Monty).

  11. I totally agree with Rhyse.8179. Just make all damage floaters fully customizable. In particular, while I think it'd be nice to customize the size, I personally have a problem with how fast the numbers disappear. In many games it's possible to move where the floaters appear, how long they stay there, and their size. One of the VERY few things I dislike about GW2 is the lack of an add-on API that allows fullscreen add-ons. Add-ons, for instance, are one reason I kept playing WoW for years after most of my friends quit. Because you can at least make it "your" game (interface) instead of being stuck with one that may or may not be adequate for your playing style and preferences.

    That said, I love GW2. Just had to vent, and agree. xP

  12. @"mes.4607" said:I find it weird how instead of 'build' templates we got separate gear + trait templates... Doesn't make sense to me. Is there a way to combine them? If not, I'd like to recommend that we get a panel that can do both at the same time...

    It's actually a pretty cool feature, having the two types of set being capable of independently swapping. Actually, for many players (including myself), forcing Equipment Set+Build to be invariably linked would make adapting to certain environments/fights/etc. merely an exercise in frustration, and reduce character flexibility of fighting style an inescapable clusterphuq (pardon my "Algonquian-French" xP).

    The ability to switch weapon sets independently from the your currently equipped build ("trait templates") makes what has nearly always been a bad-ass MMORPG epic, and allows for some very flexible and—at times, even—life-saving gameplay and tactics, at least in my experience. Granted I have only seriously (i.e., religiously x]) been playing GW2 for a year and a few months, but I don't think I'd be classed as a newbie. Actually, if memory serves, I believe it was just after I started playing every day (and about when this post was written, I think) that this feature was released. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Memory does NOT always serve me. xP

    Having said all this, however, I completely understand your frustration and share parts of your point of view. I've been unable to find how to bind a single keybind to change both equipment set and build simultaneously, and this is a problem, because often it'd be more convenient to change them at the same time. :anguished: Anyway, I just thought I should put my two cents in, too, even though my reply is a tad late hehe.

  13. @ASP.8093 said:Staff is the support weapon. You don't really use it for the damage, you use it because it's got two group heals, Might stacking, light fields for condi cleanse, and a low-cooldown blast finisher that'll help you do even more of the above (combine with fire for Might, light for condi cleanse, or water for healing -- conveniently, you can self-generate any of these three fields if playing Firebrand; with an engineer or thief buddy, you can also blast smoke for stealth).

    You kick dolyak as*. Thank you for also kicking some wisdom, OG. Seriously. It was perfectly explained: concise, accurate and easy to remember. B)

  14. @"Holy Vengeful.3615" said:I play a solo Berserker Dual Axe/GS build often and I am very happy with it. There are better builds out there for PvE currently but for me this one is fun and delivers tons of damage. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKxAEdflNwuYNMKWJOyW/tOA-zxYYhwEBZsjaUeZEYKURFYyA-e. . .Lastly, do some research of food items and boosters that can benefit your style of play.Good luck! Feel free to reach out if you want some tips.

    Greetings and salutations, @"Holy Vengeful.3615"! B) I hope life finds you well To the matter at hand! But I thought before I gave you the "quick and easy" version of my reply to your build guide post up topside, I first would include one of those amazingly useful spoiler-text-section-folding-thingies (for reasons of brevity, I adopted the current practice of hereafter referring to the term by its canonical acronym, STSFT), and write a bit of text to put in it, because I thought it might look funny if it was empty.

    Despite considerable training and experience in the field, life threw me a curveball. Even throwing my greatest efforts into the task, I was unable to figure out how to add a spoiler box! I knew I could just pretend it was one by using ASCII art, but it just wasn't the same. I resolved to try and make a real one, no matter what, and it was that attitude that allowed me to prevail. It wasn't easy, of course. But after a bout with chronic diarrhea*, a quick jog around the block to clear my head, a cup of hot cocoa, and finally considerable searching, both deep within myself and on the support forums on the Ikea Website, I ended up discovering something that would change my life forever.

    It was a handy little toolbar button on top of this edit box, with a paragraph symbol on it. This little button is what finally gave me the idea. You see, when I clicked on it, it said "Spoiler" at the bottom. So, after clicking the word, it actually created a REAL spoiler box! (To my chagrin, after all that effort, it was SO easy!) As to the content of the spoiler, you'll have to read it to see.

