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Burrito Babe.3569

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Posts posted by Burrito Babe.3569

  1. 5 hours ago, Zenthloc.3740 said:

    Secrets of the Obscure finally hooked me and now I've been looking for a guild. Open (and excited) to doing PvP someday but right now I would like to focus on everything else. I would love to hear more about this guild, seems really active with stuff to do always.

    you can ask any questions here, or reach out in game. Is there any info in particular you are looking for?

  2. 13 hours ago, Rogue Ninja.3920 said:

    I’m a new player to GW2, but a 20 year mmo vet, I also played GW 1 for a little bit. I’m looking for an active place to call home. I enjoy all aspects of the game so far, but mmo’s are always better with friends! Is the guild still recruiting?


    8 hours ago, Snausages.6085 said:

    I'm a new player to GW2, been fumbling around with a few different classes. This sounds like a fun guild and I'd like an invite if you have room!

    Invites sent! Press G in game to find them 🙂

  3. 17 hours ago, D3C72647-2A36-44CD-95E3-46B392E0FD32 said:


    Oh would you be able to add me via my in-game character names?

    Divalproex Sodium (main)

    Cyproheptadine (alt)


    Not sure if guilds are account wide, but if not, I would prefer Divalproex Sodium gets the invite.


    If inviting via character name isn't possible then I will look into changing my display name; I was hoping to keep it since I believe it's from my gw1 linkage : D

    so by having your actual GAME key be your account name it makes it easier for you to get hacked... i really suggest changing it. Its not really a display name as much as its your literal code to your game that only you should see. 

    If you are online you can dm me and i can invite you that way but we would have to be online at the same time. 🙂 

  4. 10 hours ago, D3C72647-2A36-44CD-95E3-46B392E0FD32 said:

    Hi there I just started GW2, and I'm hoping to get into endgame once I unlock some of the mounts and get the hang of things.

    I'm on Sorrow's Furnace, so I can't play WvW with your guild, but I would like to do the other activities.


    Could I get an invite to the guild please : ) ?


    Hi there! I tried to send an invite but unfortunately your account name is quite literally your game key. So i cannot invite you. You will need to submit a ticket with arenanet to get this fixed before i can invite you 🙂. This is a known bug. So sorry! 

  5. 11 hours ago, Zurah.7861 said:

    Hiya, I'm a returning player from the early days of GW2, left just before POF released and getting back into the game.  Have quite a few crafting professions 400+, all the major expansions, and a decent amount of general knowledge.  Still working on gearing up for a lot of the late game content and getting my toons back on their feet after all the build changes, but I've been looking for a friendly guild that does a lot of the late game content, now that I'll be working towards Fractals and Raid soon enough.

    Hello! Welcome back to gw2! Ive sent a guild invite 😄 Welcome to TG! 

  6. 19 minutes ago, StoneCorleon.6591 said:

    I'm new and getting really into the game, I'd love to join if there are still spots left!

    Welcome to GW2! I've sent you an invite. you can find it by pressing "G" in game to open the guild panel 😄 

    29 minutes ago, Evo.1270 said:


    I am a returning player. It has been over 8 years since I last played GW2. Apparently, i have over 1500 hours of total playtime according to the in-game stats. But I feel like a new player again since it has been such a long time since I played and with everything that has been added to the game since then, it is a bit overwhelming. I'm slowly relearning how to play this game again and am looking for a casual guild to join. Can I get an invite?

    Welcome back! We help lots of new and returning players learn all kinds of content  😄 Ive sent an invite! 

  7. 15 hours ago, Bumblebee.7395 said:


    Also, I'm a new player here coming from Final Fantasy XIV. I'm just trying the game and loving it so far. I'm still overwhelmed about the game. 

    Hello! Welcome to GW2!  😄 We help lots of new and returning players learn all kinds of content! Welcome on in to TG! 

    15 hours ago, Kaijin.9235 said:

    Hello there! Like others I'm a returning player that's been gone for a while. Would love an invite!

    Welcome back to GW2 and

    Welcome to TG! 

  8. 18 hours ago, Emericas.9413 said:

    Hello TG! I am a returning player and was afk for a few months. I absolutely loved the guild while I was in it. May I get another invite when you get a chance? Thanks!


    17 hours ago, shiiroe.7012 said:

    Hello! I'm new in this game. Can I join to the guild? Thanks! 😊


    16 hours ago, TheBlackDahlia.8259 said:

    Veteran/Returning player, been here since release(just got my 10 year B-day present :D) and looking to join something that is active and casual. I am up for getting into WvW, PvE, not really a PvP fan, but I'll try anything once.This looks like a solid fit, Invite pls! 🙂


    6 hours ago, csedwards.7095 said:

    Hello all. 


    Noticed you all have a large event last night CST and I enjoyed seeing that kind of community.


    I am a returning player after buying game at launch or shortly after... (3246 days owned).


    Looking for a community that is an inclusive environment and enjoys playing all aspects of the game as well as remembering where they all came from in the beginning.


    Please reach out as I also would bring my adult son who is currently playing a Guardian.


    Thank you

    invites sent to all of you! Welcome on in to TG! 

  9. 11 hours ago, Ctw.3091 said:

    Hi all, coming back after a long break and would like to join up with an active, friendly guild. I left just after LW season 1 so I'm working to get some ascended gear. I'm up for just about any aspect of the game and always willing to help out when I'm logged in. If you still have room could I get an invite? Thanks.

    Hello! welcome back ! you should have gotten an invite. Press 'g' to find it in your guild panel 😄 

    13 hours ago, LockeaStone.1237 said:

    Hello! My husband and I are experienced GW2 players looking for a guild that runs end game content and you guys sound really awesome. We are especially interested in joining in on raids and strikes. I have experience leading both EOD and IBS strikes and have defeated every raid boss in the game (my husband is still working towards his Dhuum kill), so we would also be interested in participating in teaching/leadership roles if we find the guild to be a good fit for us.


    May we get invites?

    My main is Lockea.7365

    My husband is Austifox.7548

    Hello! invites have been sent to you both as well! Welcome to TG! Press 'g' to find it in your guild panel  😄

  10. 25 minutes ago, ShadowDemon.1263 said:

    I'd love an invite!


    1 hour ago, Kantern.9816 said:

    I would love to join, returning from not playing since release because of the new steam release. Im excited to be playing and would love a group to chat and play with!!


    2 hours ago, Sleuth.7195 said:

    Hey there. Just recently picked up GW2 again - and am restarting my character. I've played many years ago but without accomplishing much (haven't done Raids/mastered much of the content, etc.) and was looking to get back into the game with a guild.


    Not sure if you're inviting lower level players - but I am currently level 9 and looking to level up and grow! Hopefully looking to do content much later like fractals, raids, etc.

    Hello! invites should be sent here shortly! Welcome to GW2 or welcome back! and welcome on in to TG! 
    Pressing "G" in game brings up the guild panel to find the invite 🙂 

  11. 6 hours ago, Orblitzer.8019 said:

    Hi im not sure what happened but i think i might have buggered up the invite, had to clear some old guilds and might have accidentally left The Guard! sorry for the late reply havent been on all week, is it possible for a re-invite/invite? really sorry 😞

    Hello! sorry for the wait. You should have gotten an invite 😄 Press G in game to bring up the guild panel to find it. 

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