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Posts posted by ens.9854

  1. 8 hours ago, Sifu.9745 said:

    Heartseeker non crit 1740 dmg on targets below 25% health.

    Backstab non crit Back dmg: 2088

    Weakening Charge 2328 dmg or 2577 (if you take Staff Master)

    Oops working off PvP experience.

    8 hours ago, Sifu.9745 said:

    Not true, Staff #2 is 450 range, apply Weakness, Staff #5 600 range, Evade, Staff #3 another Evade and roll backward, Staff #4 Blindness. As you can see Staff also has great mobility and utility.

    You can't be serious here. Staff 2 is of no compare to pistol 5 in utility, pve or pvp. Pulsing 5  target blind and can stack stealth?

    In open world, s/p 3 lets you jump extremely quickly between spread out targets, AND does decent damage with low aftercast. It is much more fun to play than staff for just that reason. In pvp, again, staff 5 is nice but doesn't really compare to the chase down potential.



  2. On 9/9/2022 at 11:16 AM, MATIC.9542 said:

    so, in this context, what's the deal with Vault?  Seems like it's the only movement ability that can reliably leap over gaps and actually doesn't have the "no valid path" problem nearly as often.


    Not complaining, it's just super inconsistent. 

    Targeted leap is a privileged skill type - its the same with engi rifle 5, dragonhunter f2, and mallyx leap. They don't care about pathing because if anything is in the way, you will just collide instead of getting stuck inside it xD.

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  3. D/P has better utility (5 - smoke) and mobility (3).

    D/D has somewhat comparable damage, some actual condi damage, and better survivability (cloak and dagger timed to hit as stealth wears off).


    Heartseeker spam at low health far exceeds staff.


    Dagger definitely a more characteristically thiefy set.

  4. To add to others, it depends on what content you want to heal. Vacuum scourge is the undisputed champ of carrying players in open world (and not awful in other places..). You can teleport downed players to you, stop their bleedout, and revive them super quick at high HP. You also provide some barrier and a bit of heal over time (not much).


    Several profs have massive health per second output if that's what you want - druid, mechanist/scrapper, tempest, firebrand... maaaybe rev one day. Engineers feel most like healer to me with their medkit and elixir gun (and less so mortar), then tempest - druid feels like  might/regen bot with a few large heals and firebrand heals are very passive (regen, regen*, symbols).


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  5. Revenant is the prof that will "feel" tankiest. Just turn on jalis hammers and stand there. Even moreso with herald (and even vindicator now) and its perma protection, regen, bonus damage reduction, shield skills, and damage reversal heal skill. Retribution trait line for bonus memes.


    You can argue that others ARE tankier (necro), but they kinda just feel like giant bags of HP.

  6. u have 2nd healthbar to use between heals



    btw shroud 3 and 4 soak a lot in pve and any thief with offhand dagger can stall infinite waiting for cooldowns (siphon, heal, smoke screen) by timing it to hit when stealth wears off

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  7. There is something oppressive about fighting harb. It is very difficult to get in on them, and as soon as they have even a split second they can fire off a very fast ability that forces you to burn a major cleanse/stunbreak or several minor cleanses. Their condi damage is absurdly high so you will find yourself cleansing smaller stacks than normal. Their overall low but powerful CDs means they will have advantage over a sustained fight, but it is also nearly impossible for most professions to effectively space them and mitigate that. There is also missing counterplay - can't reflect elixirs or shroud AA. In a group they provide 1 button pulsing quickness with minimal tradeoff (no need to play a bad build or deal with janky range/timing).


    But the most surprising is their damage reduction/sustain. You can seem to be playing very well, dodging their powerful stuff and whittling them down, then they suddenly seem to be back at full HP? You don't really 'feel' their HP penalty - their effective HP seems not much different from anyone else. Their 'effective hp regen' is also stupidly high.


    In playstyle they are most similar to condi Renegade, which is relatively balanced. But the difference in power level is laughable.



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  8. Yes sw/d tricks is lowkey overpowered, it has a few personal choices to make when building. Not easy to play optimal.

    Sc/d condi specter (ritualist/trailblazer) w/ antitoxin is also very strong in the current meta. Will wear down or stalemate other trailblazer condi builds.

  9. Good advice so far. Focus on safe objectives to get daily. Stay out of EBG map, stuff doesn't change hands there much and you can't do master of monuments or veteran slayer daily.


    It seems like you have gear but no skill, so you have two options.

    1. Juggernaut flamethrower engineer. It is basically a skill check for your attacker. Just stay on top of them and spam 1. Accept you will die to better players. You are actually really beneficial in a small group fight as you can neither be ignored nor controlled easily.

    2. Superspeed engineer. Stack as much mobility and escape (stealth, rocket boots) as possible and run away til you can waypoint. Often just scrapper with gyros is enough, or holo leap.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Warrior is closest to viable in pvp - we will see after update. Dragon slash is overpowered and it is actually quite possible that quickness banner will be OP there (or, alternatively, totally useless). Might be forced into a support role with shouts, however...


    Instance PvE is going to be a very sad state I predict. Currently warriors come because they can bring good DPS while bringing banner, since there is very little tradeoff to running them... With the new banners, every warrior will be expected to run mostly diviner gear. People who got into warrior for HUGE MELEE DPS are going to be wet noodling for 25k max golem playing boon support.


    Open world warrior does work. You can be close to immortal but will kill slower than comparatively tanky specs on other profs. In zerker gear you can get very high open world DPS very easily, but there are a lot of easy to run DPS specs now. You don't have good utility like mob grouping, teleports, or easy aoe tagging.. and you can't carry a map meta on support like engi/scourge/fb can.

    • Thanks 1
  11. You guys solved it. Warrior should be immune to weakness. We'd be back and it actually makes sense too flavor-wise.


    Ok I'd settle for "Weakness on you is less effective" trait, like there are traits to make protection/fury/might better.

  12. 1 hour ago, Zero.3871 said:

    imo defense of harb is good vs 1 enemy, and already really weak vs several targets, except, the opponents playing 1 support + 1 dmg dealer, cause the support cant pressure you.

    The fact you are bringing up that harb struggles 1v2 is just adding to OPs argument. 1vX hasn't really been a thing (except vs newbs) since the global damage nerf.

  13. Yep engineer. Everything is good, it all plays well, fills a lot of metagame space. Bonus - also works in pvp and makes casual open world a breeze. Both condi specs and power for all but scrapper. Only downside is ultra-high level requires a lot of kit juggling.


    Honorable mentions to necro/mesmer. Necro specs each have really strong presence (a great support, a great open world, a great... quickness bringer?) but often the gameplay boils down to the same monotony. Virtuoso has been very bad for mesmer. It is so easy to play and produce enormous DPS that the other specs lose some of their worth.


    Warrior is low power and restrictive. Rev will always be 'subpar' damage-wise and bring the same general utility on every espec. Guardian is just firebrand + 2 "not firebrand" dps specs. Thief has great flavor for each espec but none of them produce a versatile build (and pvp/wvw is always a new style of disaster).  Ranger is a binary SLB damage or druid support choice. Only ele players can tell the difference between ele specs (I'm not an ele player).



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