    There are a total of three (3) possibilities as to why, exactly, I chose to do so. See if you can guess which one is the real reason. But be careful! These have all been thoroughly researched by a panel of seven (7) duly appointed, wizened old Justices of the Peace, each selected by another panel of two Greater Saddle-back Clownfishes. You'll have three (3) chances to answer correctly. Godspeed:

    1. We all know what it's like to be dropped on your head as a toddler. It's one of those things we all go through growing up, like puberty or going on Easter egg hunts. But when I was a young'un, momma says she accidentally did it one too many times, so the wirin' in mah head don't work too good. 'Sides, sometimes I'd even bang m'head on a doorknob or wall or something whenever she was rull busy and had ta carry me by a leg instead of by the top of my head like usual.
    2. I'm in a particularly giddy, mirthful holiday mood this evening, and have a lot of time on my hands.
    3. I already finished my dinner and it's not bedtime yet, see? Also, I finally got my reply back from Santa! I sent it early so he'd be sure to get it on time. He said he'd bring me a new, authentic, USSR-made, Cold-War-era rocket propelled grenade launcher with two live grenades for Christmas, since I successfully survived the final decade of the Cold War, but due to a clerical error, didn't receive my complimentary RPG. So I was excited and felt like doing something random.

    OK, here's the TL;DR version of my "thank you" reply post. I hope you like it:

    ! clears throat and begins dictating in a clear, crisp RP accent!! Dear Sir/Dame Vengeful,!

    ! Thanks SO much for the awesome guide and build advice. I stumbled and fumbled my way through 80 levels of Warrior GW/Axes, but after reading and learning your build and following your advice, I can DANCE like Michael Jackson lol! I still need my tap shoes (weapons/gear) of course, but I am having so much more fun. Anyway, your post was really easy to understand and follow, and left me with the somewhat rare yet euphoric and joyous feeling after reading a build guide of actually not having any questions I could think of. For this, you have my everlasting gratitude my enduring allegiance and fealty. May you be very successful in all your Vengeful and non-Vengeful enterprises.!! Kindest regards, -T.!And here's what I really wanted to say in my post—and I assure you would have, were I only a normal human being. ;):

    THANK YOU. YOU ROCK.OK. I'm sorry about the retarded long-ass reply post. I hope I didn't offend anyone or anything lol. Of course, if anyone's offended that easily, they probably don't use the Internet very often hehe! xP But seriously, I just wanted to say thanks. And happy holidays to everyone, wherever you are, whatever you believe, whether your white, black, brown, pink or polka-dotted or who you voted for! I wish everyone a happy Winter (or Summer if you're south of the equator)!

    Besides, I was honest throughout, except for the list of reasonsYour guide is perfect, dude. And you do rock. B)

  15. P.S. It seems I, too, was at fault. I failed to read your entire reply VelvetJellly, and obviously you weren't eing nearly as rude as I thought. You were mistaken a out your obsevation, but I was totally wrong to call you rude. I hope you can forgive me. :+1: =)

  16. My apologies, but ethical behavior and conscience demand that I defend Teratus.2859, who was only trying to help the OP. I will try to help, too, after I defend him/her. x) It all started when I read this reply to Teratus' kind attempt to help VelvetJelly. (I like your name, by the way, VelvetJelly. Pretty cool/unique!):

    Ahh No... If they come out when they are stowed thats a bug. Logical reason the option exist. Not for cosmetic relevancy but for combat viability.

    You are actually the one who's mistaken, @VelvetJelly.2896. There is no bug with the pet stowing system. If you still believe there to be a bug, you clearly don't understand Guild Wars 2, or at least the Ranger profession. Don't try and equate the GW2 Ranger with another type of class from another game. It functions exactly as designed, and the vast majority of other players understand this, or else you'd see a lot more ranting about it in the forums and in-game. The actual way things are is exactly as Teratus.2859 so kindly stated before your rudely started arguing with him/her. If you bothered reading the wiki or anything else online instead of assuming people who are trying to help are just wrong, you'd most likely come to realize this. But I am not saying any of this to offend you. I just want to help, and felt the need to defend my fellow GW2 player. We're a tight, friendly community, but being uncivil in behavior or speech is sure to result in you receiving the same uncivil behavior from others, as in any portion of the world's human population.

    Now, if you are still reading, perhaps I can shed some light on your ignorance and you will be able to finish the achievement, or at least figure out how. To start with, pets are supposed to "come out" in several different situations. The Ranger was never designed to fight or do anything major without the support of his/her pet. They are one spirit in two bodies, basically. In any of the following cases, if your pet doesn't appear, there is something wrong (i.e., a bug):

    • After entering combat
    • Whenever you receive damage of any kind (including fall damage)
    • After swapping pets (i.e., the other equipped pet will appear the Swap Pets command is activated)
    • When you enter a new zone
    • Whenever switching skill sets from Terrestrial to Aquatic

    To elaborate, perhaps some information from the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki Pets entry will elucidate better:

    The ranger and their pet fight as one. The profession is designed taking into account the damage and defense capabilities of both partners working together. A ranger with a defeated pet will do less damage and will likely receive more damage due to the absence of their pet. Rangers and pets enter and exit combat mode together.

