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The Night Fox.6018

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Posts posted by The Night Fox.6018

  1. Hi Astryah.4015, HDD is at 0% fragmented, so no need to defrag and probably removes the drive from being the problem.

    I've monitored cpu/gpu temps, running avergae on I7-8700k 45-55 C (avg 50-65) and GTX 1080 55-60 C (avg 40-60). GPU running a little on the higher side, but not untypical. Load maxing around 75% on CPU/GPU. RAM @ 8.1/15.9.

    These all check out. Not sure what could be the hardware problem.

  2. Moments seem random. They can either happen a few minutes in or hours of gameplay, but it is always the same. Game freezes, everything else on my system freezes. Entirely unresponsive. Was scary when it happened the first time. Just want to know what the heck is going on.

    My intuition says something with the hard drive. I tried doing a fresh reinstall. My OS is on my SSD, and I'd put GW2 on it too if there was space. Confusing thing is, my HDD is running other games, even more taxing than GW2, just fine.

  3. @Cyninja.2954

    Thanks for the breakdown!... though it's what I was advising against by saying "That is more alts than I have! Nonetheless, dont fixate on that point."

    Was trying to talk about motivation for repeating the story, the enticement per se. Besides that, you do make some valuable points! For example, the HoT rewards tossing out exotics, it may be because I'm a perfectionist when it comes to gear (I won't run anything in a raid that I am not 95% prepared via gear/build). Subjectively, and I know this applies to others, there is NO reason for me to continue the story past a certain point because of paltry rewards. Your point that it is rewarding to someone else doesnt improve my concern. And you do mention the alternative means to get the weapons for HoT, which furthers my frustration that the rewards of HoT story are not that great!

    Again... loooooots of fixation on the means of alternative achievement of chak and auric weapons in this thread... which is what I was hoping to avoid, because I explicitly stated that I already knew of its existence.

    I don't need counseling for trying to get from point A to point B which everyone here is trying to do, but I want to discuss that the journey from point A to point B should be traveled (completing the story) because there is content to be enjoyed with different alts that have different combat styles and challenges to overcome. I would like more reasons to do the story again. THATS IT! How about we proceed without any knowledge of the chak and auric weapon sets, because that is like a lead weight on the conversation when it should have been a primer...

    My reason for discussing the rewarding of repeating story is that I like what's in place, and the content is pretty neat. BUT I am not incentivized to repeat the story! This would also apply to the living story segments! I hope in the next few seasons, and the coming expansion, I would have a reason to use different classes in the story because Id like to try the challenges presented with the variation of combat that comes with changing between a necro and a ranger.

    I want to beat the mind of modremoth with my decked out scourge and see if I know the class well enough, because that guy is a toughy (relatively speaking)! But why bother? I get an exotic... oh yeah. No, man. Even a 1 AP chieve would be better incentive. maybe 9 total for completing it on every class, with a title, or something. ANYTHING to let players enjoy the content further.

  4. So we all know about how most mobs, especially in recent story releases, do not give exp and loot once destroyed. I'm guessing that is an attempt to prevent farming or abuse. But, as I run through HoT story to complete the auric and chak weapon collections, I find the rewards... lackluster. I then realized, the only reason I'm doing the story is for achievements. The same with Path of Fire, but boy would I choose that story to repeat over HoT...

    PoF required 3? maybe 4 completions for all the achievements with alternative characters. But auric and chak weapons requires 16 run throughs (because each story mission in auric basin and tangled depths rewards one weapon for its respectable weapon set at completion).


    That is more alts than I have! Nonetheless, dont fixate on that point. It only served to make me think about motivation and rewards. I have very little reason to complete story other than actual enjoyment of the storytelling, and that ended quickly with HoT, less so with PoF, because I find that story engaging and dialogue rich.

    So what's the call to action? Well, it's in the title; Make repeat story completion more rewarding. I can see the fear of creating alts solely for story completion rewards IE key farming, but I am sure there is a better balance than me completing 2 missions from the end of HoT, only to not complete it because the rewards are garbo and I'm just there for the weapon skins/Achievements.

    • Like 2
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  5. @zerorogue.9410 said:My biggest issue is for being ~250 years ago, there's a lot of people who are still around.Koss is an awakened.Dunkoro is a ghost.Tahlkora is laying around.Ogden is still living stoneGwen is a ghost.Anton is also a ghost.Livia is immortal.M.O.X. is in our home instance.

    I get you want to link the two games together, but if your going to do a time skip the least you can do is honor it and leave the characters in the past. Give us books, mementos, legends, stories. Don't just make them a ghost, undead, immortal.

    I mean, they do that for a lot of heroes. The whole memento/book thing.

  6. I hear a lot of complaint on the story of Joko, and I'm divided. But for characters such as Koss and Livia, I find their inclusion to be on the whole a net positive.


    I was genuinely surprised at Livia's reveal. Though I knew there were plenty of open ended questions about her at the end of GW1, I had not expected that this particular shining blade npc to be her.

    Koss, though upset to see the buff bull-headed character I knew from GW1 to be awakened, I think a side visit and a quick boss fight was good for his stature in the original game. Not too demanding for the gw2 only players, but a quick nod.

    Tahlkora was a legit sad story... and I felt upset that she was treated so harshly by the writers, but I guess to make a villain you need to break a few eggs. I just remember how we left Joko humorously trying, and failing, to command mummies. The player character going so far as to say condescendingly that we wouldn't have to worry about him for awhile. Then BAM. Joko goes ham on Elona and mutilates Tahlkora infinitely. W/e

    I don't care too much about Lazarus. Never found him interesting because all he was, literally, had been a side quest.

    Ogden is cool. Mentions of others were alright like Vekk in Istan, in that book, yeah. The whole Glint thing is the main drive of our current gw2 story, and she was sort of a plan-it-all person who didnt like it when you touched her eggs in gw1. I guess that is okay because she had such a short part.

    Dunkoro felt stale. Then again his character in NightFall was stale. Though I imagine his impact could have been greatly improved by the accompaniment of any other hero, like General Morghan. That was a cool dude. Had what we call an "arching character development". Maybe had him and Dunkoro sitting on the desolation sands reminiscing about how much of a crazy harpy that Varesh was.

    Gwen's ghost in the raiding instance, disappearing and leaving her flower, having her music play, that was a masterpiece. Best nod to GW1 in this game yet and a legit tear-jerker. Really makes true that art can exist in some fashion in video games. Overall, I say it was appropriately tasteful.

    Grumby was great in the Fire Island Chain. Small part then small part now. And his dialogue associated with his hidden achievement tugs a little on the heart strings.

    Woooooooo... what else is there? I know I missed a ton, but that is probably because their reappearance never left an impact. Idk. Thoughts?

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