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  1. If your GPU is below 97%, then there are only 3 possibilities: CPU Limit (V)RAM Limit Frame Limiter I guess you are looking at overall CPU usage. This doesn't tell you what's going on. Look at the separate cores. I bet one is at 100% in your mentioned scenarios. But even if not, you can still be CPU limited, because CPU monitoring tools are very unprecise - unlike GPU monitoring tools. That's why you never look at the CPU usage to see whether you are CPU bound or not. You always look at the GPU usage and then make sure that it's not a RAM oder frame limiting issue.
  2. Neither Zakiros nor Souleater work in Shroud, so that 8% statement is cherrypicking at best or nonsensical at worst. Shroud is where you want to resustain, when you can only heal via hitting your target and are fighting hard hitting mobs like champs. Zakiros was the first relic I tested, when the addon launched cause I play WvW mostly and there it heals for 7%, which sounded too good to be true (it actually sounded completely overpowered - a lot better than GM traits like Blighter's Boon or Unholy Sanctuary). Duelling in WvW comes pretty close to soloing champs in PvE. If you can only heal when hitting targets outside of shroud, then you run into sustain problems very quickly in a lot of encounters.
  3. You think there is not enough server lag in the game? This would be a gigantic databse to handle for the game engine and servers.
  4. This is completely wrong. Vampiric and Vampiric presence scale with power and add about 10% of DPS while the rest of the traitline boosts your sustain. Death Magic is a useless traitline for the build the OP runs because he is applying and cleansing not enough conditions to benefit from the traits. Spite and Curses are out because they would lower his sustain even more. @OP: 1. Marauder makes a huge difference because necro scales with vitality. The shroud professions get more life force which means more sustain and harbinger can handle blight better. 2. There is simply one single skill thats is missing in your build: Spectral Armor Pop spectral armor, then enter shroud => 8 second invulnerablity Then stay in shroud as long as possible (because your spectral armor cooldown resets in the background), after leaving shroud rebuild your life force quickly with spectral grasp, greatsword3, axe2, focus4, kite your target for the shroud cooldown if necessary (nightfall, spectral walk), then again spectral armor + shroud .... that's all In marauder gear and this strategy you can farm most champs solo. Unlike Asum I'd highly recommend changing death magic to blood magic (traits: vampiric presence + blood bank) esp. when you don't have access to spear and mainhand sword, which both offer a lot of healing.
  5. It doesn't compete with greatsword mechanically. It is pretty much the opposite. Stating that is basically saying "both do damage so they are competing with each other". The problem with this PvE perspective is always, that damage is the only factor that counts. A new weapon is bad, when it deals less weapon than an older weapon. For the competitive modes or players that look for different mechanics spear is competely new in the necro toolkit. In fact reaper has so much mobility and burst now, that it can chase down willbenders and thieves. Yesterday I duelled a cele catalyst that didn't lose a 1v1 for days cause no one could burst through all that sustain. I beat him 3 out of 3 times, even after he learned how the spear burst combo looked like. The key skill to secure the hits was suffer! (instant cast) right when you teleport and land on the target. What a coincidence that anet nerfed suffer! for PvP in the recent patch. On greatsword I woulnd't have won a single one of these duels. I doubt I would even have landed a hit with the GS.
  6. I once duelled a blue ele when stonemist was green. He vaporformed through the green glowing door 2 times, then I just moved along. But these bugs are rare. Sth like this happens maybe every 1000 hours to me.
  7. If you are in the game for 12 years (like me and probably you), then no, it isn't. Because we grew with the game. For a relatively new to the game player or a former PvE player the bar is high. Esp. since PvE has become trivial. If you enter WvW these days you are 100% unprepared. Skills do different things at different cooldowns and have half the damage or no damage at all (hard cc). Most ppl can't tell what killed them. Is that immortal renegade celestial or marauder? Did I die to condis or direct damage? Why do ppl chain cc me all the time? In 2012 as a roamer you had 2 teef builds to memorize. You learned pretty quickly that a necro wrecks you once you drop below 50% hp, because every necro worked that way. In the blob you popped stability, dodged meteor shower and hit your target and did damage. One stunbreak in your build was enough. I deleted all my characters a while ago and play necro exclusively, but I can't tell you anything about fighting scourge and its toolkit except kite barrier (or stunlock the scourge for more than 4 seconds) then burst. There is too much content to memorize it all and players that don't play the game for a long time are not able to separate what's important and what's irrelevant.