    Basically, as I stated above, Rangers are designed to be operate this way. It's not a profession that was ever meant to allow the practitioner to play solo (that is, without a pet) very often. This is also actually a very good thing. Rangers are capable of "reviving themselves", or at least being able to revive without the need for another player. A ranger's pet can be commanded to revive the ranger when he/she is downed. However, I can understand how this might be annoying or a bit of an inconvenience in cases such as yours, where you are trying to finish an achievement, and can empathize with you.

    But to say someone who obviously has more experience and knowledge in the area is just "wrong" is wrong in and of itself. Teratus.2859 was merely trying to help. Your frustration is understandable--your response to his helpful comment, however, is not--at least to me. If you disagreed with him, a simple "I disagree" would have sufficed instead of a direct contradiction of his statement, which is correct. I will elaborate to clear up any further confusion. On second thought, it may be better to simply insert the relevant parts from the Pets wiki article, this one specifically about stowing pets (I have highlighted the important part):

    Stowing PetsA pet can be "stowed" (put away) by clicking on the down-arrow button in the pet bar while not in combat (or pressing the Profession Skill #4 key--by default, this is assigned to F4).

    Stowing can be used to avoid having the pet attract enemies. It is also useful in tight areas where a large pet can obscure players' vision.Pets automatically reappear after entering a new zone, when entering combat mode or switching between terrestrial and underwater skill bars.

    I hope this helps. If you want to know how to get the achievement you're working on, it may be more helpful for all parties involved if you simply tell us what achievement it is and ask how to get it using a Ranger. I'm not telling you what to do. But there is only so much help the community can offer if we don't have the right information, or if you merely want to argue with us. I mean no offense, either, by the way. I am trying to state things as politely and respectfully as possible, as I've been in your shoes and I know the frustration. When I was trying to finish several jumping puzzles, for example, my pet would keep appearing every time I fell even what seemed like a short distance. It was really annoying. But after receiving a few pointers and reading more about pets and rangers, I was successful.

    Anyway, good luck in your efforts and I hope you're able to finish the achievement. If you want more official help, type "/wiki X", where X is what you want to search for. As we say in Japan,ă€€ăŒă‚“ă°ăŁăŠăă ă•ă„ïŒ ("Good luck and do your best!") =) Peace.

  17. @"Automaton.2751" said:Honestly mate, it's all about your play style. While the rev is limited in the fact that he can only use the utility skills that are linked to that legend if you spec your armour and weapons to what you want to be you can do almost any "job" in the game. And whilst other classes do have their good and bad parts it's entirely down to personal play style. You want to be an elementalist who smashes people in the face with a lightning hammer? Go for it, spec for toughness and vitality and you won't be as squishy. You want to be a necro minion master? Go for it, just know that it's useless in high level dungeons and you'll need a backup build. You do what you want with your class mate. There are no "standards" or "jobs" for any of the classes, just build to boost your strengths or to cover your weaknesses. And most of all, Have Fun!

    I'm SO glad someone said this. It's frustrating when I hear people say things like "You need to play meta' to be effective" or "Well, you _could_ do that but it's notstandard'"! It's like they forgot why people play games in the FIRST place: F-U-N. I played WoW from early Wrath of the Lich King to past Pandaria before I quit, partially because of the continual "dumbing down" of the mechanics—making it so overly simplified that it's unrealistic and makes it impossible to suspend one's beliefs long enough to enjoy playing and partially because as a consequence of that simplification the class system and everything began feeling more like paper cut-outs than individual, bad-ass heroes, and there was no room for play-style or customization. If you even tried to do anything novel or experiment, you'd be kicked from any PUG (or even guild party) because you weren't doing "enough" DPS since you weren't specced and geared the "right" way. I've also been playing GW2 since October of last year, so I'm not necessarily a "newb" any more, but am still far from a "pro" or even having a level 80 character except for the free one you get when you buy the PoF/HoT combo pack. And there are literally dozens of other MMO(±RPGs) and have been playing online games since the days of MUDs and BBS "text adventures" before anyone even knew what the Internet was.

    I don't mean to belabor the point, and I'm certainly not bragging (in fact, claiming this knowledge and experience is an easy way to age me lol >.<); I'm just trying to give a little background. See, to me, games are not about flashy graphics and 4K cut-scenes (the whole 4K thing always puzzled me because the human eye is incapable of telling the difference between even DVD and BluRay, usually, so people who are obsessed with having the "best" graphics are actually experiencing the placebo effect), nor about quickly finding the optimal way to do damage and then do the same thing over and over again, running the same instances repeatedly with no new experiences or excitement. To me, games have always been about fun and individuality. Especially MMORPGs.

