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Everything posted by Faceless.5093

  1. Ooo thank you for this! I'm obviously not very good at searching forums. I'm quite concerned about the age of the first announcement and the lack of actual implementation. Should it really take 2+ years to implement something like this?
  2. Hello!I've been playing off and on since release and have spent a large portion of my time in WvW. Over the years, it seems to have decayed into a bit of a mess due to it being locked to servers comprised of all types of players. There are some servers which are completely full that simply don't have the option of reinforcing their numbers. This has caused servers with high potential, skilled players to have a terrible experience in what was once a fun and highly competitive game mode due to PvE players who simply aren't interested in WvW. The current system is outdated, impossible to balance and has a lot of players feeling fed-up with the futility of their efforts. I would like to suggest the implementation of separate WvW servers that people can transfer between in order to increase the population and balance of matchups that are independent of your primary server. Also, having a one-time choice for players to go wherever they want would greatly benefit WvW-focused players. This would also present the option of compressing instance usage down to a smaller number. If this isn't possible, perhaps incentivizing / forcing players to move off of full servers needs to be done more aggressively. I don't think there is any detriment to non-WvW players for moving to another server. However, I only recently came back and have missed some so correct me if I'm wrong... It would be nice to see ANet take some action to preserve this unique game mode as it brings joy to so many people!
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