  8. The main problem is complexity. The players can't handle what the game offers these days. There are too many mechanics to pay attention to and too many synergies to use to win. Players are still oneshot left and right by willbenders after months. Players are still not kiting harbinger elite elixier. The latest patch with its skill reset (what happened a million times in the past) was one of these eye openers. So many clueless people. "Autoloot is bugged." "Why did anet make the warclay jump so short? Are they stupid?" (Do you know what the difference between a jump and a dodge is?) "I can not dodge on warclaw anymore." (Maybe try your dodge instead of your jump key?) "Now I have to dodge on warclaw with V, which sucks." (Key rebind anyone? How did you dodge with you character before? Did you dodge at all? Do willbenders oneshot you?) This is the playerbase in a competitive game mode that has become pretty complex over the years. WvW currently has 4 or 5 broken roaming builds, which it always had (just different builds) and blob fights require coordinated bursts to overcome the boonspam. <= That is the problem. That is too much to ask for.
  9. The skill literally called Life Siphon (Dagger2) isn't a life steal when you assume that life steals can't crit (Blood Magic traits, Signet of Vampirism, Locust Swarm) and ignore damage immunities like Endure Pain (Warrior). To make it even more stupid: Sigil of Leeching has the mechanics above, but in contrast to the mentioned skills does not scale with power and healing power. Only ANet is capable of confusing its players this hard with their spaghetti coded mechanics that lack any consistency. I haven't experimented with the new relic because of these reasons. No one knows what works and what doesn't without testing every single skill.
  10. OP in the competitive modes. This would boost blood magic soulreaping reaper to broken levels. They removed fury from chilled to the bone in these modes for a reason. So you have to pick spite or curses for self fury which significally weakens your self sustain (either shroud/mobility or barrier/heal). Blood bank has become an extremely strong trait with the buff to YSIM! (6k heal at 16s cooldown) and the mechanics of sword and spear.
  11. You have a second weaponset. The things both you mentioned are real from day 1 and that's why I said Sword/wh + spear + speed relic power reaper is viable on marauder, celestial, soldier .. it just works in my initial post. You need speed relic, you need swiftness, you need the 2 sword leaps, you need the sword range and you need reaper cause RS2 leap and shroud defense. What's the point of looking at spear (or any weapon) isolated? It is one of your many tools and you use it when you can land it. The burst combo destroys cele catalysts or kiting/blocking willbenders when you set it up properly. It fails poorly, when you use it as an opener. Knowing when to use it separates a good from a bad player.
  12. I have zero issues landing skill 4. The only skill that misses often is 3 because of the short range but that's fine considering how much of an impact that skill has. Spear 4 is unblockable so you want to throw it into a blocking target. A blocking target does not dodge. Blocks typically last 3 seconds which is the flip time of spear 3 which means you can teleport and burst right at the end of the block. The weapon is the most thought-out weapon anet ever made for necro. It's great. Every skill makes sense.
  13. I like it. Bought Kamohoali'i Kotaki after 30 minutes of WvW roaming. Sword/wh + spear + speed relic power reaper is viable on marauder, celestial, soldier .. it just works 👍 Spear 4, 5, 4 ,3 ,2 combo from 1200 range is sick.
  14. The OP did good till second 10. For 3 seconds the WB didn't land anything. The misplay here started at second 10 and was to stay on the node at any cost. Willbender in fact has delays in its burst. You don't have to eat it. You can comfortably kite it and if the player is stupid enough to use its teleports to cover that 300 kiting distance , then he quickly becomes a freekill to anyone who understands the willbender mechanics. That said: Not every build (looking at the OP's build) beats everything. I hope this is a trivial information that does not need any further clarification.
  15. Since no one got really specific, here comes a specific comment to the situation in that video: 1. You just kite him until his stability is gone, which is at second 16 in the video. Up to this point all you do is avoid his damage by wasting as less of your ressources as possible, which is why running in circles is the best strategy. You should have left that node for a moment. 2. At second 17 in the video you should have used a cc and burst combo. 3. When he then pops his defense (elite skill etc.) you run in circles again. Don't waste your skills at this point. 4. When he is vulnerable again => cc and burst Every single willbender fight looks like this.
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