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Posts posted by Teb.6980

  1. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:It is a joke.

    I actually felt insulted or like someone had slapped me or stolen something from me when I read the patch notes this morning.

    I mean... this is just trolly ridiculous at this point that Explosives 1/3/1 Grenade Kit wouldn't be tended to.

    I think likewise. Anet really needs to look after the great balance that GW2 has for an MMO, whilst grasping the whole thing with traitlines and their complexities.As far as I reckon, specs should be greatly simplified for the sake of balance. It'd still be more mind-boggingly complex than the more balanced predecessor, Build Wars 1lolgood day

  2. @"Lighter.5631" said:PfNZNvR.jpg

    what's balance, i think it does not exist in this game.

    killshot can barely do 7k on tier 3 with for great jutice and on my mark combined.

    Bro, bro...I'm a holo main hereI don't use grenades, too low. Too much dmg for little skillConsider the February nerfs.They left grenades 100% untouchedThat is an indirect 33% dmg buffRecently they got like a 10% dmg nerf.Still stands like they were buffed in february. Grenades and several other overlooked dmg coefficients.lolIt shouldn't exist at allIt was simply not paid proper attention

    EDIT: Do you guys notice how the dmg per grenade increased? This was supposed to happen over several seconds if you consider the design of the blasting powder spec and how most engis can deliver like 1 explosion per 1 second. The count of grenades is absurd if you consider that fact.Also, the holo was retarded. A decent holo will first use corona for vuln then apply the big damage. But as you can see it's so much it doesn't even matter.A really smart nerf to grenades that doesn't target other explosives would be adding a 0.5 internal cooldown to [steel-Packed powder], leaving e.g. mortar unaffected but still having grenades hit many times, with vuln proportional to other explosives

  3. Regular grenade barrage, untouched, has absurd damage (#1 dmg dealing toolkit ability for engi)Shrapnel grenades, untouched, they easily do 7k if it crits along with bleeding

    Enhanced storage capacity was cool & fine if you actually played holo and not the little coward that simply heats up the tank then disables to spam grenade autos. Which will probably still happen, only with ~30% less might. Thanks for not killing corona burst. All holos, even non-op, use it

    However I insist with the count of grenades: too many, they stack too hard thus making the explosives traitline seem OP(When it's not, particuarly if what you play is mortar o ranged holo. The common difference with grenades is they do only 33% of the vuln/ferocity stacking that grenades do. Not to mention the barrage and minor barrage which each do like 6 stacks of vuln for free lmao)

  4. Right. Now I'm forced to play grenades anyway because their dmg is unchanged.Enhanced heat capacity could be more easily fixed by making the pulses stop while outside of holo forge. Goes with the holo design of risky burst dmg

    I'm gonna abuse grenades as scrapper until anet realizes :( lolOr jsut play sword/shiro heal invulnerable burst reve lmao


  5. Hello anet if you're looking to nerf explosives grenade abuser holo the right way pls read this suggestion

    -Change grenade count from 3 to 1 for all grenade kit buttons-Change grenade barrage count from 6 to 3-Adjust grenade damage accordingly in such a way that one grenade hits for 3x more but with the 33% power dmg nerf that "all" skills got in the February balance

    The issue with this kind of "holo" is that they heat up the tank and hit their strongest hit while outside of holo forge, using shrapnel grenades and grenade barrage, while the power stacker is still ticking.This is a huge design mistake. By design, holo was supposed to be strong as holo, while using holo forge. But now players are simply perusing zephyr and stacking corona explosions until they heat up the tank, then THEY DON'T USE HOLO, and do a tonne of damage with sigil of intelligence, grenade barrage / minor grenade barrage on top of grenade autosSmart fix? Make the power stacker (augmented heat forge capacity) tick only while in holo forge.

    Please just address these design mistakes so that the non-OP "off-meta" builds like mine can still exist q.q


    AND OF COURSE, THEY GOT AN INDIRECT +33% DAMAGE BUFFNot to mention grenade barrage was also overlooked XD


    THX <3 BYE > @draxynnic.3719 said:

    Personally, I'd kinda like to see grenades going back to throwing one at a time. Which could fix the problem of Shrapnel coming from the other side by allowing it (and other explosion traits) to be balanced according to there generally being only one explosion going off at once rather than three.

    Lesser Grenade Barrage could then have its power damage reduced substantially, on the basis that its real effect is triggering all those explosive traits in one go.


    It has way more RP value that way, and the ridiculous stacking of vulnerability and ferocity that grenades have compared to all other explosives (literally 300% increased) would be fixed lmfao

  7. @N A T E.3108 said:

    Hope these ideas are useful.


    Dude you recently shat on my holo using your scrapper with flashbang, hammer 5 stun, hamme 2/3, and wrench (all while having stabi and a 50% health barrier), no counterplay offered, 3 seconds combat.

    Holo is pretty dead atm, it has no survivability unless you dodge everything XD

  8. Engi main hereGrenades are the obvious offender here.Atm scrapper is way stronger than holo (if they use grenades) (also because hammer wasn't hit as hard as rifle holo [rip]) (also because of that permanent superspeed)The barrier stacking with protection gyro needs to be double-checked, as well as those no-ICD triggers on CC which easily give a scrapper with at least 2 fingers and 1 eye the ability to burst you down from 100 to 20% with 3 stuns while getting stability and a 50% hp barrierkthx

  9. @"Sunshine.5014" said:Not only the Explosive Entrance trait is problematic. The whole trait line is overtuned. Check out the builds here:

    Minor trait:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Short_FuseThis allows the Engi to have near self perma Fury with Sigil of Energy.

