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Everything posted by Araxxx.1536

  1. I started playing when GW2 was released. I have come back to the game about every 2 years because i never really could get into it, each time with a new character. Every time i quit with a character the level was inbetween 20-50. Now this time, i've got more and more into the game by learning it, and therefore bought the expansions. I'm sitting with a necromancer at lvl 41 which i fairly enjoy, and i think more or less i understand the glass. My problem is i'm fed up with leveling, as that's pretty much the only thing i've done as a player in GW2. Now i don't fully understand the "mastery experience" leveling unlocked with the expansions, but if i'm not wrong, it's some kind of paragon leveling which awards experience leveling the exact same way as normal leveling would do? In that case, if i'm to do some regular leveling/map completion, would't that be the most practical way to also get some mastery experience along the way? Help a lost fellow out <3 EDIT: Also unlocking the mount and glider would be awesome, and hopefully spoiler free i hope? Feels like the pros heavily outweights the cons.
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