    The point is while it's good to be knowledgeable about the "standard" or "meta" (although I prefer not using prefixes as complete, separate words, so I don't say "meta" much, unless I'm saying "metaphysical" or something xP), to merely tie yourself down to that without ever experimenting, customizing or making the class work for you (instead of the class making you work—a good analogy for using only "meta" builds) is a fool's errand. If you want easy-to-predict results from a fight, watch Pay-per-View or watch a movie! To me, video games are supposed to be interactive and not just doing the same thing as everyone else to the point of being able to do it while you're sleeping. =)

    So in summary, thanks for showing me I'm not the only one who appreciates that philosophy. =D And before I hit the Post Comment button please let me apologize to anyone who took offense to my comments. I meant NO offense whatsoever, and I absolutely humbly respect your opinions as well as mine, whether I share them or not. I just don't see my opinion (in this case) voiced very often, so I'm excited when I do—I feel more validated? Who knows. I'm not a shrink. I'm just a guy who's been up too long and is sick of choosing being stuck at home or going outside dressed like a burglar with a ninja mask on. xP And I also apologize for the long post. I love you all and wish everyone success with their toons!

    bows humbly-Szubxero

  18. @"Jimbru.6014" said:Sylvari, with their general racial optimism, strong ideals from the Ventari tablet, their close faith-like relationship with the Pale Tree, and many favorable options in their character creation, also are well suited to be Guardians.

    Wow, I never would have even thought of Sylvari, not because I don't agree with you, but just because I'm very self-limiting sometimes creatively. You are SO right, jimbru! I love what you said about Sylvari. I have a Sylvari Ranger and I love that race. They're so awesome, and although they are strong and worthy allies or opponents, except for the Nightmare Court they seem to be peaceful, friendly and caring, and that can stand as a good example for all "races", real and in-game in my humble opinion hehe. =) But I totally agree with you, and I'm grateful for the idea. I'm thinking of making a Sylvari Guardian if not Human. Maybe I'll even make both, one for healing/support/"tanking" and one for mainly dps. Like I said, it's always been my favorite "archetype" of class lol. Thanks again, jimbru! You rock. :)

  19. Oh, cool! I can't wait for this! I started my Guild Wars 2 career relatively late. My first visit to the beautiful, yet savage world of Tyria was at the beginning of last November. After two weeks I decided I HAD to have the HoT and PoF expansions, and got the two-for-one deal for Christmas, thus making my life complete. xP Anyway, the first event I had the honor of attending was Wintersday, so I am seriously looking forward to seeing all the cool "holidays" this awesome place has to offer. Whatever the year brings (and hopefully it will bring a viable vaccine, like, yesterday), I have come to learn that the community of Guild Wars 2 (and, I assume, Guild Wars?) is among the finest of any online game I've ever played, and I've been gaming online since the days of BBS'es and MUD's lol! Anyway, thanks for the post! I'm excited!

    Happy (and safe) travels out there in the wilds. May the Six go with ye.

  20. I have to have my hands free to fist bump my buddies after ganking da baddies. x) Sorry, I know it's borderline archaeo-posting hehe but I can't believe I "missed" this thread when it was originally posted. I thought I was the only one who sheathed my weapon after each encounter, either for RP reasons (have always been into RP) or because I have OCD, I can't decide which. =)

  21. Greetings, Guild Wars 2 Community!

    I'm sorry for the overly, ahem, zealous salutation lol! It's just a sign of my respect and affection for the GW2 Community. I've come to understand in the three or four months of playing this marvelous and beautiful work of art called Guild Wars 2 that its near perfect existence is matched only by the awesomeness of the GW2 Community (with a capital 'C'), and exceeded only by God. Anyhoo, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me whether the Guardian profession is compatible with the Human race, as far as lore is concerned. The Guardian seems to be closest to my favorite class archetype from WoW and similar fantasy/steampunk/bad-ass MMORPGs with which I am very familiar, namely the Paladin/Crusader/Knight or, in this case, Guardian. B)

    I know it's a lot to ask, but I was also hoping to get a pointer or two on where to find Guild Wars 2 lore in general. I mean like the really deep stuff. I've read all the basic stuff, I believe. If either of these questions have been answered previously, and I doubt not that they have been, I offer my humblest apologies. I tried to find the info without success. I'm still a newbie. I took a break from Defiance/2050 and Trion in general and decided to try GW2. Two weeks after I started, I upgraded to both expansions—right before Christmas—and never looked back, nor wanted to. I am officially and hopelessly hooked. But I am still newbish to a very large degree. My achievement rating is only ~400, to give an idea of just how very newbish. =(

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer in terms of tips or places of knowledge on the subject. It's greatly appreciated. In fact, thanks just for reading this, since it means you're probably a kind and helpful person in general. Of course, the fact you GW2 is a good indicator of that as well. :P

    -Yours most sincerely,S

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