    Many traits for Engi are overtuned compared to Weaver for example:

    And yet a half-decent elementalist can kick my 2000-games-experienced grenade-less explosives holo any day XD

  10. I know I do, but because I hunger for off-meta builds. My holo doll is Lyszica Vicsen.I also know A L I E N uses it too (as scrapper)... With the %discount on cooldowns for toolbelt skills, it's particularly attractive if you run Tools.It's really cool for cleansing condis on a pinch, however, while preparing the field you sacrifice all damage. It's one of the very rare condi cleanses you can get for while holo forge is active.personally I wouldn't use it if it wasn't for the vigor/speed/regen bomb (this being the best vigor uptime resource since the alchemy nerfs)

    But ofc HGH elixir H with rune of revenant and minor grenade barrage is no-brainer OP

  11. @Fueki.4753 said:


    All holo skills were nerfed BUT NOT GRENADES

    and like 95% of holos think they're good because they're abusing the absurd pre-nerf damage of grenades

    It's exactly like Lich formanet why did u overlook it? was it even intended? -.-

    It's more a problem with Holosmith traits, than with Grenades (which allegedly have been nerfed by 20% since February).Grenades aren't strong or even viable with Scrapper or Core Engineer.So, nerfing Holosmith would be the way to go here.


    Also, I've seen several good scrappers get WAAAAy ahead of any holo... because the main offender is actually flashbang grenade imho — that and build which makes use of the intelligence weapon sigil without much built-in crit chance

    On the other hand... I think your statement can be proven wrong if you check out the condi core grenadier and basically any scrapper lol

    Holos are extremely easy to kill without elixir S. Take my word on it, I'm a theorycrafting holo main xd

  12. The main offenders are battering ram, remote mine, and OF COURSE (and what makes them so kitty tough) is that overtuned scrapper trait with no ICD which gives a hefty barrier per every CC handed outAnd obviously flashbang grenade which never was in-tune with the game philosophy, [however there's many more specs which dump in damage with CC, particularly condi bursts]

    So imagine having to hit said engi at the start of combat, but oop, you're dazed, but oop, you're blinded, and big oof it has a barrier. But oop you just got knocked back and 3 buffs got removed off your sorry n00b kitty because you haven't rerolled into some retarded OP abuse spec yet

  13. lol the fact that certain power chrono/deadeyes exist which can legit takedown in 1 second of mortal kombat button spamming & short-lived hard CC is enough to prove in which sense the game needs to be looked into.That is, certain OP specs (which still exist and enable such things to happen) are not well tracked, so the whole class gets hard nerfed to unplayability unless you spec for those specific things

    One big example is how minor grenade barrage and grenade barrage as well as lich form never had the power nerf they needed. With recent revisions anet soft-nerfed the grenades without addressing the main issue (which is their count), and lich form simply had its cd lengthened and duration shortened, but none of that really saves us from getting "outplayed" by their overlooked damage coefficients lol

    More builds fit in the list of absurd spikes: zerker rifle F1 faceroll warrior, condi thief, condi mirage, power chrono, basically any rev that isn't core, and ofc reaper


    The takeaway (sad) point of it all is that only ONE build in each profession actually does the retarded burst, while all other specs are far off from being competitive in the current meta. So there is that. Balancing stuff by nerfing the absolute OP interactions will bring back balance and diversity, which are really valuable in MMO sPvP

  14. Main holo here. No grenades, I played FT only because I found it was memetastic

    Anet and everyone else

    Have you noticed that the february overhaul completely ignored certain kits and transformations?The main offenders being lich and grenades, which were already pretty OP before itAfter it they got an effective +33% damage boost.

    So there is that, pls review ur code anet ily

  15. Shiro true nature, enchanted daggers, sword blinking assault thingyEzpzlemonsqueezy burst to 0 with 8 hits in one second while dodgingnow that requires skill, balanced, thxReroll to grenade abuser or lich form reaper, condi mesmer/thief thxThose too can delete someone from 100 to 0 in two secondsUnless you're a tempest, in which case only 1v3 that could happen xd

    Anet what's going on? You mentioned a really cool philosophy that was against no-counterplay braindead CC+damage bursts, but they still existI mean the rest of the game is really awesome, but pls

  16. I agree. I dream of farming wins like mad vs. people iwth equally weak builds as mine because I'm fucking in love with GW2 build diversity

    Likewise I'm kinda sick of how there's only a select few meta builds which automatically climb to the top because of absurd overlooked damage coefficients or overlooked specialization synergies

    Anet i love you

  17. I can agree that flamethrower scrapper was overtuned since the nerfs in february, and GRENADES (holosmith) as well ofc

    The recent changes that were meant to improve the quality of life of scrappers just completely removed the kiting counterplay that was possible vs. flamethrower, because now you can trigger tonnes of superspeed almost for free

    That on top of the fact that the damage coeff of FT and grenades is absurd and remained unnerfed. Personally I've enjoyed rerolling as scrapper in late nights because of the extremely intuitive gameplay and to relax from all the stress as holo since at least FT has stability.

    We'd be fine if its damage was turned down a little notch. and PLEASE grenades. Almost every ability in the game got its damage nerfed and grenades staying like they were in February simply meant a 33% damage BUFF. Bad players are getting carried just by abusing grenades, it's hideous. Anet pls stick to ur philosophy, it's awesome AND IT WASNT APPLIED ON LICH FORM, GRENADES, and pls playerbase mention other things that weren't even touched in their dmg coeffs.

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